i hate walgreens pharmacyi hate walgreens pharmacy

Amazingly, the doctor said, "Let me check this against other medicine you are taking." They are defysleazy. Belinda,Thankfully, I have my other nose spray that I use in conjunction with the Flonase. that's very incompetent. Take a picture of that statement and go and use that to file for unemployment and focus on getting a new job. This pharmacy! And they really push the health insurance. I was without my meds for over a day (extreme pain etc) Then I leave after calling the pharmacist a few choice words. If you really care then do something about it! Also, every call he has to make to a doctor is a pill bottle he isn't filling for someone in line at the counter. I drop off the prescription and they tell me to come back in the morning. If you ask for more time, they say they will talk about it and don't. You never get your prescription on time, we wait for over 45min, at one stage we even went to sleep in the car because we had enough of waiting in the store. She had moved 45 minutes away and was working two jobs. Now she is leaving me for my next door neighbor AND HE IS A MIDGET! Problem #1a - On Monday 30th of January 2023, Walgreens pharmacy dispenses the incorrect dosage of medication to me the patient. Walgreens is corporate sleeze 100%. I was told they had just given me three bottles. Then I still didnt get my break until I called the district manager. NEVER WILL I FILL ANOTHER Rx at Walgreens! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If I did not, I would have cried when I went to Walgreens. Every time I go there - drive-thru or going inside - there is always a long, long line, and it takes about 10 minutes just for someone to finally get their medicine. They said it depended on the medication. #goals Pharmacy Walgreens has been evolving along with the pharmacy profession for over 120 years, so we know what it takes to stay ahead of current trends and help our patients live well every day. How about hiring more people and paying them properly! I hate getting shots but the pharmacists who administer the shots are always professional and give them painlessly. I waited in their crowded little waiting area for that 30 min and another lady asked me my name and if i was waiting, I said yes, she said ohh they are almost done filling the Rx. Walgreens is the worst in every way possible. I went to college and realized relatively quickly Walgreens wasnt going to be my career so I insisted on the break. I don't feel like I should take chances with their sloppiness! I got told the same thing by the store manager of the location I need my meds from. and 41 Tamiami trail is under distress. In the next couple of days I will fill my medication trays and we'll see how they did. Only the pharmacy man told the truth. No thanks.I'll just come back in a couple of hours.For many years I used the Target pharmacy at my small local Target. Most stores give you one. Catch these people and give someone who is polite a chance to take their job. I know you are wondering how I only used three bottle since January 26, 2022 if I need it so much. My wife and I had some issues and I was not able to hold an erection and i went to order my viagra not only did they make me wait for 8 hours, but they gave me the wrong medication. That means the pharm has to look up your records and reconcile all your prescriptions and their interactions. They have been horrible for the last 6 months. Was there a couple years ago, had serious case of flu and needed Rx's filled. You cant go to the bathroom unless youre on break?? You see a note in the office from the store manager saying to the assistant manager "Tony - do this and stock the cooler" and then it says "Amanda - do this this and that." Give em a 1-hour notice XD. Yes, when I filled them, I sat and watched a movie. There is a line, however. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Next time I am going to CVS. I explained to her that I just talked to someone here this morning. Today I called and waited over 10 minutes before giving up and driving to the store. Walgreens has crossed that line for me several times. My insurance company is all set to pay it's share, and I'm ready to pay mine. Stood forever in a line that didn't move, trying not to pass out, all the while listening to a true-blue BITCH of a pharmacy clerk YELLING at elderly ppl for waiting till last minute to call in for their refills. I have so much much proof and even more stories (with witnesses willing to come forward). Boss make a dollar, I make a dime, thats why I poop on company time. I finally blew up! I do it b/c I'm tired of being a doormat and they need to learn how to deal with people in a civilized manner. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. I complaint to a store manager and told him exactly what happen. I hate using chains. The list goes on but those are the most egregious. It apparently does not update the stores contemporaneously. I have had good luck with a specific Walgreens in my town. Monday morning, I will make another appointment. Got prescrips and other goods at Rite Aid for 15 years. no I havent used it in a year. Lazy as in they get a list for themselves and pawn off a bunch of their work onto you. WTF. He was fired over the missing tape. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. Your pdoc really does need to see you in person so that he can talk to you and visually see how you are doing. Otherwise, I might use them because it would just be easier for daily use. And the poor techs dont get paid enough which leads to low quality techs being hired. Very short. Walmart has it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you enjoy pharmacy, then maybe you'll like the chemistry more if you knew it's being applied to pharmacy. They must have minium wage pharmacist as none of them ever stays! Now I'm writting this because I'm so mad they gave 6 tablets instead of 60 and I paid $11.99 co-pay, thats a lot of money for 6 pills. I looked like shit yes, but maybe, just maybe, it was from being a mother of three with a horrible sinus infection). Your pdoc really does need to see you in person so that he can talk to you and visually see how you are doing. Get rid of you Walgreen's stock now as the Bottom is about to fall out Especially in the Miltary areas of the nation! I had a prescription that I hadn't realized had expired, and took it to Walgreens to fill it. Are you kidding me,waiting 5 days for a prescription and shes looking at last years dateso I ask to speak to pharmacy manager JOEtell him whats going on and i also say im putting my experience review regarding this negligence on behalf of Walgreens and I said facebook Walgreens well Joe sat laughing and laughing Walgreens fb laughing stillI meant to say their website page and he sat laughing and belittle me for at least 3 min..and finally says come on Collleen listen to yourselfis this how a Walgreens Pharmacy Manager treats a person with a major issue with them on a needed medsand it could have effected me with hospitilization due to their negligence. I would take my business to a mom and pop but none have a web page interface, text page, or a drive through. And their Option Care Service has also earned an ultimate FAIL. Pharamacists should be the second line of defense, not the first! The previous store manager gave her an award to show her recognition for doing such a great job. If you have Sam's Club membership(or know someone who does and can pick it up for you)they sell a 6 pack of it under the Member's Mark brand for $25 ish. I have to check with my doctor before I can use any otc or prescription, so it is hard to treat myself without guidance. One person told me that a particular manager liked to sit and watch us on camera and then pop out when we were standing still. Walgreen, however, is once again putting some kind of a block from filling it. There is one pharmacist who is a grumpy gus and one cashier who gives everyone the hairy eyeball but other than those two everyone is very nice and helpful. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over 15 years ago. She hadnt read anything. Ghetto! This particular one feels dirty, and the cashiers don't seem to have ten IQ points (or teeth) among them all. I was recently exposed to covid and had to take the mandatory 5 days quarantine until I got the results for my covid test as negative and my then broke my tooth off because it's old and messed up. There are no contests, awards given or any recognition given to good workers. Today, I talked to someone at Walgreen's pharmacy and told the person that I cannot locate the three bottle of Flonase that I was told I was given. Walgreens loses money by not training their people correctly and taking the time to do it. Wow, a nickel. I see that my Walgreens is the exception though. The pharm told me, "we're allowed to use the medication again if the consumer doesn't pick it up." I asked on May 3-4 and kept getting a reply to soon to fill? Sell IT!" That was a big mistake. Edit: It looks like the posts I was referring to are no longer hereso this post probably doesn't make very much sense. They keep telling me to come in when the car line is long or other reasons. I've never been granted that when I've asked. What a great business move! So now you have two stickers up saying the price and a picture of an ad saying the price. This happens every month. I ask Pharmacist to provide in writing either the Law or procedure where would state that he can refuse to fill out prescription unless additional contact with doctor will be establish. I suppose pharmacies are all like that now, not places you feel like they know you. Another important side note: if they know something that benefits you, they will not tell you. PS, as a nurse I've been on the "other side" myself, and have dealt with ppl without having to insult their intelligence or pontificate to them, and guess what, it really works!!! We have another ham for Tommy to cut up for the freezer. Go to a private pharmacy or Rite Aid. Every time I walked in the office, he was eating and/or talking on the phone to his friends or girlfriend on speaker phone. I went in to get another emergency supply while they get doctor auth. I'm sure the corporate scumbags are doing just fine! I gave it to the tech and he said it'll be about 30 min. a Technician Aug 26, 2022 Hi everyone, I've been a pharmacy technician for about 1 yr now; my first pharmacy was Walmart but I recently started at Walgreens. Its 11 PM and Ive already sat in your store for almost an hour and you tell me I have to wait another, due to your irresponsibility? 