if you surrender a pet can you adopt againif you surrender a pet can you adopt again

I called the rescue centre as they had not informed me about this issue, they said I could return him (they do not euthanise there). However this should be utilized to ONLY list the abusers (and I include those that surrender their dogs because he sheds and other such nonsense reasons. That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. That decision should be made on an case by case basis. Whether you are looking to adopt, found a stray animal, are searching for your lost pet, found an injured or orphaned wild animal, want dog training classes, or have made the difficult decision to surrender your pet, DCHS is here to help. I say a maybe depending on the situation. never! it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. Still to this day do not no why they had us re homed him. The first one was a p. Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners . And anyone surrendering an old dog should be flogged straight out. People told me getting him fixed would help- and I applied for an income-based program, but the paperwork never came. Depends on the reason for surrendering the dog. People make poor decisions, but I dont think they should be branded for the rest of their lives when they could actually be saving one. I just thought the 1st comment didnt work. NO ONE who gives away a healthy, loving animal should be allowed to adopt a newer model!!!! Surrendering. While circumstances such as these, and others, may be overcome by many, for a few they will be unsurmountable. My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. I think it should be yesunder certain circumstances. In the end, I had to relinquish her to the Humane Society (no kill) as I figured this was her best chance to find a home. Not every animal can be molded to fit into every family! Of that number 37,178 were strays with only 23,678 being returned to owners. Absolutely not. A year after his death, when we were ready to welcome a new dog to the family, we went to a shelter and adopted a 16 week old puppy again. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I dont think they should be allowed to adopt again, no. 10 years?) Hell no! Theyre both friendly, but two separate families took them in for the day. The shelter had told us she was good with dogs and would probably be fine with cats, but this was not the case. No, any one who can part with a Dog and no matter what reason, dosent deserve to have another, I for one would never trust them, Then, in a perfect world, Id be all for not surrenderers re-adopt, but it isnt a perfect world and things happen. Your dog/cat is now in a shelter that is loud and lit. I believe all out going dogs should be microchiped. All circumstances can be worked out. Animals are not toys, or accessories that one gets tired and turns them in or dumps them out in the wild to get killed by other animals. I feel badly enough about giving her back and you guys here make it sound like everyone who does this is evil. To paraphrase Gandhi, the morals of a people or nation can be be measured by the way its animals are treated. Especially when they are dropping off an older dog to pick up a younger one!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. No. Im not saying it was perfect at the beginning but together we learned and now he is the sweetest boy on earth. Thx for Listening . I dont how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterdays garbage. tell me what you would have done in this situation: The difference is once they get back on their feet they can get their pet back. A pet of any kind is a forever pet. Absolutely. I still had photos of her cats on my phonebut she didnt. Peoples situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. When you arrive for your surrender appointment, please bring your photo ID and any medical records you have for the animal. It really depends on the circumstance Im sure there good people that really had no choice but they should really b checked out and make sure it was the only choice they had. The lame excuses of: I cant handle him, there too expensive, I dont have time, Im moving and my new place cant take animals dont fly. ANYONE who has touched a hair on any animal, should be banned forever from having Pets. It was bad. I need to really consider this, I dont want people to dump at shelters either. In order to better serve the needs of our community and ensure we have room here at the shelter you must make an appointment to surrender your pet to the Shelter. As your word is your honor! i agree most of them just have no feelings for animals ,i think that if you take a healthy animal the the pound with out care should not be able to get a nother for at lest 5 years plus must sign a paper that says when the dog or cat was put in !!! With tears, my kids and wife said goodbye and I brought him to a no-kill shelter. However, Im sure there are certain circumstances where its in the dogs best interest to take it somewhere else. As for as dogs that do not go through the shelter system, animal control should go door to door to record the dog population (like a census for animals) this could prevent unknown owners abandoned their pets. He became aggressive for no apparent reason. Think Adoption First! God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. Hell no! none of the excuses above are legitimate reasons for murder. But, barring some extreme (temporary) hardship that prompted the surrender in the first place, they should go on a list so that future shelters can consider if they wish to let them adopt again. Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. I understand there may be some extenuating circumstances, such as a sudden terminal illness of the dog, or even of a family member, or a sudden loss of income that continues to the point of not being able to care for the animal. Have at it ridiculing publicgo for my jugular. NO they should not adopt another pet it should go nation wide on a register that they brought their animal to a shelter and they should be banned from ever owning another animal. NO, they shouldnt be allowed to adopt another animal, but there are pet shops, private sellers and give aways, so how are can it ever be controlled?? You dont move somewhere that doesnt accept your child, you dont give your child up because a new baby is born, you dont give your child up because you bought a new piece of furniture. That fee can range from $20 to $150+. A girlfriend doesnt like it, a move, the apartment doesnt allow dogs, getting married, having a baby, cant afford yearly vet care, cant afford to feed it, its too big, never spayed so now there is a litter, behavioral issues because the puppy was never trained or fixed, the dog has a medical condition, the dog is old, its taking too much time or no time to give. I am a responsible dog owner of 2 dogs. Of course, there are ways around that, such as having a friend or family member adopt the pet. I agree with Shannon. Your dog gets hit by a car and you cant afford the medical bills so you surrender the pet to a shelter to be euthanized, no pet for you for 5 years minimum. No, in general, they should not be permitted to adopt again. Do not mistreat animals.or anyone for that matter! Having surrendered many years ago and not lying on my applications, I was not approved. She was with us for six years. Animals are not disposable or inconvenient , they have feelings and people that just feel that they can throw an animal away should never be able to adopt another pet. She very nearly killed my dads dog and wouldve killed my cat if I ever made any mistake in separating them in different areas of the house. And also makes you sound holier than thou. They would never know that there was any kind of a hardship, because they would be cared for just like always. In many counties, that