groundhog hunting dog breedsgroundhog hunting dog breeds

Kevin Gilmore, owner of Gilmore Brittanys. My cousin used to hunt pheasants by day and raccoons by night with his shorthairs. Tony Ray, owner of Roanoke River Kennels. There are several different types of hunting dog developed for various tasks and purposes. With its "intelligent nature and affinity for sports such as agility, tracking, herding, and sledding," the Belgian Tervuren has certainly earned its place among the . They are intelligent and self-sufficient, and their crazy powerful bite makes them quite useful for catching and holding hogs since it allows them to get a good grip on the . . T.E.N. What kind of dog hunts groundhogs? When a good English pointer faces a bird, marvels Guy de la Valdne in For a Handful of Feathers, he does so with all but one foot on the coals of hell.. Mini Schnauzer: With guard-dog instincts, Schnauzers were once bred as loyal farm companions in Germany. His work has appeared in Field & Stream for more than two decades, and includes features, his regular column, The Total Outdoorsman, five Field & Stream books, and the anthology The Last Wild Road. As the name states, it is a dog that will point to the hunter where his game is, but he won't retrieve it. Once the hog is cornered, catch dogs come into play. We picked our way over deadfalls and mossy granite for an hour before Danger perked up her ears. They will know what to do and utilize their training when required. In fact, they often ignore older scents to go after the fresher ones. From there we went in pursuit of wood ducks, woodcock, marsh hens, and quail. These curly-haired pups have a naturally water-repellent coat, making them perfect for getting to waterfowl in rough terrain. For dedicated duck hunters, be sure to consider the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. These dogs were bred in the Bavarian Alps in the mid-1800s, where they worked herding cattle and guarding livestock. Originally bred to hunt Lions (yes, you read that right), it should come as no surprise that the Rhodesian Ridgeback makes it onto our list of excellent guard dogs. With good training they are obedient and loyal dogs. Great Dane . Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Despite the moniker, Labrador retrievers are actually from neighboring Newfoundland, where small water dogs were bred with the giant, hardy Newfies to birth a medium-size retriever with fine legs and a short, water-shedding coat. But as with any dog, its important to consider the seven to nine months of the year when you wont be hunting. Hunters have used dogs for hunting wild hogs since ancient times. The best hunting dogs breeds are receptive to training, athletic, and have a strong prey drive. Lacys are a hardy breed that excels in all types of terrain, meaning they can track across whatever land they need to in order to find the hogs. Theyre athletic and they love the outdoorsand they absolutely love the water. Once they find the wild boar trail, they run it down, baying, and corner the hog, preventing its escape. While kenneled GSPs can be standoffish, if you raise a shorthair in the house you will have a friend for life. When a pack of blueticks strike scent, and the night suddenly throbs with their urgent music. The Karelian Bear Dog is a hardy pup who can work in harsh conditions and hunts prey with silent stealth. There are setters that point with high style, and setters that point as if theyre waiting for a bus; setters that are as trainable and eager-to-please as you could ever want, and setters that will fight you every step of the way. American Staffordshire Terrier, called AmStaff for short, is an amazing hog hunting dog. Incredibly intelligent, the laika is capable of hunting almost any kind of game you want to pursue. But dont be fooled by the smaller size of these pups, as they make excellent hunting partners. And the American foxhound is a part of that, a wonderful breed created for a sport that few people will ever witness, and even fewer understand. They make great companions on and off the hunt and are keen to please their owners. These dogs need to be trained and socialized with great care and need a dedicated owner for them to be most useful. It shouldnt be surprising that American Pitbulls and Pitbull Terriers feature on this list of top hog hunting dogs. Without vigorous exercise and lots of personal interaction, he is easily bored and may become destructive as he seeks to entertain himself. If big dogs are not your style but you still want an energetic hiking buddy, the Jack Russell terrier is the pup for you. Wherever there are birds in the United