my ex narcissist hasn't contacted memy ex narcissist hasn't contacted me

She doesnt even bother with the dog anymore, which is why I think shes gone for good this time. The silent treatments. Everything was great in the beginning, almost too good to be true (I should have noticed the red flags then!). Narcissists have got a reputation to uphold, when the relationship comes to an end, the last thing they need is for their ex to start trashing their name. Would his initials be BM by any chance? Watch out for laziness. I was very indifferent to the information provided and proceeded to tell her I am returning to finalise my divorce and settlement as thisis what happens when a marriage breaks down. See below. Hugs. The police came and he flat out lied and omitted the part about him hitting me, only told them I hit him, and they ended up taking ME to jail for battery because at some point between me calling the police and them showing up there, HE scratched his own face and told them I did that when I hit him. 18. I mean thousands of dollars. Even being through what I went through, the things some of my female Amish friends endure is truly horrific. He has a new supplya very nice/sweet lady (I was told). Samantha, one reason is that they cant show their true colors to the new supply. RodMan, thanks for your insight. And in my mind it feels like if he walks behind me or is somewhere els in the shop. I finally learned after falling for the hoovering several times. Then, the narcissist will go to all your mutual friends, and if theyre really brave, your family members and start telling them how much of a terrible partner you were and how they suffered at your hands. I guess since I saw thru the illusion he saw no need to keep her around. And I really think he may be a narc. You cant control the narcissist or know what he or she is thinking. It really takes a long time to process this stuff. He told me he ussualy forgets that he loves me so much. I raged more than him since he drove me crazy at times. He had a steady and other liasons. Reading Suggestion: How to Piss Off a Narcissist? a narcissist. John is a novelist, writer, entrepreneur, and consultant, whose best consulting is focused on what he did that others should avoid. The woman whom he triangulated me against is not happy, because they use to meet and walk their dogs. He couldnt take it if I countered his opinions or discarded his advice about MY life. I came across this at a time where I so desperately needed it. Anon, my comments were taken way out of context. (And then he tried to white wash it with notes in the margins Just kidding Again a jest and O.K. I would also go with Option 1. Who does that? Oh lets not forget he is currently following me on Snapchat but doesnt look at my snaps. The reason you feel this way is not only because of how you were treated but because youve effectively internalized the way the narcissist has conditioned you to feel. Maybe this is a part of his punishment of him. Patricia, the very fact that youre concerned you might be a Narcissist is proof that youre not. This will have to suffice. -Responding negatively to anything that appears to be an opinion different from their own (it is a sign that there is intent to not be supportive) I cant believe I found this page. Yesterday i missed him so bad i almost texted him!! -Responding positively to their partners mirroring I dont think it is necessarily a reflection of there being more male narcs (although statistics say there are?) So we might all be HURTING REAL BAD right now but as much as it hurts & oh boy does it hurt & each & every one of you out there will know exactly what that feels like, I personally would rather be me & hurt this much than be like one of them !!.. When he couldnt get his way the nastiness started again. Im sorry this happened to you/us. Weeks before she blocked me, she exclaimed that I was such an AMAZING friend, and I have the biggest, most caring heart of anyone she knows. The answer lies in how narcissists apparently view relationships. These things are bound to happen as you forgive their disrespectful, degrading, discarding cycle of conversational rape. Hurting you makes her feel better. And you will be ready for it and you will survive and you will be the WINNER in the end. I just need to share this as I feel lost sometimes, but on the right path.I wanted to share this, as I am scared of my ex. He then sulked and went silent and told me I was making a big mistake. Wow.I have to check out Dr Simon manipulative people. Then she blocks me, so I cant say anything. Narcissists, however, in theory, keep everyone with whom they have ever interacted in a web of potential sources of narcissistic supply. I also went out with my narc (or so I think) for two years. Learn how your comment data is processed. I was the love of her life. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Free Training 7 Proven Strategies to Defeat Narcissistic Abuse. Generally, when confronted he gets super nasty..while I can feel his anger he has managed to keep it at bay and try to remain civilized and not lash out at me. This was during the Christmas season, freezing outside and the following weekend he showed up at my door to collect our daughter to run errands with his new supply waiting in his truck in my driveway. Mine seemed disinterested and almost pretended they were not there. Does It Not Cause You Pain? This guy is my soulmate and will forever be, but if I was to have the smallest chat via email or over the phone, the pain starts again. We are in the same situation!! His suggestion of dating and trying to make it work is simply a way for him to drop by your place when he wants, yet continue his prowl for partners. Johns eloquence at the end is poetically breathtaking too. There is a hidden message in everything they say. They are tortured souls that cant be fixed. Now, I feel that if one is to be a friend, that they might want to extend their friendship to me as well. Because now i have nothing anymore. And most important the lies were driving me bonkers. If you listen cafefully to what they say to you, they are actually telling you what they are and or what they are doing to you. Other then that we were alright. I now focus on my recovery, and helping others. The trauma bond. Your appeal is that you loved him as much as he loved himself and that's the only real thing you had in common. What does he want from me? What would you do if I wasnt here to support you? After hearing statements like this all the time, you eventually start believing it, and your self-esteem suffers. I have recently come out of an on and off, up and down, side to side relationship with a Narc male dragged on for 1.5 years. If he made these threatening statements, you never know if he will make good on them. So dont be too hard on yourself. Basically, If you don't like the way things are or who he is, then leave. ), this return is very deliberate and typically won't occur until the narcissist has been gone just slightly longer . CAN A SADIST NOT TO KNOW, THAT THEY ARE TAKING PLEASURE, FROM CAUSING THE PAIN (definition for sadism)!! Although it took me completely off-guard, made me very nervous yet very happy and introduced me to some new emotions suddenly, I fell in love with you so hard Im still not sure what to do about it. He sent a long message about how he met this beautiful woman from New York and so on and that he lost interest in me and maybe we could be friends but probably not, he went on to blame everything on me as usual and that I forced him to seek . Reading Suggestion: How Do Narcissists End Relationships? He is no friend of mine! He has been blocked on fb, my home phone, my cell phone and messenger. It was all about her. I have blocked him from all my social media profiles but Im extremely wary as to what he is saying to people in general but more specifically to people in my industry. If I were you, Id decline on the lunch date. And now, for his final act, he started talking to that girl from his job, which I had suspect he was because he looked her up on fb. Well in the short amount of time that weve been apart (it doesnt feel very short!) Hi Kim ,Ive been with my narcissist for seventeen years two teenagers I have sole custody ,had order of protection ,domestic violence center never helped me I just lost all my marital assets in divorce settlement ,plus I have to pay him off a lot of money that I dont have he just got a huge settlement from his personal injury case ,can you explain to me why the court let the narcissist to get away with all the lies ,I almost lost my custody because I asked for more child support, Im so disappointed with the court system for the last four years Ive been calling all the possible organizations for help all I heard we cant help you you have to hire a lawyer and I did so my ex called my lawyer even when he had his own my question is how bad you have to be hurt by a narcissist to get help from the system, I work part time and I have to pay off a soon to be a millionaire. Private messages sent over Facebook included some pictures she wanted to make sure his wife would never see of him taking body shots off of half naked woman, and pictures if the two of them together. I cant thank God enough for helping me find the way out of the darkness. But today and yesterday i miss him. 99% of us do, but the good thing is that you realize he will never change and youve blocked him for good. Go beyond the DSM, for ex, BPD is listed there as a separate disorder, the whole Cluster B is described as Dramatic, but o boy! I need help connecting my head to my heart. She felt the same. Good luck. I cut him off at least 4 times the first 3 years I tried to be friends. I renewed my revulsion to being the other woman then wrote the narcissist a polite note saying I was getting busy elsewhere, and thought a clean break was the best idea for me. He spend hundreds/thousands of dollars. Oh and with a smirk on his face told yes him and the new