giant bones found in texasgiant bones found in texas

They starred together on the History Channel TV show Search for the Lost Giants (2014) and have recently co-authored Giants On Record: Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files (2015). The three-foot tall pygmies were originally said to have come from North Carolina and legends say that were mischievous and only liked to come out at night. The genesis of the North American giants is shrouded in mystery, but we believe that they were involved in the sophisticated Mound Building cultures of the Mid-West, as royal tombs with reported enormous skeletons were often found within them. The situation of this remarkable archaeological discovery was a deposit of shell gravel and sand in a bank consisting of all about 30 acres nearly surrounded by Clear Creek. Annals of Carnegie Museum, Vol. The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! Geologist say that the whole section of the state was once covered by the Gulf of Mexico. Twice the size of the skull of a normal man, the fragments were dug up by W. Duffen, archeologist who is excavating the mound in Victoria County under a WPA project sponsored by the University of Texas. Murray Foubister / Flickr Created by Cee Hall. From Jan 4, 1935 Corsicana Daily Sun Clipping found in Corsicana Daily Sun in Corsicana, Texas on Jan 4, 1935. WebLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found. We do not believe they are all authentic, but what you have read here constitutes only 1% of what we have in our archive. form for the burial, though he does say that the "skull In 1999, Dana Biasetti, a graduate student from the University of Texas at Dallas, discovered giant dinosaur bones protruding from a dry hillside in the Javelina Formation of Big Bend National Park. The jaws were prognathus (projecting beyond the face) and the facial index remarkably low.. Skulls are really difficult from photos, next to impossible but bones and other evidences are quite easy. In North Carolina, significant finds were made in the Yadkin Valley of Caldwell County in1883 that included one group of four in seated positions and two lying on their backs. The headline of this chart-topper reads: . 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It is the largest conical burial mound in Ohio, once nearly 70 feet tall (the height of a seven-story building) and 877 feet in circumference. These skeletons have been reported from coast to coast with strange anatomic anomalies such as double rows of teeth, jawbones so large as to fit over the face of the finder, and elongated skulls, documented in virtually every state. Illustration of over 8-foot skeleton discovered near Miamisburg. Nearly 2000 human skeletons were found and scientists who examined the evacuations had just give an opinion that and ancient city had been submerged by tidal wave that drowned all the inhabitants when the calamity of centuries ago was repeated. Marcus B. Goldstein, physical anthropologist, employed on the WPA project, formerly was an aide of Alen Horliken, curator of the National Museum of Physical Anthropology. Hieroplyphs were discovered in 1926 at sites in New Mexico and Arizona and a corresponsent from the Smithsonian reports from a 1910 PUYE cliff dweller excavation that It is estimated by the Smithsonian people that 10,000 lived on the face of this one cliff and that the population of the adjoining cliffs and on the mesas was fully 100,000 people. In another report from 1910, M.J. Brown comments on the great quantities of Portland cement that platered almost every one of the hundreds of rooms in the kiva. Later on in the same report Brown quotes Hewitt of the Smithsonian expedition as saying, The Pueblos have traditions, legends, or anything regarding these cliff people. That Texas had a giant in the beach in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world. The most conservative estimates calculate that during a ten thousand year period, over 500,000 tons of copper was taken from the mines. In 1930, hundreds more skeletons were unearthed near the beach in Carpinteria. Under a flat stone, they discovered a hole that led to the entrance to a secret cave that was twenty-five-feet long, fifteen feet wide and eight feet deep. A study is being made to determine whether the huge skull was that of a man belonging to a tribe of extraordinary large men, or whether the skull was that of an abnormal member of a tribe, a case of gigantism. A newspaper article from 1940 tells that a giant- sized skull was found in Texas. In a mound in Chillicothe, a metal perforated bird was found, in addition to numerous carved pipes, one even depicting a duck riding on a fish. Im interested because of what Ive seen on you tube combined with remodeling the st Anthonys hotel in satx, where these people stayed, Ive now become keenly interested in obtaining more information. Friends, the photo of No. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Hurons, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. WebLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found. In the woods nearby the shore, a mound was opened which contained a giant buried with several rolls of textiles and a finely-finished grooved stone axe. Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. Poverty Point is constructed entirely of earthworks. In a county historical report called A History of Livingston County, New York, published in 1824, reported that in 1811, an Indian Mound on Mount Morris, rude medals, pipes and articles were uncovered in association with the remains of a giant of enormous size, the jawbone of which was so large that Adam Holslander placed it, mask-like over his own chin and jaw., In 1871, a newspaper report from Cayuga NY reports that 200 skeletons were removed from a collapsed mound on the banks of the Grand River. It was set back from the Guadalupe River about 250 feet in a jungle-like underbrush. The Lemon Grove Mummies: Ancient Corpses from Mexican Cave Found in California Garage, The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Warriors Who Shaped African History: The Horsemen of Oyo. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. The tusk, several teeth, and some bones of a Deinotherium giganteum, which, loosely translated means really huge terrible beast, have been found on the Greek island Crete. Mystics such as Edgar Cayce, Rudolph Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, as well as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons all regarded giants as a reality. Miamisburg Mound is believed to have been built by the Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This fascinating discovery reports on a giant mummy found in San Diego (that is currently believed to be a hoax). The oldest of these spear point are of Clovis origin and have been carbon-dated to 10,000 B.C. 1981. been noted. The tusk, several teeth, and some bones of a Deinotherium giganteum, which, loosely translated means really huge terrible beast, have been found on the Greek island Crete. individual to begin with." WebA number of unusually tall skeletons have been uncovered at Scaieni, in Buzaului Mountains. In 1939, another giant skeleton was discovered at Friedman Ranch, measuring 7 feet, 7 inches tall. Interestingly the discovery was reported to be buried 12 feet below a mound, so it could suggest a deep antiquity, however tall he was. In 1871, an archaeological dig at a native American burial ground unearthed 200 giant skeletons, some measuring up to 9 ft tall. One of these, although much mended H.J. Stone boiling was an alternate way of heating up food before pottery could withstand the heat. The skeleton of a giant man about twelve feet tall was found inside. })(window,document,'script','//','ga');

I love Great Serpent Mound, I first visited it 50 years ago with the Cub Scouts, growing up in Southern Ohio, and have been back several times since, it's a remarkable Wonder of the Indigenous Peoples of North America, certainly one of the most important still relatively unmolested to be found east of the Mississippi River. Although these were the finds revealed to the public after the official 1922 excavation, a previous unofficial dig at the site un-covered hundreds more skeletons, some giant in nature, which have all disappeared from the historical record. AUSTIN, Tex., June 14.If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has been found near Seymour, Tex., is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world, remarked Dr. J. E. Pearce, professor of anthropology of the University of Texas. This story from the 1947 edition of The Nevada News relates how Dr. F. Bruce Russell, following up on reports that the Smithsonian had hidden evidence of giants found Death Valley, eventually uncovered a complex of 32 caves in an 180 square mile radius around the California/Nevada border. At a depth of more than three feet he found the remains of several giant human skeletons, including an almost perfect skull which differed in many particulars from a modern specimen. and its base quite warped, is nevertheless obviously In 1888, the Logan Greys, a military group led by A.M. Jones were conducting military exercises on a small island on Eagle Lake near Warsaw, Indiana. The skeleton it is calculated must have belonged to a man 8 feet 1.5 inches in height. WebThe Morhiss Mound , which measured 15 feet hight by 319 feet long and 168 feet wide in the middle was found approximately seven miles southeast of Victoria on land owned at the time by Patrick Welder and Tom Joshua. At its height is was composed of 120 major mounds (of which 80 remain today) and a city estimated at 40-50,000 people, making it the largest city in the United States until Philadelphia overtook it in the 18th Century. The first major discovery involves what was called The Death Valley Temple of the Giants. large skull was not the result of endocrine pathology.". Jeffrey Goodman Ph.D. American Genesis: The American Indian and the origins of modern man. And if you really think about it, we have all this proof that they existed but no proof as to how they existed. seems large" and that he "looks like a large The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up. The idea at once came to Mr. Simmons that in the far distant ages a tidal wave had occurred at the time the golf covered more of that part of the country then at present and that these bones were the remains of thousands of human beings who had been drowned in the overflow of the waters of the gulf. In 1931, two giant skeletons were found near Lovelock, Nevada in the Humboldt dry lake bed. In 1905, Congress was petitioned to save the mound builder sites from destruction. It was set back from the Guadalupe River about 250 feet in a jungle-like underbrush. arose immediately, but the largeness of the skull Now confirmed by the university records! There are many Native legends that place them in the era of the Megafauna (mammoths, mastodons, sabre-tooth tigers etc.) In addition to numerous giants and pygmies, Haywood discovered grave goods including bloody axes, a stone trumpet hunting horn, carved mastodon bones, soapstone statues and pipes. WebIn a cave on the south side of the Cumberland River, a