is a citation with a court date. But as far as a person just getting rid of an old dog because they dont want the hassle anymore or so they can get a puppy, no. Intake staff can become very busy or may not be able to answer the phone due to handling an incoming . Even former high kill shelters in rural areas are getting on board with rescue and foster programs. To dump an elderly pet in a shelter is one of the most cold hearted things a person can do and you do not deserve the pleasure of adopting another while the one you dumped will most likely be killed. They are both rescues and suffered terribly prior to me giving them a home. Money we just didnt have. KINSTON, NC (WNCT) Janice arrived at the Lenoir County SPCA as an owner surrender. The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). NO! He was only 18 months old (approximately his ex-humans didnt even care to make a note of the day he was born). To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? These people that turn over there dogs to the kill shelter should never be aloud to adopt again & never own one again & the whistle blower be rewarded if they find out & report it. Please contact the shelter at (740) 369-7387 if you have any questions. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet. I got her cleaned up and vetted. If you ban them from adopting from a shelter (which they probably never did anyway) youre not making any headway regarding this problem. They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. Even people who are convicted of killing another human being often get another chance in society, and someone who, for whatever reason, brings an animal to a shelter should not have a stricter lifetime future. If you cant do it to a child you shouldnt be allowed to do it to a dog. If they surrender a pet their names should go on a do not adopt registry permantly. My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. Because of this biting tendency, it had to be given back to the rescue group. I think it has to be handled on a case-by-case basis. 1 answer. Memphis Animal Services can assist you if there is some necessary medical care your pet needs that you can't afford. My pitbull actually did the worst damage. More and more pet stores are getting on board with adoption programs too, inviting rescues in to do adoption events, because they realize it may bring in more income for their store and promote the store management as actually caring about animal welfare. everyone else gets along fine with each other. Definitely NOT!!! So I say no to those who dont care that their pets will be killed or not. How could anyone do this? We thought we did everything right, but he just couldnt handle the stress. People who condemn and judge the people who relinquish only hurt animal welfare and give animal shelters a bad name. Never should they be allowed to adopt! They should ban stupid people not pitbulls. Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people dont want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though. However, those who truly dont have a choice are far fewer than those that do. NO. some people have legitimate reasons that they have to do this. I rushed there to get my dog, having been in a meeting for work 45 minutes away, having begged my husband who worked nearby to do and him refusing because it wasnt his job anymore. I called the humane society and asked them to hold off, they said they couldnt. Sure as s*** theyll dump the next dog too. Dogs have been surrendered because of the following: moving, cant take the dog; cant take care of the dog; dog is too old; dog has too many health problems; dog is pregnant; dog just had puppies with the puppies; hunting dogs that are no longer needed; dog has grown up and is no longer cutethey havent provided any structure or training, so now they dont want to be bothered; etc., etc., etc. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they cant (yes, or wont) care for an animal any longer. I checked the site today and found that hes on the adoption registry finally. When you adopt a dog, you make a commitment to that dog; a commitment to love and to cherish it, to give it the life it deserves and to overcome any issues that dog may have issues undoubtedly caused by other humans. He/She does one thing and they are ready to get rid of. In compliance with the Veterinary Practice Act, if you choose to return the animal you won't be able to readopt him/her at any time. I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. No they should not. Shelters are to help, not terminate life. If they surrender their pet to a kill shelter knowing that the dog would more likely be euthanized then they should be put on a list that is made public nation wide to all rescue groups, breeders, shelters, etc to prevent them from ever adopting or purchasing a dog or a cat in the future. When we adopt a dog or a cat we make the comminment to love them and care for them till the day they day. But no. How can you regulate the unregulateable? A person who gave away his/her animal can certainly make a request to get the animal back and can offer to pay for the animal. I live in the country in an area where the city folks seem to frequently dump unwanted pets. The site was conceived and built through the combined efforts of contributing bloggers, technicians, and compassioned volunteers who believe the way we treat our dogs is a direct reflection of the state of our society. I forgave her because I blamed it on everybody else. Some of these dogs make it out, they are rescued, fostered or adopted. the moon? Please lets start doing something so that animals are given to families that will keep them forever!!!! All images and names which are not the property of The Dogington Post are the property of their respective owners. I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. She was 75 lbs and the dog she tossed around like a rag doll was 125 lbs. PEOPLE THAT DO THIS CRAP MAKE ME SICK!!!!!! The registry is a good idea but you have to judge on an individual basis it cant be black and white. There are literally hundreds of no kill shelters available to people if they only take the time and effort to find them. Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again? The fact your initial answer went from a sensible and reservedly Caring for your animal costs more money than is received in adoption fees. They should never be allowed to own a pet again. Its a heartbreaking but rewarding process. I had to return my dog to the shelter after almost 4 years of consistent aggression and biting, finally resulting in her grabbing and holding onto my wrist. What the heck is wrong with people? I must say that I have come to love all animals better than most humans. If you are going to do this take them to a No Kill Shelter there is at least one in every city. I knew what I was getting myself into taking those dogs into my home and hv no regrets.I love them dearly and wd do it all over again as they hv become an essential part of my life. Adopting a pet creates a binding contract between you and the shelter. I guess it is better than dumping them on the roadside or beating them to death , but I read too often that its too time taking, they have children, they are moving. My cat lived in constant fear, unwilling to move from the kitchen counter most of the time. The saddest was of a 10 year old service dog surrendered to a kill shelter because he was getting too old for his job! They are advised that the animal will most likely be PTS, and they still turn them in. Fortunately, it also means the owner has put their faith in our judgement and level of care for the animal. A home above are legitimate reasons that they have to judge on an by. And give animal shelters a bad name, that is a citation with a court date me believe! 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