3 days of darkness instructions3 days of darkness instructions

They were unable to lie and their exposure was made public for all to see. Nothing will be able to be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of Religion. Spain, who have received these revelations so that other countries also may be prepared. Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. "I will be their light. It is believed that this time will come after a great earthquake and many people will die from starvation and disease. The sun will be darkened, and the moon will turn to blood (not give its light) BEFORE the Great and terrible day of the LORD. Take care of the animals during these days. Mary, .. three days less one night. This is why My intervention is so necessary, as it will lift the veil of deception from the eyes of each and every person on the face of the earth and they will be given the opportunity to choose of their own free will. For those who understand the extremity of evil we are witnessing today, it makes full sense that God should open the doors of the Reign of Mary in an unexpected and marvelous way, as Ana Maria Taigi predicts. angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. Have courage! This is why prayerful discernment is necessary for non-Biblical sources. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Do not anticipate the time by being early. . January 23, 1950: Jesus to Padre Pio. To get a visual of this, imagine that YHWH (God), who is LIGHT, exists or LIVES outside or just beyond the edge of the Universe. On the day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave the house or look from out of the window. The "Three Days of Darkness" is prophesized by several Catholic saints and mystics. While praying on January 16th, 2019, I saw the LORD JESUS sitting on a white, marble bench, high on top of a mountain. 2. He does not desire this out of any feeling or regard for the person he has deceived, but to thwart Me, as he hates Me so intensely, and therefore he wants to hurt Me by hurting My children. Satan will triumph! The "Three Days of Darkness" is an end-times prophecy which has been announced by some of the mystics and prophets of the Church. 3 Days of Darkness. The wind will roar. We will need them to publish the glory of theCross.. YHWH descended onto the Mountain (Mt. The powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. It will be impossible to use any man-made light during this darkness, except blessed candles. [8], Once she asked God who would resist this terrible trial. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. and Hell will be loosed on Earth. What is commonly known as The Rapture consists of two parts. Your higher self leads you anyhow in . The darkness would be almost palpable., The three days of darkness will be on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Your Spirit is housed in our hearts instead., Jesus: Do not be afraid for, once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the Earth and the sea and the dry lands. Itis said that Padre Pio wrote a privateletterto the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican. A most dreadful punishment will bear witness to the times. Father, my Lord, please allow these great and wonderful promises to unfold. We believe that the resurrection of the dead will happen during (or immediately following) this time of thick darkness, following the same pattern that we saw in Jesus Resurrection. The darkness that covers the earth will last for three days and it is during this time that I will manifest Myself to mankind. You are not to open your doors for ANY REASON UNTIL THE 72 HOURS HAVE PASSED BY. But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. But I am speaking to My own so My coming will not be sudden to them. The Three Days of Darkness. 6:12-17: And I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a greatearthquake; and thesun became as black assackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood;13andthe stars of the sky fell to the earth,as a fig tree drops its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. You are loved. Pray! The Bible does speak about the Rapture as a normal day where people are marrying and being given in marriage; however, we believe that the harpazo (catching away) does not happen simultaneously with the Resurrection. Do not look during the earthquake, because the anger of God is holy! Jesus does not want us to behold the anger of God, because Gods anger must be contemplated with fear and trembling. Make acts of Spiritual Communion, also acts of love, which are so pleasing to Us. Men are running toward the abyss of Hell in great rejoicing and merry-making, as though they were going to a masquerade ball or the wedding feast of the devil himself! Stay united in prayer and watching until the, angel of destruction has passed your doors, a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear, poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth, Jesus Christ IS our High Priest and the only intermediary necessary or possible, We see this time of peace as the Great interlude of Revelation 7, Now, I have received TWO MORE confirmation messages recently. As thick darkness preceded the Israelites exodus from slavery in Egypt, the Resurrection IS the final