States, GSPs are there to point them. Almost any good squirrel dog will tree a groundhog every chance they can. Trained well, Redbones are very determined dogs that will not give up on a quarry, tracking across hills and even water if needed, Redbones are generally very friendly, making them good as family pets as well as hunting dogs. 4. They can also sniff out wounded deer. One of the most important tools in the hog hunters kit is the right hunting dog for the job. Like most Boykins, she had a strong prey drive, was a little too smart for her own good (a.k.a. ), Our waterfowl hunting dog, Pritchard, quickly showed an affinity for retrieving and loved the water. Of course, theyre also great hunting dogs. Differing in style from scenthounds, some other hounds use sight and speed as their main hunting aids. Hunting dogs are my passion. Plott Hounds are dominant dogs and will control a timid owner, especially if not trained properly. But, how can you have a list of the best hunting dog breeds and not begin with the Labrador retriever. Alex Robinson. But they wouldnt be as friendly toward other pets, especially the smaller ones. However, many hunters successfully use only one type of dog during hunting, either a bay dog or catch dog. This makes their grip even tighter. Ive been around treeing walkers ever since I was 8 years old. While hunting with cockers isnt new to these shoresFrank Forester, Americas first important outdoor writer, spoke glowingly of the breed in the 1850sby the 1960s theyd faded from the scene here. Mountain Curs do not have any breed-related health problems and live up to 16 years so you can enjoy their companionship for a long time. Thats why they wont be suitable as house pets, especially if you have young kids. Well take a look at how those breeds perform against hogs, what they do best, and what they lack. 10 Catahoula Leopard Dog. Small breed dogs do not have the power to overwhelm a groundhog like a large breed, but often think that they can. Because of their stature as a US hunting breed, they hold a special place in American hearts for their capabilities in the field. Walkers are mainly known for their speed. This lets them track hogs over long distances and hold the hog until the hunter arrives. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.Privacy Policy. Theres no quit in a good golden retriever. He looks rough, but ol Major is a sweetheart, said the young Cajun who listened with me to the hog chase in the woods. Most Underrated Treeing Dog: West Siberian Laika. He was biding his time. They provide food for coyotes, foxes, weasels, badgers, hawks, and eagles. Keep in mind that there are dogs that are specifically bred for pest control. A state dog of Louisiana, Catahoula Leopard Dog, is considered a herding dog, but his true purpose in the old days was hog hunting, and many people still keep the tradition going. Often used for hunting smaller game, Mountain Curs are also excellent dogs for hunting feral hogs. The Brightest and Best: Top Ten Smartest Dog Breeds. Nevertheless, youd have to fulfill their exercise needs to maintain their superior muscle structure.On the downside, their strong prey-drive tends to make them aggressive toward smaller pets unless they were raised together. Once the dog is aggressive enough, walk the pig on a leash into the wilderness, so that it builds a scent trail. 1 doesnt mean were claiming its the best hunting dog. Danger had done her job. We stood and listened as the baying intensified. The English Springer Spaniel is a popular breed in the United States and can look quite regal. Their innate burrowing and digging skills help them track down mice and their vocal warnings help scare them away. Description Appearance. Its no stretch to call the German shorthaired pointer Americas bird dog. This list isnt in a definite order, as you need to pick the best dog for you. If you have young kids in your household, dont leave them unattended with a Black Mouth cur as they like to play quite rough. Rat Terrier: This well-named breed is by far one of the most popular rodent-killing dogs. Tom Davis. Breed characteristics: Strong appearance, very trainable, sheds a lot, legacy breed with quality hunting capabilities. The pack can easily corner wild boar, but well-trained dogs should not approach the animal. Edward Nickens. These little pups are excellent companions when out hunting on a small boat because of their compact size. How do you know what breed is right for your family? Having grown up in Northern California with 4 siblings, Esther was bound to have a plenty of pets in her childhood. These Sighthounds sniff out and chase rabbits with vigor. 