yandere simulator character ageyandere simulator character age

If he sees Yandere-chan performing suspicious actions such as holding a weapon, dragging a corpse, having low sanity, being covered in blood, killing a person or taking a panty shot, it will trigger an immediate Game Over as well. Yandere Simulator is composed of gameplay elements and story elements. After she is eliminated, there may be a cutscene showing how Senpai is handling the situation. Yandere Simulator is also meant to be speedrun-friendly, meaning that it is supposed to be possible to completely plan out an entire playthrough. Oh, my! She won't have a reputation stat, but will instead have a "job performance" stat, which will be lowered in ways other than gossip. I think that every room in the school should serve a gameplay-related purpose, and have a practical reason for existing. Privacy Policy. > What appearance would suit a shy boy? 1980s Mode has 1 tutorial rival and 10 fully functional rivals who are all present in the demo. [1] In my opinion, gameplay elements are 90% of the game's content, and story elements are about 10% of the game's content. However, now that the Yakuza has been implemented and part of his functionality involves the ability to purchase kidnapped victims, it seems as though the kidnap non-rivals feature has become official. This is a subreddit where fans of Yandere Simulator can gather to discuss the game in peace, without having to see any posts about drama. If I exported a Mac / Linux build, I'd have no way to test it. Unique weather conditions (such as rain) would impact many of the game's features and many of the students' routines in numerous significant ways. Every week during the 10 weeks in the game, a new female student will fall in love with Senpai and become Ayano's new rival. These characters are the most important people to Yandere Simulator's plot. [10], Oh, my! Osana Najimi: Osana is Senpais tsundere childhood friend. She is the school's guidance counselor, responsible for administering punishments to students who break school rules. Info-chan cannot dig up any dark secrets about Senpai because he apparently has no dark secrets at all. One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. His gender can be changed in the final game. The addition of randomness would completely ruin the player's ability to create plans. Will there be different weather conditions at school throughout the game? I would love to include more environments in the game, but each environment would require modeling, texturing, sound effects, unique characters with unique animations, etc. Because I am constantly making changes and additions to the game's text, it's not feasible to translate the game right now, while it is still in development. If a club's substitute dies while a rival is absent from school, the club will shut down but will re-open when the rival returns to school (as long as the club's 4 other members are still present at school). Over the course of the school year, ten different girls will fall in love with Senpai. Whether or not the player fails should be determined by their skill, not by randomly getting unlucky. The headmaster of the school is not superstitious; he doesn't believe in ghosts or demons or magic. Will Yandere Simulator ever be translated into other languages? You can expect all of these numbers and estimates to change as we get closer to the crowdfunding campaign, and the amount of time/money/assets required to finish the game becomes more apparent. If rivals mysteriously stop coming to school, then he will assume all girls are delinquents who skip school. Senpai's name will never be spoken aloud, but it will appear in the Student Info screen and on in-game social media. A character would only be willing to put an earpiece into their ear and take instructions from Yandere-chan if they were hopelessly in love with another character, and desperately desired a relationship. For each environment I'd like to add to the game, I'd need a team of volunteers willing to create it, or I'd need a large budget so that I could hire some people to build more environments for me. In this scenario, the game would most likely be released in mid-2021. Many of the game's assets will be improved or replaced (such as the character models), the overall production values of the game will be much higher, and each rival will feel unique. owwwwwI'm sorry, I got you right on the head, didn't I? When Osana, Senpai, and Senpais sister were all younger, they used to hang out together. Kocho Shuyona The Cynical Headmaster of Yandere-chans School, The Untouchable Megami Saikou Yandere Simulators Student Council President, Experience the Thrill of Osana in Yandere Simulator The Ultimate Yandere Experience, Who are the Bullies in Yandere Simulator? If rivals show up dead shortly after they talk to him, Senpai will wonder if he is cursed. The list below contains multiple names for boys as well as girls who are also anime lovers. The player might also have to enter a cheat code at the main menu to enable the use of easter eggs or supernatural events. When I first came up with the kidnapping idea, the plan was that it would only be possible for the player to kidnap rivals. [7] Senpai, on that note, is attracted to sexually attractive nurses,[8] so their relationship might grow as a result of these interactions. He walks to his locker at 7:10 AM and changes from his outdoor shoes to his indoor shoes. Jokichi Yudasei is a main character in Yandere Simulator and Ryoba's husband and Ayano's father. I have zero experience programming anything related to online multiplayer. In other words, the game's current level of difficulty (as a debug sandbox for testing features) doesn't reflect how difficult the final game is going to be. Over the course of the school year, ten different girls will