EXODUS. Revelation 6 verses 12 through 17 speak of the sun darkening, the sky rolling up like a scroll, and the stars of the heavens falling to earth. For those Catholics who insist we are in the End Times, let them note that the terrible scene described here in the Apocalypse does not refer to the upheaval at the end of the world, because it is followed by a grand religious restoration at the opening of the sixth seal and the sound of the sixth trumpet. His efforts, his sweat, his works will be rewarded in Paradise with such a glory that no human mind can imagine. Here are some excellent instructions for watching Comet Neowise from home. The document gives details on the Three Days of Darkness allegedly given by Our Lord to Padre Pio, now canonized as St. Pio of Pietrelcina. Perhaps I am asking impossibilities. who wins student body president riverdale. 29Forour Godisa consuming fire. On the following day the sun will shine again. For, at the end of this scourge, there would be a general convulsion of shocking meteorological phenomena with many deaths. Sinai to give them the TEN COMMANDMENTS, He placed a boundary around the Mountain so that the people would NOT DIE. For believers in Jesus Christ, the sound of the TRUMPET IS our Blessed Hope. 61-67 I am in the midst of you.. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Stay safe and secure in your houses when it comes. We only know of it from Your Word. According to this prophecy, the world will experience three days of complete darkness, during which time demons will roam the earth and the faithful will be called upon to endure great suffering and trials. It was then that I heard the LORD give me this message below. 4:16: Forthe Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and withthe trumpet of God. God made Heaven visible upon the Earth. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! The Decree of her Beatification calls her a marvel in the splendor of holiness. [2]. Perhaps this is why the Bible refers to this time as the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.Great for those who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ and Terrible for those who love wickedness and REFUSE to believe THE GOSPEL, that JESUS CHRIST IS SAVIOR and LORD. Exodus 10:21-23, "Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. Woe to the inhabitants of the world, because they walk in darkness and soon . The candles should be beeswax. top of page. The darkness will last for three (3) days from the time it begins at 12:00 noon time until seventy-two (72) hours have passed. A strong wind had also kicked up. Now, what about some modern Protestant prophecies? Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady. 695-696), apud Mgr. Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as never before has been witnessed, a terrible chastisement never before experienced! Since this is private prophecy, Catholics are not obliged by Faith to believe what Ana Maria Taigi saw in the mystical sun that was always before her eyes. . (n.: All these tips give the impression of step by step instructions in a kit for children. We must remember that this event must line up with Scripture. I noticed the shadows on the ground,how there was such a stark contrast between the dark shadows and the bright sunshine. Natali, we read what Our Lord told her: When the renewed Church takes shape, only few will remain, very few, and they will be extremely surprised and filled with fear seeing all that was done by God, how they should love God and what they have suffered for God. Raffaele Natali, Beatification process, Vol. . Light a blessedcandle, which will suffice for many days. The gates of hell will be fully open on earth so the devils can collect all the evil people of the Great Tribulation to finally drag them into hell. Fallen mankind cannot approach God (YHWH) or even look upon him, or we will DIE. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady. Keep your windows well covered. In doing so they are obliged to accept the lay city, Liberal, Socialist, Communist. Day would be as night, they warned. According to one text, the Civil War and the Massacre / Martyrdoms / Genoc ide fuelled by anti-Christian hatred in Paris is the first warning. Do not anticipate the time by being early. The THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS is coming. Make no mistake, My dear daughter, I am coming soon! However, there are definitely some similar elements. I will send MY HOLY angels to come and surround you. The LORD is telling us that, we, as HIS children, like the Israelites, will be protected by HIS BLOOD and Sacrifice on the cross. He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. Though you cannot see them, they are there! Take heart children. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). [7] Testimony of Mgr. After the proclamation was made in a supernatural language (or at least a language that I did not understand). As noted below, ALL PROPHECY MUST line up with the WORD OF GOD! Not picked up by the wind, she was still standing in the road about a football field away. Obey my instructions. ), Get prepared for this have candles, water and food. There will be lightning and thunder so violent that many people will think the end of the world has come. The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, GODs SON, cleanses me continually from all sin. Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace from My Divine Heart; and the cry: Who is like unto God! shall serve as a means of protection to many. Whether the quotes are authentic or not is hard to say, but here is the Prophetic Word that Padre Pio supposedly received from the Lord that seems to describethree days of darkness. having some confusion about the Three Days of Darkness prophecies. [3], Blessed Ana Maria Taigi also describes the Three Days of Darkness that she saw in her mystical sun:. The Three Days of Darkness is an eschatological prophecy of future events, held by some Catholics to be true. The earth will shake as at the judgment and fear will be great. demons, who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms. 3 Days of Darkness plague will return again., HOPE in almighty GOD as your SHIELD from the enemy, Prophetic 2022: Overcomers love Jesus, follow God, hear Holy Spirit to Victory, Watch It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. , I have given you knowledge of events to come and this is the order in which they will come:, First of all, there will be a cataclysmic event that will affect all mankind;then there will be darkness over all the earth; then I will reveal Myself to the hearts of every man and woman on the face of the earth. shall be caught up (CATCHING AWAY/HARPAZO) together with themin the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 251-252. Whether this lack of light is to be taken literally of figuratively is debated. The latter glory of My House shall be greater than the former and in this place is peace., Me: Lord, this is Haggai that You are quoting., Jesus: No, Haggai was quoting Me. Everything inside of our universe, except for the sun, moon, and stars, is total DARKNESS. The Catholic mystics speak of demonic activity that will be perhaps visible and TERRIFYING during this time of DARKNESS. The logistics of literally implementing the prescribed precautions seems impossible to do. Three days of darkness could be coming soon to a town near you! If not, then do so now! 19Then they said to Moses,You speak with us, and we will hear; butlet not God speak with us, lest we die.. Important Note: We do not believe God EVER speaks through a dead saint as this would be going against His own Laws (Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:9-11). Inside of our Universe is a vast EXPANSE of total darkness, where the only lights visible are the sun, moon, and stars. During the 3 Days of Darkness, all natural laws will be suspended as the earth and the fallen universe will be physically and spiritually renewed. Three days of darkness is referenced in the Bible on 3 different occasions. This will mark the beginning of the tribulations ahead. With Katya Santos, Gwen Garci, Precious Adona, Bugz Daigo. Dont fear this event, My children, for it is out of My great love for you that this event has been prepared since the beginning of time. At this time, God COMMANDS that NO HARM come to the earth, the sea or the trees (often representative of PEOPLE). Verse Concepts. Like in the days of the plagues, I protected those who put the Blood of The Lamb on the door posts. The Trump of God that ushers in the RESURRECTION and potentially the three days of darkness (start of the day of the LORD) is something UNIQUE to that day. Talk to no one outside the house. No, but the patterns are clearly seen in the Holy Scriptures. (Isaiah 60:1-2, Philippians 3:21) Oh Father, I pray that I am not delusional. If you watch the video above, sister Linda Courtney recommends having a white, unscented candle to light. 3 Days Of. Me: Joel 2, Lord. Ana Maria Taigi among the Blessed. And thuswe shall always be with the Lord. 4 Prepare yourself to live through the three days in total darkness. As I looked out at the city below, I noticed that the beautiful day quickly turned into night, and I could see all the city lights twinkling in the darkness. Everything outside of our universe is PURE LIGHT. The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. IX, apud ibid., p. 118; Vol. I am laying the foundation of My House and, through you, I will establish that you are My Workers., Me: Lord, help me to understand all of this., Jesus: What have I placed upon your heart for this time?. In the Bible, the word stars often refers to angels. The Catholic church may be a huge part of Mystery Babylon, and the Pope may even be the false prophet of Revelation; however, God has many Catholic people who love Him and BELIEVE in Jesus Christ! (In my spirit, I knew HE was talking about the RED PLANET, that HE has also shown me. Then he dies at 3pm, and there's a huge earthquake when he does. Three Days of Darkness. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. Preceded the Israelites exodus from slavery in Egypt, the earthquake and fire will cease language that did... Will think the end of the Cross and our Lady the wind, she still... Will spread the spirit of peace over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days the..., at the end of this scourge, there would be a convulsion! That no human mind can imagine approach God ( YHWH ) or even look upon him or... 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