9 Best Bird Hunting Dog: The German Shorthaired Pointer. You can tell by the bark once theyre at a tree, because up to that point theyve been barking with their head downbut once theyve treed the raccoon, their heads are up in the air and they throw a distinctive locating bark. The unlearned may see these compact, often bobtailed, houndlike dogs and think, There goes a mixed-blood, mixed-breed whole bunch of nothing. This way, you can safely dispatch hogs without having to haul your dogs. 14. They have a lot of stamina but not a lot of speed. What melts a hunters heart is a Lab 100 yards beyond the farthest decoy, diving for a cripple, never giving up. Redbone Hound. But beneath the goldens Ralph Lauren exterior beats the heart of a rugged, athletic, all-purpose hunter. In a house, Walkers would be highly devoted to your family and kids. Hunting groundhogs isn't a new thing. Thats when Major would come out of his cage. This little bolt action has a blued finish, synthetic stock, and a five-round, detachable magazine. A pointer doesnt cover the groundhe scorches it. Thats why its helpful to have a Pointer by your side. Barks and howls echoed across the mountaintop. Hence they require a lot of other exercises if not taken for a hunt. Theyve got more go to them, and theyre gonna run a little more junk than the other dogs willyou know, deer or fox or whatever. In fact, Pit Bulls were bred from Bulldogs and Terriers to combine strength and agility respectively. Larger and more powerful than Pit Bulls, Dogos are my favorite catch dogs. Thanks to their extremely strong builds, no hogs wouldnt stand a chance against them. This is the most vulnerable part that leads directly to the heart and/or the lungs.If you dont wish to get blood on your hands, you can still shoot your rifle at the same spot. The dog handler let Danger loose and signaled for us to cut the other two dogs after her. Thats why its highly common to see them in field trials. Norfolk Terriers: This British breed is one of the smallest terriers, but they have determination and courage that far surpasses their stature. But the idea of a pocket retriever intrigued me, especially given this dog and I would be sharing a small center-console fishing boat when not in the field. Birdy, brainy, biddable, and with a nose thats second to none, this hunting dog breed is a great choice for roosters anywhere, but especially in heavy late-season cover, such as cattails and switchgrass. It depends on the hunting style you want. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a breed of dog that was originally bred in Africa for the purpose of hunting lions. And that's a darn shame. I once met a PH from South Africa who used JRTs almost exclusively for trailing lions because he said it was the only breed that was brave enough to go face-to-face with a lion, and agile and fast enough to get away if the lion came after it. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are medium-sized dogs that have a history in the United States during the 1800s. It can be very territorial and wary of strangers. If you hunt in tough, cold conditions, this is the dog you want. He figures out the running roosters path and closes in lightning fast. My first Brittany was given to me by a friend 20-plus years ago. Make sure you cook to the proper temperature like all Pork. Redbones were initially bred to hunt raccoons in the 19th century. For most of the 20th century, breeders focused so exclusively on the Irish setters conformation that finding a red dog that could hunt was like finding a leprechaun. Among bear hunting dog breeds, Blueticks have a nose that wont quit, and will tree just about any creature in the woods, so dont hold it against them if they take off wandering for an hour or two. Thanks to their powerful build, they can take down almost any hog individually. But on those 10 days Bailey is in the woods, woe be unto the bunnies. These large dogs can sprint and endure long distances, and powerful bite and their bravery make them great hunting dogs for hogs. Dachshunds can hunt squirrels, rabbits, prairie dogs, groundhogs (woodchucks), and fox. headstrong), and behaved admirably around the home. The Karelian Bear Dog is a hardy . Woodchucks may not appear useful to humans, but they have their own place and identity in the ecosystem and should be acceptedand respectedfor that alone. Theyre also extremely determined. I never planned on a Boykin spaniel. He has a torn toe pad from a beaver stick and he shivers with cold. Just to put a cherry on top, Ernie pointed one of the singles while he was retrieving another Hun. If you plan on hunting in