3 years of experience in pharmacy<br>2 years in management <br>3 years as a certified nursing assistant <br> | Learn more about Aandra Fitzer's work experience, education, connections & more by . What if you doctor decides they shouldn't renew that RX? This is a community for Walgreens Stores. I said no, it says Walgreen Nasal Spray. They have even called my insurance company when they tried to limit my dose. Definitely Walgreens in Columbia, SC (rosewood drive) Sucks. I now use: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00171KTP2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1Now it certainly can sting when you've got a touch of inflammation. Food deals - I found packages of thinly sliced beef that had originally been $7.99 a pound marked down to $5.55. walgreens pharmacy tech | Student Doctor Network AMCAS Tracker Live for 2022-2023 Cycle If you are applying to medical school this cycle, you can see how long AMCAS is taking to verify applications with the AMCAS tracker, based on updates from AMCAS and previous cycles. I received no text message about this. She says smugly. Bitch. Apple Watch. I was like WTF?!) Document as much as possible and talk to an attorney. They try to keep their employees happy so that they won't leave. I totally agree that customers should once in their lifetime experience retail life to get a clear prospective on how stressful it really is. As of this evening I am done with Walgreen Pharmacy. Hmmmmmmm. This is why Americans ask what the price of something is when IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THEM. Well I ran out again. The employee evaluation is completed on a form online but you dont discuss your performance unless you ask to do so. It is so frustrating that people I should be able to trust cannot get their heads sorted. Before I moved, I was getting it filled at a different Hy-vee and my pharmacist there filled one mixed and gave me three powders to mix myself. And thanks, non-existent anti-trust law. Just dont take the break." Which is made perfectly *obvious* by your even bothering to respond to this thread. I worked for the company for 6 years, I worked overtime spent time away from my son taking on responsibilties that didn't corresspond me all to make my pharmacy manager or district pharmacy manager look good and for what? I finally said one day "I work 20 hours a week. Access your free Rx discount card online and use it at Walgreens Pharmacy locations nationwide. Press J to jump to the feed. http://terribleterribleinstitutions.wordpress.com/. I think it is because they are so overwhelmed with work, and probably are short-handed as well. You folks would do well to open your eyes and see that you have competition in the market. It is no different than making sure you have insulin if you have diabetes. Same story. No person ever waits under 15 minutes for a transaction. they screw them all up!!!!!!! On top of that, it blocks the prices of the other products below and above the signs! At this pace I could have taken the first dose and began to start feeling better. 12. The psych triage nurse calls me back an hour later. I live in Seaside California, and Walgren over here is a disaster. I always pee on company time. The downside is they close early. I am furious over this. At least 3 times last year (and all within 3 or 4 months of each other) they gave an emergency supply. Walgreens Pharmacy is a widely-known provider of pharmaceutical services across North America. Walgreen's violated my privacy by discussing my business in front of a waiting room full of people. No, I have never heard you say anything about this. This is a huge problem! Seems like the doctors themselves should be watching their own patients/prescriptions more carefully!Forgive me if I've already mentioned this, but I used to take Flonase (Fluticasone) until it just plain stopped working for me. Hope you can get the red tape settled. I don't understand how they do their work, their planning, time management and administration sucks. "Oh, have a seat, it will be about 5 minutes.". Well, except for the one pharmacist and the one cashier. Recall that on the phone many conversations are recorded. There is no positive reinforcement. I was told that was 1-26 of 2022! Was this review helpful? its terrible. Good luck. My husband is having chest pains, and he needs the medication. I will say this if something happens to me as a result of their incompetence a law suit will be filled. It sounds icky to me, but I did it. Pharmacy's fault. I will be reporting this to someone higher up than techs, weekend pharmacist, and weekend manager. Please clean house from the top down. Joe refused to answere any questions with my concern and after his disrespectful comment and gesture in this matter ,I requested to speak to the store manager 3xs and he refused to connect me stating he is the pharmacy manager,yes but you are UNPROFESSIONAl .I called back spoke with store manager and filed a complaint with corporate. She didnt say anything. The problem with Walgreens, as with many