christian voter guide coloradochristian voter guide colorado

It brings dignity to the individual and enhances self esteem. Colorado has the responsibility to protect her citizens first, last, and always. Yes. Pope Francis appointed Father Rodriguez as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver on August 25, 2016 and was ordained on November 4, 2016 on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of bishops. The diocese and its parishes provide religious education and formation to more than 9,000 students. Voter Guides and Sample Ballots. I will always stand up for your religious freedom. I am deeply interested to hear the perspective of your organization. From 1999-2001, he served as the first Rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and Chief Executive Officer of Our Lady of the New Advent Theological Institute. But we can not foster a state or permanent dependency, and should favor assistance to whole families. We are smart enough to do both, and with His help we can. Those of us who lead our lives according to our faith, need to step into the realm of public policy to ensure our rights are protected. In 1987, he began graduate studies at San Anselmo University in Rome, earning a Licentiate in Sacramental Theology in 1990. Voter guides and sample ballots can help you decide who you can vote for and what ballot measures will be up for vote at election time. I am fighting for affordable housing and more affordable higher education so that working families have a better chance to find prosperity. He was ordained Dec. 24, 1987. Become a citizen should be top priority and a plan to assimilate and thrive should be in place when coming to America, it is not the role of government to guarantee outcomes. He has served as a Parochial Vicar and Pastor in various parishes. Destroying the energy industry helps them achieve such control. In Merida he attended a primary school run by the Maryknoll Sisters, and then secondary and preparatory schools run by the Marist Brothers. All Rights Reserved. Learn More. Read the guidelines here: Five Non-Negotiable Moral Pillars of a Biblical Voter listed in our published work Biblical Voter Booklet, A Step-by-Step Guide to Biblical Voting pages 16 -17 A focused effort on cracking down on trafficking (locating and prosecuting traffickers) and anyone involved in child pornography should be a priority in Colorado. Write by: Please print the Pro-Life Voter Guide and share with your family, friends, and neighbors. As a practicing Catholic, my views are highly aligned with the Catholic Conference. Yes if naturalized or born here. I am pro-life. I can only deny those Rights to others by denying their status as Creator endowed, which precariously denies them to myself as well. As long as they are not causing physical harm or directly impacting others. He was incardinated as a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver in 2008. But only when said legislation pertains to affordable and transparent care between provider and patient. I am the candidate who is standing up for ordinary working people. If the government would get out of the way of the church and business, people would be able to keep more money and not rely on the government. Religious evangelism would be limited by the same laws. I believe it is the right of the pregnant person, in consultation with their health provider, to make any decisions about carrying to term or ending their pregnancy. The purpose of government is to secure our Creator endowed Rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. RHEA promotes and protects Feticide. He has given me many gifts in this life and I believe I have the skills, knowledge, and moral leadership that is necessary to bring people together for the common good. God, Bless you all for what you do to help. Yes. Voters can no longer mail their ballots starting on Nov. 1. Your Colorado 2022 Voter Guide is a team effort, made possible by the following: Reporters: Jesse Paul, Sandra Fish. Government can only ensure provision for basic human needs if those resources are first coerced from another, which is theft regardless of intentions. However, if the bill was pushed farther to infringe on the rights of religious freedom, I would disagree. When we arent engaged, we leave the law and policy making to others who dont make the same faith-based decisions we would. Latest News Voter Guides 2018 admin - June 16, 2016 0 Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. If there are any errors, please don't hesitate contact editors Luige . We need God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado US Senate. This means that state law should not include or provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within womens health care organizations. Your ballot will also include all appellate judges standing for retention. Adults can choose on their own. The prevalence of digital media makes Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-502 difficult to enforce. I spent 3 years on teen court and it an example of a program that helps with both of the goals stated here. The separation of Church and State is only a Constitutional concept in as much as the State is not to: promote an official state religion, make joining a specific religion a requirement for holding office, nor restrict the free exercise of any religion. In 2001, he became parochial vicar of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in North Richland Hills, Texas. This is a totally barbaric act. With the issues facing us today, the polarization of our politics we have now gone far beyond the pettiness of partisanship. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. When I was raised Roman Catholic, I was taught that Catholics follow their tenets, but never force them on others. I believe in private investment and competition in the energy sector. Sanctity of Life: Human life must be protected at all stages from conception until natural death. I WILL ABSOLUTELY sponsor and vote to repeal this disgusting act. When possible we should always encourage work. This is another area where minimum wage laws prevent those trying to return with the ability to access the first rung of the ladder to success. I believe in a persons freedom to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs, privately, publicly, and in their businesses. Protecting the conscience rights of medical providers is a bit more of a gray area to me. If the foundation for the development and use of more environmentally friendly sources cannot be articulated on their own merits, why should it be seen as just to have the state financially motivate people to do so? The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. The codification of RHEA effectively ends any Right to Life. our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County, Church Voter Guides primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results! Work is as much about personal dignity as it is about earning money. No, all individuals should have their well-founded beliefs protected. I believe that representation has been missing for a long time, and Id like to bring it back. A vote of the people should be required. On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. He has served the diocese in various capacities including Director of Ongoing Formation of Clergy, Chair of the Personnel Board, member of the Diocesan Finance Council, the Presbyteral Council, and as a member of the Diocesan College of Consultors. Id like to thank you for your thoughtful questions. This is no longer Acceptable practice. 8675 Explorer Drive, Suite 112 | Colorado Springs, CO 80920. You may be trivializing the agony of some of these decisions by pointing out only that this Act allows for elective abortion for every week of pregnancy. Our Christian Voters Coalition, Christian Voters Guide: Candidate Endorsement Opportunity Form is straight forward and covers a broad cross-section of issues that are of interest to pro-family voters, conservative voters, and Christian Evangelical voters. Colorado, is less safe, less affordable, and undereducated. So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. While I am very concerned that pornography is too easily accessed, I also believe that if we allow the government to create legal or technical restrictions on pornography access, we will have given that same government the ability to restrict access to any content labeled dangerous. Instead, we should seek market-based solutions that incentivize ISPs providing ways to restrict content on a customer-by-customer basis. No. I support this in case Obergefell is overturned. Colorado Catholics should vote for me because I support their values both in theory and in practice. Although I stand as a candidate, the aided Write-in vote for Alexander Mugatu will be a vote in aid of us all! Colorado Secretary of State 303-894-2200 Colorado Election Information iVoterGuide National Right to Life 117th Congressional Senate Scorecard 117th Congressional House Scorecard Transform Colorado Voter Guides Criminal justice should protect the innocent and punish the guilty. By COLORADO POLITICS STAFF. It is not the responsibility of the government to set moral boundaries. I decline to answer based on the misinformation about environmental issues. It violates our constitutional rights. While this idea may sound good and noble, it ignores human nature of the heart. I want to work with faith leaders to restore the position of influence that our churches should have in our communities. Make a plan to cast your biblically-informed vote right here. This is truly sad if Colorado becomes an Abortion destination. In addition, however, parents must be equal partners in defining the curriculum used in the classroom. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district., Look around you- is Colorado better or worse than it was 20 years ago? I ask for your vote and support. Rehabilitation of criminals should always be a goal. Church Voter Guides informs and empowers Christian voters through nonpartisan, 501c3-compliant candidate surveys and practical training. Archbishop Aquilas episcopal motto comes from the Blessed Virgin Marys instructions at Cana: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5)., "As Catholics, we have a moral duty to vote with an informed conscience, and to pray for wisdom and guidance as we head to the voting booth. We must do something to solve the issue of recidivism. I believe victims should be protected first and foremost. Thats where you come in! Join with Church Voter Guides as we connect Christian patriots and make a difference by activating and educating Christian voters. We saw people denied critical health care during the pandemic who refused the experimental gene therapy. Should Colorado law allow families to utilize their own 529 savings account funds for their childrens K-12 education (this has been permitted by the IRS since 2018 but states must opt-in)? It should protect patients from egregious providers. Bishop Golka says that he greatly enjoys the pastoral ministry which is provided in a parish setting. No. Our current legislatures have wasted our tax dollars on failing programs and senseless research. MORE ON THE DEMOCRATS SPENDING BIG TO SUPPORT CANDIDATES THEY . At the very least, victimless crimes (e.g., owning one more cannabis plant than the law allows) should not be codified as crimes. An efficient pathway to citizenship is paramount. He also enjoys helping to provide ongoing formation events for the clergy of the diocese to care for the wellbeing of his brother priests. If illegal immigrant, your basic needs should be met then you should be sent back to the country in which you came. Not all we should have a say in who we want to become citizens, criminal justice is already stretched cant add to it another task, This is a matter of moral choice not the government. I think that more providers may come to Colorado if only because of the new rules of some surrounding states. I FULLY AGREE that work should be encouraged and would draft legislation requiring the searching and attaining of a full-time job. After applying as a seminarian for his home diocese of Grand Island, Bishop Golka enjoyed seminary formation at the St. Paul Seminary, School of Divinity, of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, where he received both a Masters of Divinity degree and a Masters of Arts degree in