why is peter called simon, son of jonahwhy is peter called simon, son of jonah

[Aside: In my Revised Standard Version of the Bible, the words that Jesus exclaims after hearing Peters answer to his question, are Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! (This is Hebrew for Simon, son of Jonah.) I like the sound and the cadence of Simon Bar-Jonah! We go away from our Father and come back again, we forget and remember. At the first meeting Jesus called him Kepha (stone, in Aramaic) Petros in Greek. January 10 2017 Yes, Lord, he said in response. If you have more than one person in mind, call up a volunteer for each one of them and arrange them in a circle around your initial volunteer, facing in.) General Editor. As if Peter hadnt already been charged with enough duty to last him a lifetime, Jesus tells him for the second time, Follow me, which is a summons for loyal adherence to the work that has been assigned to him by Jesus. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. They were separated in time by about nine centuries. He tells him, Feed my lambs, and he does. Why would he do so this time? Jonah is a story of bias and racism, and a story of obedience to God, even when we do not fully understand what God is doing. They awoke early the next morning to the sound of someone shouting their names. Then someone else could believe you and start telling their friends. So his father's name was either John or Jonah. Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two other disciples made the decision to accompany him on his journey. Why was Simon Called Peter? And looking at him Jesus, he said, you are Simon, son of Jonah; you will be called Cephas (meaning Peter). Simon was not Jonah's son but at two different times. Because it was almost the length of a football field, they were unable to identify who it was. Is Jonah, from the whale account, Simon Peter's father. I take it to possibly mean that he is like the prophet Jonah in a spiritual sense. Say:According to the Gospel of John, Jesus stayed on the earth for 40 days following His resurrection. Simon the Magician. And God again shows Jonah mercy with this generous revelation: As you pity a plant you did not make so, should I notpity Nineveh where 120,000 people do not yetknow me?. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Addressed once as "Peter" We now come to the one occasion on which our Lord addressed his disciple as "Peter" instead of as "Simon." This occurs in Luke's Gospel. Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. Thank you to John R. Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance. On the other hand, Im well aware_ (my husband, my father, my son, my mother). It is the commitment to be with Jesus on a daily basis. They are hard. The Holy Spirit was sent to fill the disciples just a few days later, just as Jesus had told them (Acts 2:1-4). Recall what Peters declaration to Christ was JONAH walked right to Nineveh preaching, but the SON OF JONAS had to get past three denials and to see a new raised Christ before he did. Barjonah; Son of the Vexter. Simon was making himself a great, like Zaacheus and Nimrod = Orion (Sisera) He then referred to him as "Peter" and said that Peter's declaration was the basis, or "rock," on which He would build His church ( Matthew 16:17-18 ). A comparison and contrast of incidents in the lives of both will show how God did this. This is also the only time I can find where Jesus specifically refers to Peter by reference to his father. color:#ffffff; What does Jesus ask Peter? Peter is a bit of a mess and sometimes unreliable. Was John the Baptist conceived via an immaculate conception? Here are guidelines to help facilitate a meaningful learning experience for everyone. Jesus then abandons the analogy and asks Peter whether he loves Him with an unwavering commitment. Peter did this a lot before he thought about it. Peter has been labeled "blessed" for understanding and believing this to be true. He went down to Joppa Jonah 1:1-3. Alternatively, it might be translated as Do you love me more than the other disciples love me? It may be interpreted as Do you love me more than you love them?. Yes, Lord, you are aware of my affection for you, he said. Can you relate? The disciples, on the other hand, were completely unaware that it was Jesus. Notice in Matthew 8:26. In the reverse act, we find the SON OF JONAS and the sailors with him afraid to get out in the water, but Peter tried it any way. The fishermen Peter and his brother Andrew had abandoned at the start of Christs earthly mission had given up their livelihood. Is it OK to utilize the Book of John in evangelism? Your email address will not be published. What happened to Andrew Peter's brother? While this may be true, the name does not serve this function in the NT contexts in which it occurs. Updated on April 08, 2022 Simon the Zealot, one of Jesus Christ 's twelve apostles, is a mystery character in the Bible. The Apostle Andrew was one of the twelve main disciples of Jesus Christ and the brother of Simon Peter. Jesus spoke those words after Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Savior, the Son of God. The Morning Briefing: Lori Lightfoot Goes From Historic First to Historic Loser, The Day Your Doctor Wont Treat You If You Arent the Right Kind of Patient Is Closer Than You Might Think, Insanity Wrap: The Correct Take on Scott Adams, We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. (8) JONAH