companies, is that they only care about money. Do it on the last hr of your shift. By and he was never available by phone. I sit at the table find a movie on my laptop and go to work. This is not the first time Walgreens sucked. As for Walgreen'sthey completely and undeniably SUCK and they also really, really BLOW!!!! They always notify me by email when my Rx's are in and follow up with a phone call if I forget to pick them up. Bad attitudes meaning lazy, rude, micromanaging or totally ignorant of the idea of positive reinforcement. I take generic Mucinex which is guaifenesin. Right. Even if it is not a controlled substance, there are policies governing the dispensing of anti-depressants, benzodiazepines, mood stabilzers etc if you give a mentally unstable person a handful of free pills and they decide to take them all at once? I have to drive there and wait 20 minutes every time I go. I repeatedly said the word "Flonase." I use them for all my PRN meds. I have so many bad stories to share. People pull up and start buzzing like crazy. Sucks. Just saying. are killing me right now and I'm short with my kids. Customers and employees (past and present) are welcome to vent, rant, ask questions, and share stories. This makes me so happy because I HATE filling them. Well, a friend gave me four new bottles since he had too much. Im now saving a whopping 15 dollars a month at Costco and at Costco I have never waited. No. Hate It really sucks to go thru SSRI withdrawal. Walgreens' online pharmacy is a quick, convenient way to get prescriptions refilled.. Extra 15% off $40+ vitamins. from CVS 12. I volunteered to pick up her RX. Never ever get generic from Walgreens. I can only hope the people whom they have made suffer from their idiotic run around to fill prescriptions prescribed by a freaking oncologist from a large cancer treatment center, that they get that back ten fold. To Jack W: The Pharmacist has the right refuse to fill any scrip for any reason. Their whole workflow and system is dinosaur and we more 3 Like 2 Comments Share 1 works at PwC Jul 18, 2022 The stores are run in such a slipshod manner. It was supposed to be on auto refill. They want their customers to be happy, so they know they need to keep lots of employees. I feel quite spoiled by it, actually. Today, I was at a big box and saw it was otc. I stopped WG a few years ago as the pharmacy seemed to be in general less 'helpful' and just a pill dispenser. I will tell Tommy. I was shocked he did that. They don't train people. Yeah I'm not a fan of Walgreens either. My Walgreens is really good too. I don't tie them up with phone calls, I use the web page. . You can talk to us, sternly look at us and leave up angry signs about "This is your job. She deals with 50 needy, crazy patients every day. It's not the new person's fault for breaking stuff either. Would you like to buy this crap I havta ask you about for the next 30 days?" I Hate Walgreen's Facebook Log In I Hate Walgreen's 230likes 240followers Posts About Photos Videos More Posts About Photos Videos I'm in an ungodly amount of pain so I call out and when I come back in the next day my manager wants me to sign a paper for unexcused absences for all the mandatory days I was gone as well as the one day I called off for being in pain. Let me guess. That is their answer for their horrible service. But I think increasingly, physicians are pushing off all cross-checking of drug interactions on the pharmacists, rather than doing the work themselves, as they should. We called them in morning asking about booster update, they said they had phizer, I asked if we needed an appointment, she said no just get here before 4pm. I also have to make them sign the long. Not at Walgreens, for sure. I ask the pharmacist if she realizes that I haven't had it for 3 days and am PHYSICALLY ILL from not having it. Instead of losing out on having two people work photo for 1-2 weeks, they lose thousands more when the new person breaks something, has photo business non-existent for 2-3 days and the cost of having a technician come out PLUS the new parts. You were lucky to get the emergency supply. Joke profession. If the place you are using now isn't concerned over missed meds, I can't imagine they are worth anything. A Walgreen pharmacist in Bend, Oregon had to have me tell her Fentanyl (pain med) could be refilled. Every time I get a prescription filled there, it could be 8 hours later and they still won't have it ready. With that being said, Walgreens is just a terrible place to get your meds. The previous year I was never even told there was an evaluation! Another ignored me sitting at the window. Be glad they only gave you bad service. I hate that you have to ask each CVS customer if they have a stupid extra care card. I noticed there were only 2 meds as opposed to the 3 written by my doc. I asked to speak with the manager and the manager never showed up. "How's it going?" They are so overwhelmed with signs and stickers that they don't even notice them. Not only did Walgreens refuse to fill my prescription, they actually through my veterans voucher away. Then 2 days later I get the rest of the prescription. My grandmother called and told them if I had a seizure or anything happened to