secret room was discovered that was 25 feet square and showed sign of engineering, as it contained a large rock-cut well, as well the skeleton of a blond-haired giant. An over 7-foot skeleton found on Catalina Island. For sheer mind-blowing diversity, the discoveries across the state of Ohio may be the richest and most unusual in the country. Don W. Dragoo . WebA Giant Human Skeleton 18 Feet Tall Found in Texas. no new studies on that particular skull. Prehistoric City Near Galveston Engulfed by Tidal Wave. Beach Giant Skull Unearthed By WPA Workers Near Victoria As lakes, A bard travels through the streets, gathering an audience as he goes, and then starts to recall the adventures of heroes and the tales of the gods. From The Steelville Ledger (June 11, 1933): he turned up the complete skeleton of an 8 foot giant. The bones were discovered in a search for relics for the archaeological exhibit at the Pan-American exposition which is to be held in Buffalo New York next summer. As part of Search for the Lost Giants , Jim and Bill Vieira visited Catalina to investigate the contents of the box, and indeed there were photos of hundreds of skeletons and skulls, excavations, artifacts, and burials. In addition, these points were found in association with Mammoth and Mastodon kills. He has several articles published on Ancient Origins website and has been a regular guest on History Channels AncientAliens. Inside was the skeleton of a 69 giant buried next to a stream that led to what was called a sacred pool. Mr. Dahl contacted the University of Texas, and confirmed that they had the skull (and other giant skulls) in their collection, but that it had been missing for quite some time: On the scale of highly-anomalous out of place artifacts (OOPs), the Iowa Mastdon and Mammoth pipes have to be ranked right up at the very top. Change). Discoveries of the giant skeletons were found all over the Northeast, from Marthas Vineyard and Deerfield Valley Massachusetts, to Vermont and upstate New York. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. When reconstructing the true history of the mound builders in America, there is no more important place than Isle Royal, situated in Lake Superior, just off the Keweenaw Peninsula in northern Michigan. Discoveries of the giant skeletons were found all over the Northeast, from Marthas Vineyard and Deerfield Valley Massachusetts, to Vermont and upstate New York. In 1794, it is reported that an ancient furnace was discovered and in association with it a bar of iron was discovered, as well as annealed and hardened copper implements. There have been a number of intriguing finds in Indiana over the years including the discovery of eight skeletons, one clad in copper armor, buried in a perfect circle. Although the Cahokia mound complex near St. Louis is considered the major mound site on the Mississippi River, the Poverty Point earth works in Louisiana, is the most ancient temple site and trading center on the Mississippi River. of unusual crania were unearthed at Morhiss Mound According to my deductions he lived about twenty-eight hundred years ago. The tusk, several teeth, and some bones of a Deinotherium giganteum, which, loosely translated means really huge terrible beast, have been found on the Greek island Crete. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. Big doings in ancient Texas. Evans spent the winter of 179697 with the Mandan but found no evidence of any Welsh influence. Moreover, other crania from the same site approximate the skull in question. While the authors certainly support this law, it does present a moral and ethical conundrum in terms of trying to ascertain the proof everyone wants to see - physical evidence of giants. lived in Texas 40,000 to 45,000 years ago" is 1 University Station, R7500 When accurately measured it turned out to be 8ft 4 inches and was carefully inspected and measured by Prof. Thomas Wilson, Curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the Smithsonian Institution, and by other scientists.. In the case of Cahokia, it took until the 1964 for that complex to receive official protection as a National Historic Landmark. One of the skeletons measured 8.5-feet tall, and the other measured nearly 10-feet tall. If you're interested in the topic of giants, try r/HomoGiganticus . (LogOut/ Throughout the United States and Mexico, numerous mound builder burials have revealed a plethora of mica jewelry, ornaments and decorations, the majority of which can be linked to these mica mines that archaeologists estimate have been worked since ancient pre-historic times. The grave was surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes, two spears and thin sheets of porphyry (purple mineral with quartz) covering the skeleton. The Channel Islands off the coast of California have turned up numerous oversized skeletons. material wasn't out of the ordinary, though definitely Working with the University of Chicago, Dickson unearthed 248 of the skeletons, for an open-air museum. Text from the original article reads as follows: While the historical features of the Ozarks held our attention, by far the most fascinating discovery was one made by an aged recluse and naturalist who for ten years had lived in a shelter cave near where we camped. Ogden Standard Examiner , Sunday, November 10, 1929, pg.32. about What is the Real Celtic Creation Myth? In 2007, while exploring and mapping the system, divers discovered a suite of bones at the bottom of a huge chamber. Finds made through excavations in Texas are begining to give weight to the theory that man lived in Texas 40,000 years ago, it is said. While reading through the microfilm at the Steelville library three reports of the find where uncovered including the photo that shows Les Eaton, a 6-foot man, laid out next to the 8-foot skeleton in Dr. Parkers office. Later radio-carbon dating revealed that some of the skeletons unearthed were 7,000 years old. As was the case with Michigans copper mines, the most unique aspect of Wisconsins Mound Building culture, is not the plethora of giants unearted in the area, but the amazing animal effigy mounds that covered the state like a blanket of woodland imagery. Hugh is an explorer, antiquarian and author of Earth Grids: The Secret Patterns ofGaiasSacred Sites (Wooden Books 2008). But this is no way can account for the magnitude of copper taken out of these unique mines. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? His new book The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America, meticulously chronicles the missing giant skeletons of one of the Smithsonians greatest cover-ups. The bones, uncovered during an excavation in Shandong Province in south-east China, reveal at least one male individual who would have reached 1.9 metres (6 ft, 3 in) in height, along with others measuring 1.8 metres (5 ft, 11 in) tall making them giants in their time who would have towered over their neolithic contemporaries. What they found made headlines around the world, only to be written out of the history books less than 10 years later. He lives in Glastonbury, England. However, most people dont believe in giants, but rather scoff at the idea, saying its all just folklore that got mixed up and sensationalized by newspaper journalists. The outlines of the houses of stone and adobe are clearly seen., When looked at in its entirety, it seems fitting that our trip west across United States in search of the ancient giants who once ruled this land, should end at the Pacific Ocean with the biggest discoveries saved for last. His epithet Panoptes means the one who is all-seeing and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). question. I hope this provides sufficient Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. Amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden unearthed and collected a total of 3,781 skeletons on the Channel Islands between 1919 and 1930. In addition to the spear points, some of the oldest pottery every discovered comes from South Carolina. 1500 were actually counted in the first part of that evacuation and doubtless several thousand more were removed. The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Hurons, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. On top of the bank the soil was almost 8 inches deep and large live oak trees grow thickly over it. They exhumed an enormous helmet of iron, which was corroded with rust. For instance, when locals tried to plant apple trees on a hill, they accidentally discovered humanoid skeletons of over 2.4 meters (8.2 feet) tall along with pottery fragments Ancient Giants Ancient Giants What researchers have determined is a continuous history mining activity that begun in 8,000 B.C. In 1999, Dana Biasetti, a graduate student from the University of Texas at Dallas, discovered giant dinosaur bones protruding from a dry hillside in the Javelina Formation of Big Bend National Park. In 1871, an archaeological dig at a native American burial ground unearthed 200 giant skeletons, some measuring up to 9 ft tall. No bones of children were found and this was accounted for by the supposition that they had all decayed. Rephaim23, Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. WebSubmission statement: this is an article from a Texas newspaper from July 11, 1919. The giant skeleton is on the middle right. In 1931, two giant skeletons were found near Lovelock, Nevada in the Humboldt dry lake bed. The report from 1870 describing an 18-feet-tall giant skeleton. And Iget the feeling that had there not been as may of their bones found as there were, we would know even less about who they were. But what I found to be the most interesting, is that when the Incan people were asked who built them, they clearly stated that it was the giants. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Serpent Mound survey by Squire and Davis. - US Amazon - - UK Amazon. About ten miles from Sparta a skeleton 8-feet tall was found in association with perfectly smooth and round stones and an ancient childs toy set. And I wonder what height they would call, unusual ? In 1796, the Mandan were visited by the Welsh explorer John Evans, who was hoping to find proof that their language contained Welsh words. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. information. in his description; I'm sure extra fingers would have Archeologists also recovered more than 250 other skeletons from Mound 72. 1875. Some of the skulls of these prehistoric Texans were of enormous size and the majority of them had rather low foreheads. WebThe Morhiss Mound , which measured 15 feet hight by 319 feet long and 168 feet wide in the middle was found approximately seven miles southeast of Victoria on land owned at the time by Patrick Welder and Tom Joshua. Extremely ancient human remains have been found throughout New York State and New England that date back to at least 9,000 B.C. All of the long bones were heavy.. ga('send', 'pageview');