PREACHED TO THE SINFUL Ninevites, and they quickly believed and repented, but when God saved them, it angered Jonah, Jonah 3:4-4:1. They most likely got the opportunity to spend some time with their family while they were there. You should pray that God would keep you close to Him if you are just starting to come to know Him. Simon and Simeon is the birth name given to Peter. Why did Jesus call Peter "Simon Barjona" in Mt 16:17? (4) The prophet JONAH was asleep in the ship when a tempest arose on the sea. When Jesus arrives, he takes food from them and gives it to them, as well as fish. In addition, verse 14 says, This is the third time that Jesus has revealed himself to his followers, following his resurrection from the grave. Now comes the time for Jesus to ask Peter three questions: So when they had finished eating, Jesus says to Simon, Come with me. The brothers grew to become best friends and when they became teenager and finished Hebrew School . In John 21:15-17, Jesus asks Peter three times whether he loves him. (11) The word Peter means A ROCK. Who better to take on such a role, to form the foundation of the new Church, but he, who like all the wayward children of God, is receiving the vast wealth of Gods mercy and compassion. It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes. American Standard Version D. Miall Edwards Copyright Statement These files are public domain. It means God sent His children down from heaven to be born in the earth. As it turned out, Peter adored Jesus Christ much more than he cherished fish! Simon's brother, Andrew, is never called son of Jonah or "Barjona." It was then that (John), the disciple whom Jesus cherished, said to Simon Peter: It is the Lord! Interject here to emphasize that Jesus loved everyone of His disciples, as instructed by the teacher. ( Jn. Jesus THREE TIMES tells son of Jonas to feed Jesus lambs (sheep). This served as a nice reminder to them that nothing they could do on their own could compare to what Jesus could do through them. Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. When Jesus talked to Peter for the third time, he got down on Peters level and inquired as to whether or not Peter was a real buddy (phileo), which Peter found upsetting. When they arrived to the shore, they discovered a fire with fish and bread burning over it. In response, he says to him for the second time: Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me? .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-e9d9cebfa6ac4ba084396b316784eae6 .iconbox_icon{ The last name "son of Jonas", identifies the name of his father, his family name or surname. As soon as the nets were placed in the water, they were immediately swarming with fish. This name was given to him by Jesus ( Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; John 1:42 ). Afterwards, you shall serve as My witnesses in Jerusalem. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Those with Peter were so blind to knowing the Father that they were astounded when Cornelius' household received the baptism of heaven from the Holy Ghost which phased out and replaced the baptism of man with natural water, Matthew 3:11; Acts 10:45. Son of Jonah and brother of the apostle Andrew, his birth name was Simon (or Simeon). The fact that what has happened is not shocking. First, notice that Jesus greets Peter by his given name, Simon, rather than by the nickname he gave him (Cephas = rock), and that he even includes the patronymic, son of Jonah/John, in his address to him. (Mark 6:20). Early Childhood Ministry Educators Devotions, Confessional Christian mass-media and publications, https://wels.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/WELSnet-Logo-2021.png, This month, we are focusing on training future mus. In the event that any of this is correct, the motto Love is love is rendered meaningless. They were hauling a net that was overflowing with fish. Like you and me, Peter was also called, equipped, and sent by Jesus. 16 Simon son of John, do you love me? Jesus said yet another time. Also consider John 21: 15-17 where Jesus tells Simon Peter, son of Jonas, to feed Jesus sheep as a consequence of Simon loving Jesus. Peter blurts out things without thinking; he jumps out of the boat in enthusiasm and when he checks himself, he sinks. John Carroll explains in The Existential Jesus, pages 144-5, that this is Peter's final humiliation. Matthew, Matthias, Levi = Levite, courtier, landman, Gardener not a sea-man. Apostle Simon Peter Cephas ben Jonah was born in 0001, in Roman Empire as the son of Jonah and Joanna. We have one tantalizing bit of information about him, which has led to ongoing debates among Bible scholars. His earlier name was Simon ( , G4981 ), a common name among Greeks . Davies and Allison, Matthew, 2.622, suggest that perhaps Jesus called Peter 'son of Jonah' or 'son of John' in order to distinguish him from the other Simon among the Twelve. Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life," Romans 6:3-4. Peter, of flesh and blood, impulse and daring, like Jonah, is the one to reach out, to gather together all the peoples of the world, in addition to His chosen Jews. He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.". Simon Called Peter is a novel by Robert Keable (1887-1927) which was a best . Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. And if we ever ask a question similar to the one Peter posed, the Lords response will always be the same: What exactly does it mean to you? This was my wifes week to do so. A common trait among the biblical heroes is that they all had a deep devotion to the Almighty God. But if you find the reason why Peter has been blessed, we could understand why Jesus addressed him as Simon, son of Jonah. background-color:#990000; The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. 0 responses God reproves Jonah for his disdain of the Ninevites and explains to Jonah that His mercy is for everyone who will repent not only his chosen children, the Israelites. He has been rejected by Israel, crucified, buried, and then resurrected from the dead. We are susceptible to the vagaries of our human passions, strengths, and weaknesses. You shall be called Cephas" (which means Peter). Andrew was the first apostle Jesus called and the first apostle to claim Jesus was the Messiah. Later, in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him "Simon, son of John" ( John 21:15-17 ). Jesus looked at him and said, You are Simon the son of John. Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Jesus asked Simon Peter after they had eaten their meal in John 21:15, the Message translation. By accepting this message, you consent to our cookies on this device in accordance with our cookie policy found in the WELS Privacy Policy, unless you have disabled them. In John 1:42 and in John 21:15, Simon is called the "Son of John." Although John and Jonah sound alike in both Hebrew and English, they are not the same name. A good answer provides new insight and perspective. In that verse Jesus described Simon as "son of Jonah." Elsewhere (John 1:42) Simon Peter is called "son of John." "John" and "Jonah" reflect the variants, or slight differences, in the Greek text. Both boats were so laden with fish that they were on the verge of sinking! Cepheus (Cephalos) is the star-sign closest to the pole-star, the highest The fish werent biting, and by the end of the night, the disciples had brought in absolutely nothing. In the reverse act we find Jesus simply baptizing the feet of the SON OF JONAS who asked that his head and hands also be cleaned, John 13:4-10. Again Jesus said, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." John 21:16. Jonah was a funny character. In reading John 21, and Jesus tripartite interrogation of Peter following the enormous catch of fish (echoing Luke 5) and the dramatic meal on the beach, I was instantly aware to the differences in the language employed in Jesus question: Do you know what I mean? Jesus asked Simon Peter if he loved him more than the others after they had completed breakfast. The order is as follows: I am not aware of any critic who considers the development of synonyms for feed my sheep to be very noteworthy, so why should we believe that the evolution of synonyms for love is noteworthy? Are you angry like JONAH was and the disciples at Jerusalem were because God practices mercy? What do you think the Lord was thinking when He gave Peter the chance to brag once more about his devotion to Him, which resulted in animosity among the disciples who were present throughout the conversation? Peter is referred to as son of John in the sense that he is a disciple of John the Baptist, who was born as a result of the witness of John, which was mediated via his brother Andrew. My conviction in the love distinction was first disabused by reading the commentary of C K Barrett, and I originally found it difficult to be persuaded. It is incredible how quickly the Good News can spread! Simon of Cyrene (Gadara or from overseas) was found on the land: a landman I take it that your question is occasioned by Matthew 16:17. N16W23377 Is there a difference between a lamb and a sheep concerning the faith? Jesus informed them that they will be sent forth to teach others how to be rescued from their sins in the near future. Bibliography Information Orr, James, M.A., D.D. He participates in the weekly Mere Fidelity podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and tweets at @zugzwanged. While the English language has only one word for love, the Greek language has a slew of them. Peter refused Jesus in front of a charcoal fire in the high priests court; now, in front of another charcoal fire, at the altar-table, where Jesus is preparing breakfast, Peter is restored to fellowship. Open Mo-Fr 10am - 6pm, Sa until 1pm; Facebook-f Linkedin-in Instagram Pinterest Twitter Tumblr. He even denies Jesus when Jesus is in the most need of his loyalty. Simon, son of Jonah, was born in Bethsaida in Galilee in 11 B. C. His father Jonah was born into the Hebrew Tribe of Naphtali. You may get the book and video study from our store by clicking here. As in Simon, son of Jonah. Jesus was going to be leaving the disciples very soon, and the disciples were not prepared for it. He got the name "Peter" when Jesus said he'd build his church on this rock. I believe that the central point here is Peters restoration, and it is characteristic of Johns gospel to make connections backwards and forwards throughout the narrative; the reference to feeding my sheep takes us back to Jesus claim to be the good shepherd in John 10and John has already made a connection between this teaching and Peters betrayal by using the same word (aule) for both the sheep-pen of the good shepherd and the courtyard of the failed shepherd (John 10.1, 16 (John 18.15). He received it and went on, reluctantly. He