me, she'd sue their asses so bad their heads would spin. Then you see them smoking outside ten minutes later. He is having heart trouble today and I am currently in line at the pharmacy trying to pick up a prescription. Because I said the way we were treated wasn't right. About ten days ago, I tried to get my Flonase refilled. He didn't believe me, refused to call to confirm, and informed me that it was HIS PHARMACY and I informed him I would do business at a pharmacy that didn't have anything to do with HIM. I have some cheap ones, some free ones that came with a med, and more expensive ones. When you make a phone call it's worse, you will hold until you decide to hang up. It will help lower your stress about dealing with the nurse and dodging appointments and getting refills on time. Its definitely illegal to deny people breaks. When Mr. Lugo works, I do aisle 10 and my other 4 aisles. Today, I talked to someone at Walgreen's pharmacy and told the person that I cannot locate the three bottle of Flonase that I was told I was given. At long last, the bitch called my name to pick up my meds, which required waiting in the same fucked up line all over again. As we were leaving she got loud an said sarcastically you all have a nice day extremely rude. They shift around shifts so the problems just aren't visible. This is typically easier if your original pharmacy has a central computer system like Walgreens. I tell you, the antibiotic was making me so ill. Tommy was back to getting everything I needed. I had my medications transferred to UHC Optum service. As a manager, you will have to work third shift in a 24 hour store at least once a week. It also takes time to bring the new stuff in and, in the mean time, the customers are very unhappy that photo is down. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. FUCK Walgreens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CrazyBoards.org All the pharmacy staff provide good service and are friendly. Do you expect the pharmacy to dole out free samples as if they're the cosmetics department pushing minis of Pantene Pro V shampoo? The Walgreens pharmacy at 13301 Strickland Ave in Raleigh, NC is horrible. Its not ready. Funny, I NEVER have problems at CVS, which will get all of my business. One,I kept thinking things would get better or at least not worse! My regular pharmacy CVS was out of my heavy pain killers ( Morphine, Methadone etc) so like usually in this situation i went to Walgreens across the street. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. The best employee in photo, Eve, quit because she asked the store manager for a transfer and was denied because they didnt want to lose her at that store. Fuck this place. This is an extremely dangerous practice they have going on. Then you have to cut out pictures of the ad saying the sale price. And, I would not realize I actually needed a new prescription. I've also had two problems getting authorization from my insurance company and the people at Walgreens were totally cool with calling the ins. Photo is expensive. Instead of giving the hardest working person in Walgreens a transfer and keeping her in the company, they let her quit. I am very much done with Walgreens and will not give them another chance after so many tries. Ok, enough venting. I asked for my refill of a albuterol for a neubilizer. I was on Risperdal at the time, and when I went to dispose of the empty bottle, I tore off the label, only to find another label underneath where the other consumer's name, address, and phone number were clearly legible. kylie,There are still local, family owned pharmacies here, too. I had tried the mail once before and received an incorrect RX. On May 9th 2022 I can finally leave the house ,I go in person to speak to them and the pharmacy tech says nope to soon to fill,you just picked it up May 5th 2022There is NOWAY I picked it up I was in bed with Covid. resident-of-the-week-who-rotates-thru." Although I work for the Walgreens Company, I have heard the same complaint regarding our pharmacy. If they don't renew prescriptions without appointments, then that in an issue to take up with your doctor, not the pharmacy. It's not the pharmacists fault you have problems with the clinic. BROOKVALE PHARMACY - 16 Photos & 13 Reviews - 2089 Vale Rd, San Pablo, CA - Products - Yelp Skip to main content Yelp For Businesses Write a Review Log In Sign Up Restaurants Home Services Auto Services More Brookvale Pharmacy 13 reviews Claimed $$ Drugstores Edit Closed 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM See hours See all 16 photos Write a review Add photo Share I haven't been to the medicine clinic in awhile and last month they wouldn't refill my Paxil and Zyprexa without making an appt first so I did. Walgreens has a policy that you are supposed to get three a shift. You haven't been in the med clinic in quite some time. Pretty sure that its illegal for your boss to not let people use the restroom when they need to go. : the pharmacist if she realizes that I just talked to someone higher up than techs, pharmacist... Needs the medication again i hate walgreens pharmacy the consumer does n't pick it up. service and are.! 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