harsh terrain on land or in the water, a breed well-suited for this type of work is the German Wirehaired Pointer. Dont get me wrong; they can track hog trails. Some evidence even suggests that the qualities that hunting dog breeds brought to the Stone Age helped allow our ancestors brains to devote less capacity to sensory functions, clearing the decks for intellectual growth. Although you can snipe them from a distance, using dogs is much more fun. 9 Best Hog Hunting dogs. You reach us by our contact form on the page contact us. (The one place you wont find a Boykin is on cold, open-water duck hunts where its size and lack of a warm undercoat hinder its ability to go where the big dogs do. I couldnt include Bulldogs without mentioning their similarly-looking cousins, the Pit Bulls. Likewise, fencingsuch as chicken-wire fences can provide a more permanent solution. Theyre happy in the truck, in the kids room, and on the sofa. Most hunters and dog lovers know these dogs by their adorable pet name - Chessie. The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular gun dogs. In cold water or bad conditions, theyll work through difficult situations in order to persevere and bring that duck or goose back to you. David E. Petzal, The Ridgebacks can corner the wild hog and keep it in place as long as needed for the hunter to join them and kill the hog. Ive seen wirehairs track cripples through mazes of cover and bird scent that leaves you shaking your head when the dog comes back with the bird held in his bearded mouth. From the 19 th century factories of England, to the 20 th century American farmhouses, many dog breeds have earned their keep by ridding their homes of rats, mice, voiles, moles, groundhogs and the like.. We needed Danger to find them for us. In the 1880s, German hunters mixed griffons, foxhounds, poodles, and shorthairs to produce a breed that could point upland birds, retrieve waterfowl, kill vermin, and track stagswrapped in a bristly coat that insulates without attracting burrs. A well-versed hunter who knows his dogs should recognize the ton of baying and know which animal his dog is after. Big-game hunters use them for blood-trailing deer and elk. These large rodents can get up to 2 feet long and can weigh up to 14 pounds. A revival of cur breeding has produced recognized lines: black-mouthed curs, Catahoula curs, Tennessee treeing brindles, and more. There is also no problem with a prey drive or sense of smell. But if youre looking for a dog made of equal parts nose and heart, a bluetick could be your friend for life. With appropriate training, AB can make an excellent guard dog. 13 Hunting Dog Breeds with Spots (with Pictures). Lacys on the hunt are quiet and lightfooted, making it easy for them to sneak up on the hog. Many AB hunting owners claim that when it happens that the hog is even a little bit bigger than their dog, the dog can easily carry the fighting hog to the hunter without any trouble. The Dachshund is well situated to hunt fox and other small ground-dwelling mammals and birds. From a pair of incessantly reproducing guinea pigs, to chickens, fish, frogs, cats, dogs and horses, she became fascinated with animal behavior at an early age. I had been a hunter years before we got her, but work got so busy that I fell out of touch with it for a few years, but that dog piqued my interest into hunting again. He knows why he is here. They are often very vocal at home. Theres a price to be paid for beauty, though. That pushed hunters around the country to compete and showcase their talent in capturing them. Its important to teach your catch dogs to release the pig on your command. Hunting with terriers largely takes place underground, with the enlivened dog pursuing its quarry deep into the recesses of its own home. Hog hunting is an exciting, breathtaking, and dangerous sport. When you say no, the dog needs to know you mean no. Labs have been parting the waters like Moses ever since. T.E.N. T. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. The only thing I dont like about them is their relatively hot nose. American-bred Lacy, or Lacy Hog Dog, is a true Texas breed developed as ranch dogs, with herding cattle and chasing hogs as their specialty. Apply the same method used with tracking dogs, but place the pig inside a cage. Say English pointer south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and folks will look at you funny. Know these dogs by their adorable pet name - Chessie cherry on top, Ernie pointed of. Blueticks strike scent, and eagles dog for the job long distances, and have a pointer your... 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