Sacramental Theology. As Senator, I will ensure these unelected political bullies are held to account with the highest degree of transparency. I will engage the faith community in addressing big societal problems such as homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness. June 28 - Primary election day.The polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We hope that you find this guide informative and useful. I recognize that history has shown that governments who exceed the role of securing our Rights in the pursuit of some humanist utopia have always descended into tyranny. One of my political guidelines is the principal of subsidiarity. Here are 3 things you should know: #1 The Guide - We have four voter guides for you this year: I worry about turning over control of health care to any government. Below you'll find a comprehensive non-partisan guide (with many links!) With ever-increasing numbers of laws and regulations, are we more or less free today, free to express the thoughts that make us human beings, agents to act, rather than being things to be acted upon? Word spread through social media, inspiring pilgrimages to the . A few dates to remember: June 6 - First day that mail-in ballots are sent to voters.. June 20 - Last day for an individual to submit a voter registration application and still get a ballot in the mail. I agree, as long as at least half of their prison term is served. Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. I will support educational choice and parental voice in schools. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). The Christian Alliance of America with Bill Federer will . Religious organizations have the right to decide who can/cannot get married, without the government involved. The funding systems for public education needs work. No if they are illegal. No, we should not incentivize any medical treatments. Almost the whole city voted in people who share my values. Its time to stop doubling down on goofball policy. A guiding scripture passage is Psalm 116:12 which proclaims: How can I repay the LORD for all the great good done for me? Bishop Golka was Ordained a Bishop in Colorado Springs on June 29, 2021. or CLICK HERE first if youd like more specific information about how your donation, will be utilized for our national rollout and/or to donate by Check or ACH Transfer. Science is the best tool we have found to discover facts, and religion, at its best, is the tool that helps us use that knowledge with integrity and justice for all. In 2002, he returned to Rome to serve as Associate Pastor ofStella MarisParish in the Diocese of Rome, but then returned to Denver in 2006 to be a professor at St. John Vianney. Voting in Colorado County clerks are mailing ballots to active registered voters this week. God gifted us free will, and I choose to endorse that gift. A thousand times over, yes. Why should Colorado Law provide incentives to murder children? Bishop Rodriguez was born March 22, 1955, in Merida, Mexico, located in the state of Yucatan. Feticide is a violation of Human Rights, not something to pursue as a growth industry. The determination of how environmentally friendly a solution actually is requires looking beyond the surface.. As a reward, Peters now faces seven felony charges connected to the stunt. Support local journalism: As a public service, we have decided to put the 2022 Colorado Primary Election Guide in front of our paywall so you can access it for free. I am for protecting our environment from the drilling site to the gas pumps, to our homes for lights, heat and air-conditioning and to the many businesses and manufactures in our State of Colorado with the lowest possible price. Our greatness comes from recognizing that God, not government or rulers, gave us our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thus, before asking the State for money, we should ask over what or whom we would like the State to have absolute control. I will be done in two years as this is not a career choice; it is a civic duty I feel called to. Ron DeSantis speaks, Feb. 15, 2023, at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla. Gov. Position is consistent with Catholic Social Teaching, Position is not consistent with Catholic Social Teaching, Adrienne BenavidezAlex ValdezAlice Marie Saven-EdmondAlvin SextonAmy Lunde Andrew BoeseneckerAnthony HartsookArik DoughertyBarbara McClachlanBetteRose RyanBlake GarnerBob HenryBraeden MiguelBrandon McDowellBrian BakkumBrianna TitoneByron PeltonCathy KippChris KennedyClayton CasciatoColby DreschelColin LarsonCraig JonesDafna Michaelson JenetDan MontoyaDan WoogDaniel LutzDaryl KuiperDave DonelsonDave WooleverDavid BuckleyDavid OrtizDavid StahlkeDean FlandersDonald HowellDonald OsbornDonna WalterDylan RobertsElisabeth EppsEliza HamrickElizabeth VelascoEmily SirotaEric BrodyEric JossFaith WinterFred CliffordGuillermo DiazHilleary WatersHugh McKeanIman JodehJanice MarchmanJanice RichJavier MabreyJaylen MosqueiraJennifer BaconJennifer ParentiJenny WillfordJessie DanielsonJoe JohnsonJohn KaufmanJohn SuttonJohnnie JohnsonJordan FriedmanJudith Amabile Julie GonzalesJulie McCluskieJunie JosephJustin SavoyKaren McCormickKathleen ConwayKathryn GreenKevin AllenKevin GulbransonKevin KunsKevin van WinkleKolten MontgomeryKurt HuffmanKyle FureyKyle MullicaLesie Herod Lindsey DaughertyLisa CholletLisa Cutter Lisa FrizellMandy LindsayMarc CatlinMarc SnyderMark BaisleyMary Bradfield Mary YoungMatt SniderMatt SolomonMatt SoperMatthew MartinezMeg FroelichMeghan LukensMichael GiallombardoMike LynchMike WeissmanMonica DuranNaquetta RicksNick HinrichsenPaul LundeenPerry WillRegina EnglishRichard HoltorfRichard WebsterRick TaggartRob RogersRob WoodwardRobert MarshallRobert RodriguezRobert StutzRod PeltonRuby DicksonRuby MartinezRyan GonzalezSaid SharbiniSavannah WolfsonSerena Gonzales-GutierrezShana BlackShannon BirdSheila LiederShelli ShawSpring EricksonStacie DoughertyStephanie HancockStephanie LuckStephanie WheelerStephen DarnellSteven WoodrowTammy StoryTara MenzaTisha MauroTodd DennisonTom CowhickTom KimTom SullivanTony ExumTracey BernettTracey JohnsonTravis NelsonTroy BrekkeVanessa DeMottWilliam Lindstedt. 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