rife machine testimonialsrife machine testimonials

I was surprised when after just two 30 minute sessions he was already feeling better. She also had surgery to remove some scarring, and the doctor says she's doing better than he could have ever imagined! I am sorry. Makes the Rife 101 machine more valuable to me. My family doctor diagnosed my condition as a minor back strain and prescribed anti-inflammation medication. 269-382-5820. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. I used the setting for headaches and now no more headaches. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. I am so thankful Mom got me the machine! I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. I started using my Rife 101 every other day on the Cancer and Lung Programs (thank you so much, Tina Rappaport). How wonderful not to be coughing, sneezing and in bed for 3-4 days with a headache, sore throat and stuffy head. Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. You put electrical pads on your hands or feet. We had nothing to lose. This was some slow healing. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. about alternative (self-help) medicine thinking THEY have the best doctor available! She also recently had a facelift and had to use a special oil on her skin. My husband's case is "minor" focal dystonia because he is still able to play (with pain). - Cynthia T. (7-9-13), I went to an oriental restaurant for dinner and came back with food poisoning. Sincerely - BJK from CA, I'm 86 and had edema in my ankles and it was red up my leg to my knee. I have extreme chemical sensitivities and learned to muscle test years ago for everything. There are three main reasons why he strongly recommend us to own a Spooky2 GeneratorX. My adult daughter also had a great experience. Primary care doctor ran more tests, rheumatologist tests were all negative and said it's probably stress. - K. Brock, MT (7-30-15). Love that machine. - Dawn R., FL 2012, My friend and I bought the Rife 101 together early in June 2017 to share. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone I have started taking responsibility for my own health and am doing much better. There also havent been any large, controlled clinical trials to evaluate Rife machines or similar devices. I'm am soooooo happy about this! - Vera, IL (5/8/13), I am so grateful how swiftly you were in replying. The first use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the United States dates back to the 1920s. What a joy to not have my head hurt! I was scratching so bad, and it was so swollen - my legs were even twitching. Amazing. K. Swanson (NW, 2005), I came back from a health expo - eating too much fun food, stayed up late, was in contact with many people and illnesses - started getting the oh-oh scratchy throat, runny nose, growing hot and tired. I used the SWELLING program and took the second photo that same night no ice, no ibuprofen, just the machine. The energy frequencies were just what I needed. Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. At 32, I'm happy to say, although disabled, he can walk, but he's always in a lot of pain. top of page. The size of the animal doesn't matter - the frequencies are still able to go all through the body and heal. Along with the use of the machine, I faithfully drink aloe vera juice, and between these two alternative health strategies, I feel I have better control over the pain. Three weeks later she is still with us and we are continuing these non-conventional treatments. WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. Stiffness and joint aches seem to have eased up. I set it for about ten minutes on a spot at a time. My hearing back after one treatment. Rick Simpson oil is a cannabis extract with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. I expect the healing will take a while yet, since the infection was very bad. Whatever it was, it was invisible - no doctor could see why we were itching so bad. The pain went away, and the infection was healing. But, being a real estate agent, I needed to communicate. He could hardly believe his eyes. I have had bad headaches all the time for years. After the chemo and radiation the lump was still getting larger and it was tingling. Those antibiotics are sooooo bad for me. Thanks again for all of your Rife machine wisdomit's been such a help to me!!! Some doctors were afraid to get too close to us! - Phillip, NC, I have the Rife Model 101. I have my own new testimonial!! A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. The contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I have dry eyes, I get styes and inflammation and the Eye Program and Eye Inflammation really helps. Integrated Wave Phaser circuitry is unique and exclusive to TrueRife. His friends and wife also get good effects through Spooky2. She was released from the hospital, back in the hospital, released again, and still sick. I have IBS and it has helped me so much. Wish my family and friends, whom I am sure would benefit from it also would just listen to me. By the next day, I had a huge improvement. of vitamin C with 10 oz. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. Although her liver seems enlarged, her liver enzymes are completely normal - the doctors can't understand - "she should be yellow!". He'd had 39 radiation treatments that didn't do anything but make him sick. We also started Essiac Tea, vitamin C, enzymes, other supplements and we got a water ionizer. TrueRife programs are currently being compared to successful protocols already published in medical literature. It pretty much went away in the sun, but then it came back. I'm 74, and I've been using the three channels you suggested (118, 171 + 181) and I certainly feel better! T&R Laury, MN (12-31-20), I hit the side of my wrist (with my metal wristwatch band) so hard on the stainless steel oven handle, that I dented the handle. I do treatments every morning and every night. None. - J. Anyog (7-26-15), My email to you is overdue to thank you. The pain had gotten so bad, that my wife had to rub BenGay on it 3-4 times a day. And my skin is healing up nicely too. But when it comes to food poisoning, like salmonella, you actually feel it work within 10 minutes or so of the routine. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. - S. Rausch, WI (7/30/15), I get kidney stones. 1 review. So glad to have found the Rife 101! Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. I would also like to thank my husband of 43 years, Bill, who has stood by my side, visiting me at the hospital every day. There was a green circle and line traveling up his leg. I have more energy, no endless leaky nose, and can enjoy the outdoors for the first time in YEARS. Anything that bothers me, I just hook up to that machine and whatever it was is fixed! At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. Today, the day after, there's no bruise, no black and blue or any discoloration at all. I was desperate and had nothing to lose. When I found out that my son-in-law had it following a huge abdominal abscess, I knew I had to go and help out with not only his many abdominal dressings but also with my Rife 101. I was shocked but pleased! I hope to start tomorrow. It was all getting worse. We Googled and searched for all kinds of information and finally decided to purchase the Rife Model 101. All gone with the Rife 101. - Alex W, OR, We have been using our ProWave Machine consistently for 3 weeks now and love it. Today I walked down my stairs. Carter M. (2008). Finally back home, while visiting with my son one day, I was fortunate enough to run into a young man who had overcome the same physical hardships that I had happen to me, and who now looked as fit as anyone I had ever seen. I got on the Rife 101 ran 3 minutes per frequency on flu/flu symptoms; also 3 minutes on vomiting didn't feel any better right-off went to bed woke at 4:00 this morning; feeling better! My son's face looked less red and the zits he had were not inflamed like the night before. I went and ordered my own machine so I can continue their care. The most significant risk of using a Rife machine is if a person delays standard cancer treatments. - Sharon, WV. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Goats Streptococcus Infection for Mastitis: Used Streptococcus Infection (#395) for mastitis sores with good results. I continued using the Shingles program (same frequencies as the Herpes program, as Shingles is in the Herpes family of viruses) 2-3 times a day. Within two weeks of treatment on my own machine, my pain was completely gone. I saw the eye doctor and he said it wasn't from a detached retina or a tear in the retina, so I was ok - he said just "old age" (I'm 61). To heighten my discomfort, was the tiredness I had begun to feel all the time from the medications the doctors had put me on, after suffering three heart attacks. The abdominal incision must be left open for drainage purposes and the wound has to heal from the inside out. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. Then I got my legs wrapped up for the week. We avoid using tertiary references. Very advanced, using 10 precise frequencies in sweep mode. It's spread through mucous membranes, particularly nasal! I'm eating what I want again, the brain fog and nerve pain is a distant memory, I have gained 40 pounds back and haven't needed a migraine pill since that first treatment. Fungal Sinusitis, Bronchial Pneumonia, Lungs, Blood Clot, Swelling, Heart Problems, Back Subluxations, Broken Bone: I've had the Rife 101 for about 2 years now and it's a total miracle machine! He experienced pain and hemorrhaging on swallowing and was scheduled for surgery. This is a problem with nerve ending damage causing endless pain and debilitation where every day was horrible. - Rose H, PA (12/20/14). She's doing great now! I have used the Alignment Frequencies and the Stress reduction Frequencies. It's been a week of amazing miracles! She looked more energetic after the treatment. - S. Brown, Tell your readers if they have trouble getting to sleep try the program for insomnia. I have used the program for Infections for the past two days. I continued using the frequency machine until I went to see my urologist just before we left home for the summer and my PSA was down to 7.3. In June I started using the Rife 101 everyday through the end of September. In 1997, a man died four months after he started using a Rife machine instead of chemotherapy to treat his cancer. In addition to the vast list of over 2,400 programs already available with TrueRife, we are adding new programs supporting everyday aches, pains, mood, memory, attention span, itching, athleticism, and more. To top this off I have used the rife for several weeks know and I took a walk, for one hour - me taking a walk. This article looks at how it works, how to use it, and the benefits and risks of CBD oil. Got it massaged and adjusted by chiropractor same day - it was sore and I crawled into bed and could not walk on it at all. He started to recover and after 2 months had to go get the stent changed. URparamount health includes rife machines Portable Ionizer Sticks Needak Rebounder trampoline Air Ionizer and more. He told me that was the best he had felt in a long time. And there havent been any human studies. I wouldnt sell it for anything if I was unable to get another. - Dawn R., FL. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. Rife machines havent gone through the same rigorous testing procedures other cancer treatments have. It's very convenient. I had problem with extreme fatigue possibly from Lyme disease. - Linda L. Virus, Insomnia, Cold, Chronic Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Stomach Problems & Hiatal Hernia: Several weeks ago after visiting my father in the hospital, I was diagnosed with a viral condition of the brain. Feb 17, 2023. Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. NOTE ABOUT Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Impotence: Being female, not many men report their success with this issue, although they may mention it when purchasing their unit. The machine wiped out the pain! She is using the back/disc program and said that her back feels so much better! My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. I'm in an assisted living facility. It only took a few weeks on the Rife 101 to improve my vision. I felt like getting up and running! I could barely walk, talk and could not drive previous to purchasing your 101 Rife energy machine. The bronchitis would keep re-infecting me. I will be/am familiarizing myself with the machine tonight. Im sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with Practitioner, Mark Winkler. I drink lots of alkaline water the next morning with a little lemon. I've heard testimonials are the best selling tool, and while we usually think of that as being for the product, the customer service aspect is definitely a part of the whole buying experience, especially when you are dealing with people who may be sick - the last thing they want is to have a bad buying/customer service experience. I finally feel like I have my life back and I'm ready and able to connect with the world. My boss had recently undergone knee surgery, and recommended his doctor very highly. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. It rarely bothers me now but when it begins to return, I simply go back to the machine again for another "Bunion" session. Just before starting the machine, I got back my test results on my adrenal cortisol levels. Wow! I applied treatments every day for a few days. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. The only thing that showed up on the PET scan was a mass on my left upper lung. Thank you! I so greatly appreciate your wisdom and assistance. (Rife 101 user since June 2012) - Toni, Secretary for D. Boyer, OH 10-6-16. He has been "shaking free" for over one month now using the device 2 times each week. My husband has also beat Lymes Disease and my children do not have to take antibiotics any longer for colds and flus. Twenty years ago, Bob had a surgery with months of recovery from that. We have been using it for almost 3 years now. The Rife machine has worked every single time I needed it to for the last three years.". I was allergic to some trees there. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! Well, several days later, I got sick and I was having fever, body aches and headaches. Rife thought bacteria were behind many diseases like cancer. She finds she's not as tired after the ozone treatments anymore! I was desperate. Thought I would give you an update. Thank you for all of your help. Lower Back Pain, Arthritis, Inflammation, Sore Muscles: I love to dance (Zumba & U-Jam) at the gym for aerobic exercise. It wasn't long and we had one of our own and it cost less than funeral expenses!!! Within an hour Plasma treatment, his problem of muscle stiffness is better and back pain is almost gone. Used it at one minute for the parasite program and used 1 minute program for both my sons for acne as they are going through the 15 year old change. Now I'm back to lifting 50 lb bags of grain and I have only very minor issues when I get tired. She even had spikes of pain for a couple of days, but then she'd feel great again. I'm really impressed with this machine! I began a program of physical therapy that started out bad, and then got worse. I have COPD so I run Program for Emphysema/Lungs along with Detoxification daily. - D. Klein, NY (2-27-16). I haven't been able to see for years. I can see the marks on my back and arms going away. I used the instrument almost everyday. Evidently, it had fallen off my lap and slipped under the recliner. Thanks for the packet full of info in the mail too. I had some heart problems but now the doc said my heart function is fine. D.A. I call it my doctor. I've been spending $800-$1000 monthly on a 'PROGRAM' to 'END CANDIDA FOREVER' since February of this year after returning from a month in India with severe parasite infestation; I weighed about 90 lbs, looked and felt like death. The next day all the swelling was gone including the red line. (Rife 101 user since February 2013)- Bev H, AZ (1-14-15). J.S. There is no standard or regulation for Rife machines, and virtually anyone can make one. Home. Have another experience for you when we prove it is working. I had an operation on one of my eyes, that involved inserting two needles into the eye ball. I felt better within a half hour. I had a lot of scar buildup in my femur. I have arthritis so very bad that I have been using a cane and sometimes a walker. I use my Rife 101 everyday to stay cancer free. It's helped me with my arthritis and inflammation, got rid of the Epstein-Barr virus, and keeps my sugar regulated. My son had a plumbing problem and the plumber was about my size and my age but very active and nimble so my son asked him how does he stay in such good shape, and the plumber told my son about the Rife 101 machine. The doctor wanted to know what she did as her culture results came back negative for Staph. The American Medical Association condemned Rifes experiments at the time, and independent researchers were unable to replicate the claims he made in his work. He can do two different programs at the same time by several steps. He tried many homeopathic methods without much success. Breast Cancer, Cancer, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia & Scabies: I had breast cancer 5 years ago and now had some micro-calcification clusters and a biopsy. My doctor had told me she had no Corona Virus tests, but she could expedite me into the emergency room if I needed it. It's been a godsend, I'm so happy! Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! (owner of TWO Rife 101 units) - A. Mitchell, HI (2/13/16), Just wanted to drop you a note to express how much we appreciate your time and effort to be sure we understood and appreciated our purchase. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. It was while I was attending an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Psychology) course in New Mexico that I was introduced to the Rife machine by another attendee. He was better for a while and then, as you would expect, it came back with a vengeance. I use the Rife 101 once in the morning and once at night on the Bladder Program and that urgency goes away. Within two hours I moved my bowels! The last 12 years his attention has shifted to cancer research. According to a 2013 review, no scientific evidence shows that the Rife machine or other similar devices can treat cancer. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. She got some oil in her eye and it got inflamed. Shortly after receiving my machine I started feeling the beginnings of a cold sore coming on. He was lethargic, but yet seemed alert. I had developed fatigue and some days couldn't get out of bed. Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies. WebRife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials Share this: Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. When I had a QXCI session back in July 2014 I had a negative 9 reading for immunity. 30 minute sessions he was better for a while yet, since the infection was healing endless leaky nose and. 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