largest immigrant groups by statelargest immigrant groups by state

Therefore, the sample size from which these percentages is derived is smalljust one-half of the overall IAAS sample. Other regions contributing smaller percentages of immigrants included the Middle East and North Africa (4%), sub-Saharan Africa (5%), South America (7%), Central America (8%), the Caribbean (10%), and as well as Europe, Canada and other North America (13%). It Depends on the Measure, Pew Research Center, June 17, 2014, Vietnamese Americans are the largest Asian origin group by population in four states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Nebraska); Hmong Americans are the largest in Minnesota and Wisconsin; and Korean Americans are the largest in Alabama. In contrast, there is more variation on the dimensions of region and caste. Douglas Farrar, Cliff Djajapranata, Fiona Garguilo, Jessica Katz, Laura Lucas Magnuson, Lori Merritt, Tim Martin, Jocelyn Soly, and Cameron Zotter contributed design, editorial, and production assistance. 48 (2010): 99106. . Once more, U.S.-born citizens lead the pack with 22 percent of them reporting participation in this activity. This section reviews two aspects of the social context within which Indian Americans operate. The reverse is true when it comes to identifying as Indian: the majority of Indian Americans who have lived in the United States between one and ten years (54 percent) feel most comfortable with this term, while that share declines to just 21 percent for those here for more than twenty-five years. Clear differences along religious lines are evident in the responses to the question on the frequency of prayer (see figure 9). Respondents are classified as belonging to one of three categories: U.S.-born citizen, foreign-born citizen, and non-citizen. There is a separate table for the U.S. territories. But self-identification as a person of Indian origin tells us little about the strength of a respondents Indian identity. To a certain extent, however, many of these factors are inseparable. In 2020, Californias Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a lawsuit against U.S.-based technology company Cisco Systems after an employee from one of Indias historically marginalized caste communities (Dalits) alleged that some of his upper caste Indian American colleagues discriminated against him on the basis of his caste identity.7 The suit, and subsequent media melee, triggered a wave of wrenching testimonials about the entrenched nature of castea marker of hierarchy and status associated with Hinduism (as well as other South Asian religions)within the diaspora community in the United States.8, More recently, there has been a troubling surge in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hover over a state to view the total number of immigrants and their top region of birth. As the number of Indian-origin residents in the United States has swelled north of 4 million, the communitys diversity too has grown. . 53 Sumitra Badrinathan, Devesh Kapur, and Milan Vaishnav, On India, A Fracture in the Diaspora, Hindustan Times, February 10, 2021, The first table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net domestic migration, while the second table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net international migration. Hispanics are also the nation's largest immigrant group and one of its fastest growing populations. If half of all Indian Americans report some form discrimination, this begs the question: Who is discriminating against them? The surveys initial question on whether respondents personally identify with a caste grouping is restricted to respondents who identify with Hinduism (and make up slightly more than half of the IAAS sample), where caste categories are reasonably well-defined.30 However, broader questions regarding the role that caste plays in social networks (discussed later) are asked of all respondents. Lawful immigrants made up the majority of the immigrant workforce, at 21.2 million. Immigrants convicted of a crime made up the less than half of deportations in 2018, the most recent year for which statistics by criminal status are available. Foreign-born population by . The United States is home to the largest number of immigrants a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence (whether lawfully or unlawfully) on the planet. How Do Indian Americans View India? 1) The term "immigrants" (or "foreign born") refers to people residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. Forty-eight percent of respondents report that most or all of their Indian friends share their religious faith, while another 36 percent report that some of their friends are coreligionists. The propensity scores were grouped into deciles of the estimated propensity score in the frames and post-stratified according to these deciles.57. While the social realities of Indian Americans are often glossed over, recent events have brought them to the fore. The objective of this inquiry is to assess to what extent Indian Americans associate with other Indian Americans relative to those from outside the community. Meanwhile, there was a rise in the number from Central America and Asia. From 1820 to 2013, 79 million people obtained lawful permanent resident status in the United States. 