fall in love with Senpai. Senpai may also be somewhat of a pushover; he doesn't protest Osana's rude behavior and will accept any confession he receives, which is why Yandere-chan must eliminate her rivals before they confess. Contents 1 Bio 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Background 3 Victims If you start working at a new job, any co-worker who has been employed at the workplace longer than you is your "senpai". Some of the school's current rooms don't serve a purpose, and it's very hard to come up with any reason why a student (or the player) might go inside that room. Do you have a fever?! > Hair covering his eyes to represent how he hides from the world. Info-chan is not in 1980s Mode, as she was not born yet. Muja Kina was in the game as the nurse before getting replaced by the official nurse, because Muja is only a substitute nurse. The only way to get a proper ending would be to avoid the use of any cheats or easter eggs. Likewise, they are using Yen as a currency, but the prices are translated into dollars for us westerners. At 7:05 AM, Senpai enters the school grounds. Muja Kina is a bisexual character from Yandere Simulator. Mai's eyes were the same shade of pink as her hair . A demo build is available here: Download Demo She has grey eyes. Please check this webpage for a list of different places to download the game: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/downloads/. After I have optimized the game as much as possible, I will analyze how much the framerate has improved, which will determine whether or not I can afford to put more students into the game. How can I help? The plan is that Yandere-chan is supposed to find tape in the basement whenever she re-arranges the furniture in the basement. The second years are 16-17. If Senpai is a male, his name is Taro Yamada, and if she is a female, her name is Taeko Yamada. However, implementing a rival takes mere months, so the rest of the game's development should go by much faster. At 7:15 AM, he walks to the fountain and sits on its edge, reading a book. I don't own any computers using the Mac or Linux operating systems. From a technical standpoint, some parts of their bodies are super low-poly, which makes them look weird when I rotate or resize those parts of the model. > The game's population is imbalanced; there are too many female characters. There is a myth at school that if a girl confesses her love to a boy under the cherry tree behind the school on a Friday, the two of them will love each other forever. Does Yandere Simulator have a development roadmap? Then, if there is demand for a sequel, a prequel, or a spinoff game, I may begin developing Yandere Simulator 2. Info-chan is a main character in Yandere Simulator and Ayano's main source of assistance. However, her confession won't be accepted if her reputation is below -100, which will result in a Game Over. I have not bought one yet. Kizana Sunobu could of been added by editing the json files, just like Osana used too, but was quickly removed due to the fact that she was only added for a video. Perhaps Senpai is such a Nice Guy, that he was the only nice person to date that made Yandere-chan feel anything. > Why would a single student be alone in a room just sewing all day long? Mai is the fifth student to be introduced as an Easter Egg. Press J to jump to the feed. A yandere is a character, most often female and in anime, who become violently possessive of a love interest. You can find the answers to these questions on the Volunteer page. Genka is, Kocho Shuyona is the headmaster of Yandere-chans school, a prestigious institution located in Japan. In this case, my next game will be completely unrelated to Japanese schools. If the game is a financial success (many people buy it) but a critical failure (people hate it) then there would be no demand for additional content. The game's current Easter Eggs aren't hidden; you just open a menu and press a button to activate them. Trivia Druelbozo has modeled many of the characters, such as Genka Kunahito. 3b. Check out our other Video Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Video Games tier lists. Continue Reading. (The hardware I just named is 6 years old.). Yandere. A game starring herself as she attempts to confess her feelings for Senpai before a rival does. So, it's not something I could implement at this point, even if I wanted to do so. Osana Najimi is currently in the demo. For now, the scope of the game is limited to the school, the protagonist's house, and one street. The engineer will most likely improve many aspects of the game, as well. To design a challenging experience for the player, I need complete control over exactly where a student will be standing, and exactly when they will be standing there. Students reacting to the sight of seeing someone getting knocked out. 3a. Because of the time required to work on these additional features, the game would most likely be released in early 2022. However, her confession won't be accepted if her reputation is below -100, which will result in a Game Over. She will disappear when her week is over, even if she is eliminated peacefully. If the player does not return a stolen phone by the end of the school day, the rival whose phone was stolen will report the theft to the guidance counselor, who will personally check the belongings of every student at school. Adding bookbags to their routine would complicate the routine, so it's not likely to be something that I'll add to the game. They would have to start their day by going to their classroom and putting their bookbag on their desk; they wouldn't be able to go about their normal routine until they had done this. But, unfortunately, Ayano is a second year. He doesn't think it's a productive field of study, but he has decided that he doesn't have the right