girl are inlove, pffft, poor girl!!! He is now living in a caravan park with her and her daughter. We do that subconsciously in order to correct the unworthy feelings we had as a child, but only, that never happens with a narcissist. He needs to be seen as perfect a all times. Everyone experiences jealousy because its a natural emotion. Do what your spirit tells you. The time line fits the puzzle. Yet, at least both parties generally have an agreed-upon narrative about what happened. In his case, his narcissism was (unfortunately) also deeply mixed in with religious jargon. The new supply doesn't know the narcissist's agenda and will go along with whatever the narcissist asks of them. Broken. They dont know half of whats been going on. U have been dating a narcissist for 18 years and been married to him for 10 years before he left me and his adlut kids for someone new and i am in therpy now and want to heal but i cant get him to divorce me so heal and move on nowing i dont have the means to get rid of him and he has recently has job saying hedoesnt work there so he doesnt have to put on his health insurance.and this way he just keep living this lie he not married and lies about how kids he has and he has no contact with or me he says were his past but wont divorce me to be the mw and kids can there a reason for this? He said there is no need to block each other, mind you this is after 7 months of silence and blocking from him. At least there is a surface-level apology. He figured if he stayed away long enough I would forget his horrible words. Reading Suggestion: What is narcissistic Supply? Mine doesnt do many of the overtly mean things that people write about. Good riddance. Sent back a nasty email. So, having read on all these since 2009 so far, I concluded, THIS IS MY VERY SUBJECTIVE CONCLUSION, I WOULDNT TELL ANYONE TO TAKE THIS AT THE FACE VALUE.. all Cluster B disorders COME WITH NPD ANYWAY. I have decided to pursue getting my money back, and am going to send a letter to her in the next day or two giving her two weeks to get me my money, or else be sued (which I am going to do if she does not comply). He only neglected me, ignored me, lied over and over again, and all other behaviour narcissists have. I dont really get the difference between someone whos simply infatuated, someone whos co-dependent, and someones a true narcissist based on that letter of a narcissist. its not fair that you de-friended me on FB. I am not alive anymore. We met a year after they split and to she was literally the best thing that had ever happened to me. This explains why they shift into turbo gear when you implement No Contact. Told him this time I do have something to say. I never did nothing but fallin love with a man who lied to me . When it comes to severing ties with him. He had two giant hickies on his neck, told me some girl bit him and he pushed her away and she did it on the other side and he eventually told her to F off. I thought nothing of it at the time, as I was just being myself. I even ready an article where it asked the partner of a narcissist, Are you sleep deprived? and they know exactly what they are doing they know right from wrong, good from bad The happy times we shared were almost spiritual in nature. I was surprised to hear he was in a very long-term relationship for being fairly young and, frankly, gay. You are also one who I know has been deeply wounded by numerous men in your past. Its hard to explain little signs, like him not sitting on couch with me, but with her. So i said i have a boyfriend also.He never said anything before the weekend begins. I went NC in March when I broke up with him, even changed my # and he sent me a scathing email. Kimits been a year and i have just now found these sites on recovery and the mental issues of a NARC. He claims he never encouraged her but IMO he didnt do enuff to discourage her either. [Read: The Real Narcissistic Abuse Cycle: Why You Cant Go No Contact]. Anon, what it means iswhen a person is the target of an emotional abuser, they lose their sense of identity. His response: It is nothing, you are absolutely crazy, we just were having a good time. And maybe that is not the case but my guess is the narc is trying to reinvent himself on the surface to impress the new supply but you and I both know who his TRUE self is inside. Warden I now have the keys!! He is an emotional vampire who will steal your car in the middle of the night to get himself a fix. As far as I know she is still with the new BF who she has now been with for going on one year. So i was writing everything down only to read back a whole lot of beginnings with the beginnings of another event as the ending! And he is happy to get rid of me. Eden, I had the same type of story he wasnt physically abusive all the time and also one hit was enough (Im not a fighter) to make me cry I stayed and endured everything until last time he punched me in the eye, almost had to go to the hospital he cried then said was sorry then said will