went into Nineveh, as God had asked him to do originally, and implored the people there to repent which they did! 5:20, 11:3, 11:36, 12:25, 15:19, 16:27, 20:2, 21:15, 21:16, 21:17), and this includes the Father adoring (phileo -love) the Son in Jn. We make mistakes and bad judgments and beg for forgiveness, or not. Following three denials of Jesus by Peter, Jesus now proves his love for him three times. Jesus was introduced to Simon by his brother Andrew ( John 1:42 ). As soon as Peter sees Jesus, he questions him about John: Lord, what about him? he inquires. When they had finished eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? (John 21:15, New International Version) Yes, Lord, he acknowledged, you are aware of my affection for you. Feed my lambs, Jesus instructed. Emeka Nwokoye. What is the meaning of the parable of the rich man and his manager? Peter and the other disciples were being entrusted with an extremely critical task by Jesus. Having observed by being caught and executed, Peter will also be taken somewhere he does not want to go, symbolizing the martyrdom he would suffer (21:18-19). The majority of Jesus disciples came from Galilee. But when the disciples at Jerusalem heard it, they were vexed into contention with Peter, Acts 11:1-3,17. His House is next to water. The Lord Jesus Christ was well aware that Satan was always striving to bring their group to its knees, and He would not allow the Devil to get the upper hand. 22 And they instantly deserted the ship, as well as their father, and followed him, they wrote. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! 3:6: "for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life"? According to this work, this disciple who is not known the name, and who was with Andrew brother of Simon, could be Judas, who according to this work was the son of Simon, brother of Andrew. Later, in Luke 8-11; just before Jesus called Simon to follow him, he called him "Peter", which also means "stone" in Greek. The Father reveals to Simon the identity of the Son through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Son confirms that revelation of the Father by inspiration by the Holy Spirt to his son Simon son of the Dove, When Christ speaks to Peter, Christ addresses Peter in the singular form and not the plural form. In every nation whoever believes with all his heart in the Lord Jesus is accepted of God. The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter, the "rock" of his Church. He had at least 1 daughter with Hezyr Bat Aristobulus. Nathanael = Zebedeus is given from god (the royal house) Just as Jonah fled from the presence of the LORD, so did Peter deny the Christ, the Son of the living God, but God did not give up on either one of them, and used them both to save the Gentiles. Jonah means either "dove" or perhaps "disobedient" whereas John means "God is Gracious." So was Peter's father's name Jonah or John? (1) Peter was the right star for this role, and Christ said itwhen he called him Simon, SON OF JONAS, John 21:15. He isnt contributing in any way, and he isnt in a state of mind where he can physically care for himself. I am familiar with him since I have spent a significant amount of time with him. The Gentiles that were outside of the covenant relationship that Israel enjoyed had now been brought near through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. PPT THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE a note to the teacher To avoid overusing the two distinct terms for love that are used in this book, caution should be given when reading it. It is necessary that only God can teach a rock to pour out fresh water, and the Holy Ghost must convince the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. Peter's name was also Simeon-the same as the patriarch of one of the 12 tribes of Israel-which was shortened to Simon. Feed my lambs, he explained to him. In this case God used Cornelius who had repented long before and quickly believed Peter's preaching. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John. SUPPORT WELS MINISTRYConsider supporting the work of the synod by making an offering online or investing in ministry work. What is meaning of 2 Cor. AREAS OF MINISTRYLearn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. In response, he says to him for the second time: Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me? Jesus might have responded to Peters query by providing him with an itinerary of Johns life, which is exactly what he desired, but instead he guides him to what is significant in his own life. Why is Peter being restored in three stages? Newer Post . Do you truly love Memore more than these others do? he said of Simon, the son of John. He was the son of Jonas (Matthew 16:17). We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. Peter betrayed not just Jesus, but also his father, John, in his rejection of his Lordship. (cf. But the church, established for us by Jesus on Peter the human Rock, is always here, ready to take us in her arms and welcome us back with warmth, stability, firmness, and mercy. Why? 11:13 and The actual language of Johns gospel does not support the popular separation between the two names, regardless of what other usage could be found elsewhere in the Bible. Peters humanity, his earthiness, is the cause of his sometime-instability: He sleeps when he should stay awake, he denies when he should stand firm. Many preachers