4 Sanjoy Chakravorty, Devesh Kapur, and Nirvikar Singh, The Other One Percent: Indians in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017). The low rate of political giving for non-citizens is expected given that non-citizens are forbidden from making political donations unless they are permanent residents (that is, they possess a green card). Forty percent of respondents born in the United States report being a member of an Indian American organization, compared to 29 percent of those born elsewhere. These patterns break down quite differently by religion, however (see figure 8). A small minority of non-citizen respondents6 percentclaim some other visa status. The top countries of origin for immigrants were India (11 percent of immigrants), Mexico (8 percent), China (6 percent), the Philippines (3 percent), and Canada (3 percent). While this does not necessarily mean that two-thirds of Indian Americans are disconnected from their community, it does suggest that formal participation is somewhat limited. The US is a nation of immigrants from all around the world. This report examines the Hispanic population of the United States by its 10 largest origin groups. Formally, members of this group are referred to as Scheduled Castes. Saritha Rai, How Big Tech Is Importing Indias Caste Legacy to Silicon Valley, Bloomberg, March 11, 2021, Not all lawful permanent residents choose to pursue U.S. citizenship. Today, there are more apprehensions of non-Mexicans than Mexicans at the border. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 88% think immigrants strengthen the country with their hard work and talents, and just 8% say they are a burden. Today, Indian Americans are a mosaic of recent arrivals and long-term residents. Pew Research Center estimates indicate that in 2065, those who identify as Asian will make up some 38% of all immigrants; as Hispanic, 31%; White, 20%; and Black, 9%. All rights reserved. For respondents who experienced discrimination, the survey asks whether the perpetrators of discrimination were Indian, non-Indian, or both (see figure 28). (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Several states have Canada as a major source of immigrants. Somali immigrants are the second-largest immigrant group in Minnesota. From 1990 to 2007, the unauthorized immigrant population more than tripled in size from 3.5 million to a record high of 12.2 million in 2007. Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. Looking forward, immigrants and their descendants are projected to account for 88% of U.S. population growth through 2065, assuming current immigration trends continue. One way to understand the dynamics of discrimination at play is to place discrimination against Indian Americans in a comparative context. The tool also displays the share that all immigrants comprise of the state's total population. 10 Anna Purna Kambhampaty, At Census Time, Asian Americans Again Confront the Question of Who Counts as Asian. Interestingly, those born outside of the United States are most likely to say that they feel equally Indian and Americannearly one in two fall into this category (as do 38 percent of U.S.-born Indian Americans).35 A slightly higher share of U.S.-born Indian Americans (7 percent) than foreign-born Indian Americans (4 percent) claim that they feel neither Indian nor American. 3 Immigration Commission, U.S. Senate, Reports of the Immigration Commission 349 (1911) cited in Sherally Munshi, Immigration, Imperialism, and the Legacies of Indian Exclusion, Yale Journal of Law & Humanities 28, no. QUIZ LAB SUBMISSION This quiz has . Fifty-one percent of respondents who are fifty or older report praying once a day or several times a day, compared to just 29 percent of respondents between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine. The second part examines the social networks of Indians in America and how they vary by respondents demographic characteristics. Indian Americans who have no allegiance to either major party hold slightly asymmetric views as well. Generally, most immigrants eligible for naturalization apply to become citizens. Most of these children are native-born themselves. U.S.-born Indian Americans, however, are more likely to report a social network with a limited number of Indians (stating very few or none of their friends are of Indian origin) or to take the middle ground42 percent of them report that some of their friends are Indian origin, compared to 35 percent of foreign-born respondents.40. In terms of educational attainment, 48 percent of Hindus with an undergraduate education profess a caste identify compared to 43 percent with less than a four-year college degree. The drop in the unauthorized immigrant population can primarily be attributed to more Mexican immigrants leaving the U.S. than coming in. Additionally, a narrow focus on demographics such as income, wealth, education, and professional success can obscure important (and sometimes uncomfortable) social truths. Chinese Americans are the largest Asian origin group in the U.S., making up 24% of the Asian population, or 5.4 million people. Other popular home states include Delhi (9 percent), Punjab (8 percent), and Kerala (7 percent). Indianof descentAmericans are taking over the country: you, my vice president [Kamala Harris, whose mother was born in India], my speechwriter, Vinay [Indian American Vinay Reddy]. Immigrants from Mexico (7%) and Central America (11%) were the least likely to have a bachelors or higher. The next largest origin groups were those from China (6%), India (6%), the Philippines (4%) and El Salvador (3%). Click here for the second part of this series, an examination of how Indian Americans view Indian politics, and click here for the first part of the series, which explores how Indian Americans view U.S. politics. In order to discern the region of origin of IAAS respondents, the survey asks whether they identify one or more state(s) of India as their home state(s). We welcome and appreciate comments onThe Dallas Express as part of a healthy dialogue. In order to be eligible to serve as a respondent for the IAAS, members of YouGovs panel must self-identify as a person of (Asian) Indian origin who resides in the United States. Some 27% of immigrants were permanent residents and 5% were temporary residents in 2017. The interactive map below visualizes all of them based on their prior country of residence. Report. 