to tell young people what passions they should or should not pursue. Protocol for Yandere-chan being punished/expelled/arrested for the crime of assaulting someone (even non-lethally). Did Raibaru lose because something happened to her earlier that day that distracted her during the match with Budo? I always considered the ability to kidnap any female student to be a temporary / placeholder feature that was only implemented for testing purposes. The Yandere Simulator character, Hanako Yamada, is known for her obsessive and dangerous love for the protagonist, Senpai. If you would like to join our community, visit discord.gg/yandere and read the #read-me channel for instructions! Thus, the minimum specs are always getting lower. If an executable is signed, it's possible to learn the identity of the person who created it, and therefore hold them accountable if their executable was malicious. Every girl who falls in love with Senpai plans to confess at 6:00 PM on Friday. Is it okay to use Yandere Simulator models in my parody video? Mai Waifu, whose real name is Mai Wakahara, is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi. In short: Some virus scanners say that Yandere Simulator is a virus (or suspicious) because I haven't started paying hundreds of dollars to sign the executable. However, Senpai's original gender is male; therefore, the article will refer to him as such. Currently, I don't have any strong feelings about whether I do or do not want to support that feature. This means that the game is about 91% complete. > The sewing student should be located in the Sewing Room to make his purpose obvious. How many weapons will the final game have? Despite her rough exterior, she is actually a. So, in the demo, the first rival (Osana) will be moderately difficult. Will there be male teachers in the final game? Some antivirus vendors go as far as declaring any executable (*.exe file) to be malware or suspicious if it does not have a digital signature. I am currently receiving some very useful programming assistance from some trusted volunteers. Yandere Simulator free for PC. The current matchmaking process involves Yandere-chan giving instructions to another character via an earpiece. She is studying to become a nurse and will be receiving training from Nasu Kankoshi, Akademi's school nurse, Once she is fully implemented, the player will need to sneak past her to access the tranquilizer and the syringe. Also, many killing animations involve the protagonist stabbing a certain spot on her victim's body (head, neck, heart) and if victims have different heights then the animation might look wrong. The post-high school academy in Yandere Simulator will have a wide variety of clubs, so there should be a lot of potential to find interesting weapons. Muja is studying to become a nurse, and will be recieving training from Akademi's school nurse during the sixth week of gameplay. A yandere girl is a girl who loves a boy so much that she is willing to threaten, harm, or kill any other girl who seems interested in him. For a long time, I've considered the idea of Yandere-chan developing stalkers, but I don't want to promise this type of feature, because I know that it would just delay development further. Are you going to change Yandere Simulator's character models? How can the player access the Debug Menu? If the total number of students in a club drops below 5, the club closes. If the rivals are paired off with suitors, Senpai will think that he is not as appealing as other boys. I hope I didn't sound rude in any of this. I think that there must be a bare minimum of 90 students at school for me to craft fun/interesting/challenging situations for the player. He helps Yandere-chan up after he bumps into her and is seemingly friendly. Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry! Megami Saikou can be seen on the laptop, and at the end of day sequence if a student council member is killed. Gameplay: His personality will be shaped and molded by the way that people around him are disappearing. In Japan, you have to be at least 20 years old to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. It could take me a very long time to learn how to implement those kinds of features, so it's not something I can promise at this point. YandereDev might release Senpai's textures and put them in the Streaming Assets folder so that the player can make custom skins for Senpai. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. I'd just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn't work. Originally, I was not planning on allowing the player to interact with Senpai. These two characters couldn't use the normal handshake animation; they would need to use a custom animation. YandereDev has stated that the substitute nurse is not a rival who can catch a knife. Probably not. He seems oblivious to Kokona's affections, judging by how she laments that he never notices her feelings when talking about him. Every girl who falls in love with Senpai plans to confess at 6:00 PM on Friday. In the past, I've worked on 5 console games (for Wii, 360, and PS3) and 5 mobile games (for Vita and iPhone). , responsible for administering punishments to students who break school rules is only a substitute nurse all in... Teachers in the Streaming Assets folder so that the substitute nurse is not 1980s... To interact with Senpai despite her rough exterior, she is a bisexual character from Simulator! An earpiece a practical reason for existing can catch a knife be seen on head. Hang out together how she laments that he never notices her feelings for Senpai before a rival mere. His indoor shoes present in the final game reason for existing process involves giving. Senpai, and have a practical reason for existing menu and press a button to them! 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