change he behave less than a week then he started to argue with me again over nothing had to move out, puta restraining order and STILL wanted to stat with me. And Its just not coming out the way it did before. This led to the confusion both, psychopathic and non-psychopathic versions are called BPD, lack of the diagnostic criteria and frankly, the occupational responsibility on professionals part. Twist a story to their advantage as if their the victim, and yet, their the culprit. She had more than enough chances to make up for these acts, yet chose to move on to the next guy and start over from scratch. The last contact I had with him (via LinkedIn) was 2 months ago and I made it clear that I was not buying into his insults. But the real challenge is when he contacts me. Pictures of them in her bed and how much of a man he was between the sheets. The judge gave us a court date for a couple of weeks (figure that one out?!!) Yet friends are telling me they have never seen him happier. Even someone you only knew a short time can cause years of emotional damage. Answer (1 of 40): 1. Yours might just slither away to the next supply. Sometimes they come back to see if they can still mess with your mind but once they see you are on to them and they cant convince you to side with them anymore, they usually slither away. Is that the final discard? So many times when the behavior was so odd I would think that is just the way woman are sometimes. Theres a reason here that may not be obvious, but its not due to a sudden change of heart. As for him, I outsmarted him and received closure. Attention seeking (from both females AND males, he was flattered and sought both), odd behavior and relationships, drama with friends and people he knows, lies (small and significant lies), reckless behavior etc. I had not been wit another man in twenty eight years . So, you know better about your situation. The first year and half of the relationship he seemed kind enough. I mean, why the hateraid? She just could never specifically mention what she was apologizing for. I turned to Pintrest for inspirational quotes to occupy my time and uplift me, when all of a sudden I start seeing articles about narcissism and I too felt like I was reading my life. He told me he picked me on purpose to break his pattern of dating crazies. *head smack* Notice the opening paragraph where he manages to shoot down my family, my religious background, my summer job and my college friends in a few short sentences. I thought the same when my ex found his new supply. I think he believed he loved me until I called him a pathological liar. Dont settle for scraps when there are people out there who love you just the way you are and want to be with you through good and bad. Hes evil and Im miserable. Mine caused me two years of terror before divorcing me. And then the sobbing began. As I said the last time we spoke, I am here for you if you want to talk to me and have some positive things to say. or wherever he was getting his rocks offthat i couldnt tell youwell, admittedlyi flew into a rage and saw redthat night as he slept, i decidedly, without words, wanted to express to him my new found discovery of his hidden true colors by taking a large Vaseline Jar to his yummy treasures hed been enjoyingbc he certainly wasnt enjoying mei put on a glove and swabbed it with a huge goop of the greasy mixture and smeared it all over the inside of this gym bagYou might be saying to yourself, that was a little high-schoolish and immature and irresponsible, well maybe but I suppose i had reached a point of now return and this was my breaking point after years of abusebut in hindsight, he couldve killed me for pulling a stunt like thatI will never forget the 5am reaction while i lay motionless and breathless in my bedi heard him rise, get ready for his ritualistic morning routine for getting to the gym, the sound of movement became less vague, more pronouncedthen under-your-breath slurs shes a bitchheavy foot-steps, then a crash thru my locked bedroom doorgrabbed me out of my bed and thru me against the walltook both hands and smashed everything on my bureau mirrored vanityglass everywherethen looked me straight in the eye with his hands tightened around my neck and announces.your outta hereheavy abuse followed this incident which was planned and premeditated in getting me evicted from my home we shared even so far as to accuse my mental state, which i have to admit was affected by this mans abuse by pushing me past my limits which is what would happen to any sane person at the hands of a NARC like thisnot long after this occurred he set me up and had police arrest me under the guise i was a harm to myself and my child which he used as leverage and weaponry to execute his planhow sick someone could do this to another human being is beyond me while never being able to admit it is himself that is the damaging element in this volatile relationship, all along! 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