also make observations about the many terms that are used, and the following is an example: What is the significance of the several terms for love in this conversation? Inviting your sign-holders to stand up and hold their signs is a good idea. As Christ said years earlier, he was to be a "fisher of men.". "Do you truly love Memore more than these others do?" he said of Simon, the son of John. It was in Galilee that the disciples were since Jesus had instructed them to travel there. When God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh to plead for the people there to repent from evils committed against Him, Jonah immediately bolted in the exact opposite direction as if he thought God couldnt find him boarding a boat for Tarshish. You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). another name is Annas, Ananias; gift from God, like the granate-apple JOHN 21:15-1715 (John 21:15-1715) Consequently, when they had finished their meal, Jesus asked Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than those who are with you? Yes, Lord; You are aware of my affection for You, he said. The name Peter comes from the Aramaic term for "rock" and Simon comes from the Greek for "hearing." Peter's name appears on all of the lists of apostles and his being called by Jesus appears in all three synoptic gospels as well as Acts. } Tend My sheep, he instructed him. "Yes, Lord," he said in response. He headed the meeting that elected Matthias to replace Judas (Acts 1:13-26), and he . Fishing was Peter's former livelihood, and he needed to move on to greater things. Title, name for the high-priest; Jairus, Aaron, Harun (arab.) He tells Peter, Im sorry, but. What do you think it is worth to me if I want him to live until I return? 2023 Proven Way Saint Peter the Apostle was a well-known figure in early Christianity.Although there is no information on the life of Peter outside the Bible, in the Christian tradition, he is often depicted as the first on many occasions: the first to be called by Jesus, the first who recognized Jesus as 'the Christ', the first disciple to receive a post-resurrection appearance by Jesus; and retrospectively . Here, truly, is the church, out of which no one can be saved." - D'Aubigne, London ed., b. What we dont know is whether or not Johns deja vu experience on the fishing boat brought back a rush of old memories. There is no use of a patronym in the New Testament except in this one case, however, the preserving of the patronym and moreover, its Hebrew form is surprising. Jesus wasn't asking because He didn't know the answer. 2023 Copyright - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Nicodemus sought the kingdom of heaven, as Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdala. But Jonah hated Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, and deplored the fact that God had granted thousands of people there mercy for their idolatrous ways. His exclamation also evokes an immediate comparison between Peter, son of Jonah, and Jonah of the Old Testament. (10) AFTER JONAH had preached, God taught him with a parable that He loves all His ignorant children who do not know their right hand from their left, being bound by Satan. For lack of a better phrase, they have Jesus questioning Peter, Do you love Me more than these other disciples love Me? After all, they argue, Peter had declared that no matter what others did, he would always be devoted to Jesus (Matthew 26:33), Others contend that the term more than these refers to the fish. Does the devil have power to make us sick? Has the book of Amos been fulfilled or is it a reference to end times? .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-a22fa75bb57220ef977faa75a45be58c .iconbox_icon{ So Cephas and Peter are a bit like "Juan" being the Spanish form of "John". The one command Peter had to obey if he wanted to show any affection for Jesus. Do you love Me more than you love these fish? Jesus asks them, and they respond affirmatively. Vote Up He gave him the keys of his Church and instituted him shepherd of the whole flock. See my recent article on Boat Stories for more on some of the themes I discuss here. Andrew ( Peter's brother, also a fisherman) died on a cross at Patrae, in Achaia, a Grecian Colony. (9) Now JONAH knew God all the time, that He was merciful to all His children whether Jew or gentile. The SON OF JONAS went and preached to gentiles whom the spirit likened unto beasts. I am aware that he served as the sixteenth President of the United States. Shawn Brasseaux contributed to this article. The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. Older Post John 21:15 (NIV) Immediately before Jesus arrest, Peter boasted that he would never leave Jesus side, even if every other disciple abandoned him (Matthew 26:33). By Jesus because it was why is peter called simon, son of jonah the length of a mess and sometimes.... And believing this to be rescued from their sins in the Lord Simon. Make mistakes and bad judgments and beg for forgiveness, or not Johns deja experience! Takes food from them and gives it to possibly mean that he was merciful to all his children down heaven. Verge of sinking as the sixteenth President of the themes I discuss here understanding believing! Is a Good idea the event that any of this is also the only I... The old Testament time: Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love?! 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