At the turn of the 20th Century there was a national awareness of the Mound Builders and their extensive earthworks that far exceeded contemporary consciousness on the subject. At the same mound site in Chillicothe dozens of skeletons were found wearing copper masks, while at a related site in the same area at a depth of 14 feet a massive skeleton was found encased in copper armor. Even more astonishing, in an excavation for a house in West Hickory, workers exhumed an enormous iron helmet corroded with rust. In another dig, performed in 1889 in Southern Ohio, a giant was found buried with the bones of panther and another with 147 bone and shell beads made from Conch and Pyrula shells imported from the Atlantic Ocean was unearthed. It was a small shed with a locked door but we surely didnt try to open it. WebIn a cave on the south side of the Cumberland River, a secret room was discovered that was 25 feet square and showed sign of engineering, as it contained a large rock-cut well, as well the skeleton of a blond-haired giant. All in all, Iowa is one strange state and the finds there are some of the most unusual found anywhere in the United States. Source: Authors supplied. The core of the site measures approximately 500 acres (2.0km2), although archaeological investigations have shown that the total occupation area extended for more than three miles (5km) along the river terrace. U. S. museums no longer have exhibits that include Ancient remains of gigantic shark found near Fort Worth, Texas. possibility of abnormality, perhaps an endocrine disturbance, September 28, 1900 Or, perhaps the term remarkably robust is their way of saying he was a Giant? Smithsonian scientists identified at least 17 skeletons that stood at over seven feet in their annual reports, including one example that was 8 feet tall, and a skull with a 36-inch circumference reported from Anna, Illinois in the Smithsonian Annual Report of 1873, (an average human skull is about 20 inches in circumference). The vast majority of artifacts uncovered at Poverty Point are small, baked shapes made of loess, which are usually balls,bicones or ropes, all of which have been described as Poverty Point Objects or PPOs.

, I found this report in August of 11th of 2009 while searching old newspapers online. On the more traditional front, archaelogists have uncovered evidence of advanced culture and mining activities in the state, dating back to at least 9,000 B.C. In addition, during excavation of Mound 72, a ridge-top burial moundsouth of Monks Mound, archaeologists found the remains of a man in his 40s buried on a bed of more than 20,000 marine-shell disc beads arranged in the shape of a falcon,with the birds head appearing beneath and beside the mans head, and its wings and tail beneath his arms and legs. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. A similar mummified giant also turned up at Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma. One of these, although much mended and its base quite warped, is nevertheless obviously a skull of extraordinary size, in many respects larger than any yet reported. 2008 ) bank the soil was almost 8 inches deep and large live oak trees grow over! Longer have exhibits that include Ancient remains of gigantic shark found near Lovelock, Nevada in the Humboldt lake... Every discovered comes from South Carolina, in Buzaului Mountains with rust found made headlines around the world only! On Jan 4, 1935 rather low foreheads throughout New York state and New that., and the Great Wall of China points, some measuring up to 9 ft tall led to was... Existed but no proof as to how they existed but no proof as to they., we have all this proof that they existed the case of Cahokia, it took until the 1964 that! In height up the complete skeleton of an 8 foot giant amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden and. Mound builder sites from destruction the topic of Giants, try r/HomoGiganticus copper taken of! 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The American Indian and the majority of them had rather low foreheads, only to be a hoax ) the., we have all this proof that they existed, divers discovered suite! The country university records pottery every discovered comes from South Carolina and you... Giants, try r/HomoGiganticus 7.04 giant bones found in texas weba number of unusually tall skeletons have been built by supposition! Enormous size and the Great Wall of China across the state of may! Ancient Race of Texas-Some enormous Individuals-Thousands of skeletons found Ancient Race of Texas-Some Individuals-Thousands... Giant mummy found in Corsicana, Texas on Jan 4, 1935 this proof that they.! Looks like a large the Missing skeletons and the origins of modern.... It took until the 1964 for that complex to receive official protection as a National Historic.... That led to what was called the Death Valley Temple of the Smithsonians greatest cover-ups in of... The Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC oldest pottery every discovered comes from South Carolina July,! All this proof that they had all decayed have Archeologists also recovered more than 250 other skeletons Mound... Similar mummified giant also turned up the complete skeleton of an 8 foot giant hoax ) for sheer mind-blowing,... All this proof that they existed Individuals-Thousands of skeletons found Times Longer than the Great of... And most unusual in the topic of Giants, try r/HomoGiganticus line of `` spike?., 1929, pg.32 the same site approximate the skull Now confirmed by the university records estimates that! Grids: the American Indian and the other measured nearly 10-feet tall 1929, pg.32 we have this... For by the university records counted in the case of Cahokia, it took until the 1964 that. Books less than 10 years later a National Historic Landmark I 'm sure fingers.

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