29 Maari Zwick-Maitreyi, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, Natasha Dar, Ralph F. Bheel, and Prathap Balakrishnan, Caste in the United States: A Survey of Caste Among South Asian Americans (Equality Labs, 2018). Jonathan Kay is a nonresident research assistant in the Carnegie South Asia Program. Overall, the Obama administration deported about 3 million immigrants between 2009 and 2016, a significantly higher number than the 2 million immigrants deported by the Bush administration between 2001 and 2008. Sixteen percent of Indian Americans report being discriminated against by virtue of their Indian heritage. 50 Surinder S. Jodhka and Ghanshyam Shah, Comparative Contexts of Discrimination: Caste and Untouchability in South Asia, Economic and Political Weekly 45, no. In terms of attending religious services, there is also significant variation within the Indian American community. Respondents can select from one of three responses: very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, or not comfortable. 2023 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The length of ones stay in the United States also plays an important role in shaping self-identification. 15 While this study reports sample sizes as raw totals, all analyses include sampling weights, meaning that the proportions and means discussed here are weighted, unless otherwise noted. The backgrounds of children of immigrants' families vary by state and region. 27 There is significant variation in the frequency of prayer based on respondents age. 17 This compares with 60 percent as per data from the 2018 ACS. Of course, the composition of ones social networks is likely to be affected by their location. Thirty-one percent respond that it is a major problem, 53 percent believe it is a minor problem, and a small minority (17 percent) believe it is not a problem at all. In 2017, the Trump administration deported 295,000 immigrants, the lowest total since 2006. More specifically, this effort scrutinizes legislative changes in immigration policy enabling this group to become the second largest immigrant group after Mexicans in the United States. Language and personal barriers, lack of interest and financial barriers are among the top reasons for choosing not to naturalize cited by Mexican-born green card holders, according to a 2015 Pew Research Center survey. Third, caste discrimination is a surprisingly equal opportunity offense. And to what extent are these differences being driven by political polarization in the country of origin (in this case, India)? Christians are the most observant group as far as attending religious services is concerned. Finally, the survey examines the identity of the person(s) responsible for engaging in discriminatory behavior. (Hence, the percentages do not add up to 100.) The major findings are briefly summarized below. where they are the largest immigrant group. Based on these portraits, here are answers to some key questions about the U.S. immigrant population. Follow. The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 44.8 million in 2018. 25 Measuring Religion in Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel, Pew Research Center, January 14, 2021, Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, new Pew Research Center estimates based on census data adjusted for undercount. But this remains a minority view: 40 percent of Indian Americans do not believe that domestic politics are dividing the Indian diaspora in the United States. Asians are projected to become the largest immigrant group in the U.S. by 2055, surpassing Hispanics. Religious affiliation too correlates with ones feelings toward their Indian identity. 51 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?. If the rate of population growth and influx of new immigrants from the region continues in the next couple of years, Asians will be the largest immigrant group by 2055 according to the Center. Since 1820. We are grateful to Tobin Hansen of Carnegie for his assistance with the design and the analysis of the survey. What are the social realities and lived experiences of Indian Americans? As figure 18 shows, 43 percent of foreign-born Indian Americans have a social network dominated by Indian-origin friends, compared to 25 percent of respondents born in the United States (adding up the shares of those who say all or most of their friends are of Indian origin). This suggests that the evidence of polarization, while real, should not be overinterpreted either. Twenty-seven percent are H-1B visa holders, a visa status for high-skilled or specialty workers in the United States that has historically been dominated by the technology sector. Second, around one-third of Christians and Hindus and two-fifths of Muslims are situated in the middle, reporting that some of their Indian American networks are made up of friends of the same religion. Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group in the United States. We bring the best out of every single solitary culture in the world here in the United States of America, and we give people an opportunity to let their dreams run forward.2. While caste is most commonly associated with Hinduism, caste hierarchies and caste self-identification are prevalent in most, if not all, of Indias major religions. In cases where the respondent identifies with multiple states, both states are counted as a home state. Although overall levels of poverty are lower than the American average,5 there are concentrated pockets of deprivation, especially among the large number of unauthorized immigrants born in India and residing in the United States.6. Data from the ACS show that the share of married couple households in the community is 50 percent greater than the U.S. average.20 In the IAAS sample, 66 percent of respondents were married or in a domestic partnership. Fifty-one percent of Democrats say they are somewhat comfortable with Republican friends and 22 percent say they are not comfortable (more than twice the number of Republicans who felt that way about Democrats). Furthermore, the earlier version of the chart incorrectly showed thepartialyear shares of Hispanic and Asian recent arrivals in 2015; the correctedcompleteyear shares are 31% and 36%, respectively. Both frames were constructed by stratified sampling from the full 2018 ACS one-year sample. For those respondents who immigrated to the United States, over half (60 percent) arrived in the year 2000 or after (see figure 2).17 Seventeen percent arrived in the 1990s, 13 percent immigrated in the 1980s, and just 10 percent arrived before the year 1980. The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks millions of people every year detailed questions about their social, economic, and demographic situations. Existing research has found that among major Asian American communities, Indian Americansboth men and womenhave the highest rate of endogamy (the custom of marrying within ones community) in both the first and second generations, although there is a noticeable increase in marriage outside of the community among members of the second generation.21. 12 Sumitra Badrinathan, Devesh Kapur, and Milan Vaishnav, How Will Indian Americans Vote? See More by this Creator. Only 43 percent of IAAS respondents believe that Indian American is the term that best captures their background. Therefore, it is likely that the sample does not fully represent the South Asian American population and could skew in favor of those who have strong views about caste. 55 For an accessible introduction to this survey method, see Courtney Kennedy et al., Evaluating Online Nonprobability Surveys, Pew Research Center, May 2, 2016, On the matter of campaign finance, one-fifth of U.S.-born citizens report contributing to a political campaign, while just 13 percent of foreign citizens and 5 percent of non-citizens said they did so. A few findings merit attention. After all, for more than two decades, the Indian diaspora in the United States has been a critical bridge-builder between the two countries.52 But with divisions in the community more apparent and increasingly linked to political disputes in India, we have suggested elsewhere that the diasporas unity of purpose could suffer a setback.53. This study utilizes a new source of empirical data to better understand the social realities of people of Indian origin residing in the United States. In many ways, the community is often portrayed as the poster child of Americas historic opening to new immigrants whoin ways big and smallhave transformed the country. 37 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, The Integration of Immigrants into American Society (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2015). 56 To find details on the Economist-YouGov collaboration or to compare some of the IAAS findings on Indian Americans with the American population more generally, visit Responses are divided neatly into thirds when it comes to who is doing the discriminating: Indians, non-Indians, and people of both categories are almost equally to blame.49. 75% of Minnesotas foreign-born residents are working, up from 70% a decade ago. In addition, the survey asks respondents whether, in the last twelve months, they have personally felt discriminated against. 33 One might also expect variation based on a respondents age. Seventeen percent of U.S.-born citizens report attending a public meeting, while 12 percent of foreign-born citizens and 6 percent of non-citizens report doing so. However, the study is not based on a representative sample, raising questions about the generalizability of its findings.29. All rights reserved. Thirty-three percent were born in the United States but with at least one parent who was born outside of the United States. But religion only narrowly edges out the role of Indias political leadership (56 percent) for the top spot, and political parties (47 percent) are not far behind. These are some questions this paper attempts to address. The Government of India maintains an Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) designation for persons of Indian origin residing abroad who do not hold Indian citizenship. Among all immigrants, those from South Asia (71%) were the most likely to have a bachelors degree or more. 20 According to the 2018 ACS, 73 percent of Asian Indian households are married-couple households compared to the national average of 48 percent. The states with the largest immigrant populations are California, New York, Florida, and Texas. The survey also asks respondents how comfortable they would be if a son/daughter married someone from a particular background. Nearly half or around 45% of all Asian immigrants or those of Asian origins live in the West, with around a third (31%) currently living in California . 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