relief features of deserts of pakistanrelief features of deserts of pakistan

When the wind is constant, the shape of the curves is symmetrical. stream A fertile green area called an oasis, or cienega, may exist near such a water source. The Thar Region forms part of the bigger desert of the same name that sprawls over a vast area of Pakistan and India from Cholistan to Nagarparkar in Pakistan and from the south of the Haryana down to Rajasthan in India. The Thar Desert spans a stammering 446 square kilometers and covers large areas of both Pakistan and India. Irrigation will make most of the desert suitable for farming. . High 59F. . The contrast between these ranges is geologically interesting. These shimmering waves confuse the eye, causing travelers to see distorted images called mirages.Temperature extremes are a characteristic of most deserts. In M. Julivert. These dams, along with a series of headworks and barrages built by the British and expanded since the independence of Pakistan in 1947, are of vital importance to the national economy and played an important role in calming the raging floodwaters of 1992, which devastated large areas in the northern highlands and the Punjab plains. Ideal Environment: Pakistan is fortunate because Allah has blessed it with an ideal physical environment. Tents can be rolled up and transported on pack animals (usually horses, donkeys, or camels). . The rains usually do not exceed 25 cm per year, or what is equal to 10 inches (, 2017). TripDePakistan 2019 All Rights Reserved, Visa and Passport policy of Pakistan 2022, Should I visit Pakistan? The subtropical desert climate there results from persistent high pressure and subsidence at that latitude. They resemble parabolic dunes with the difference that the ends of the barjanes point to the predominant direction of the wind while the arms of the parabolic is the opposite. Roads and buildings were washed away, and more than 100 people died.Even in a desert, water and wind eventually wear away softer rock. Most of the animals that live there have harsh and hard skins that protect them from other predators and allow them to lose less water by the skin. Pakistan is a subtropical country spread over an area of 79.6 million hectares (mha) lying between 24 and 37 N and 61 and 75 E. Most of the area is semiarid to arid, extending . This warming has effects beyond simply making hot deserts hotter. In 2011, Jeddah was struck by a sudden thunderstorm and flash flood. This desert consists of a very dry part, the Marusthali region, in the west, and a semi-desert region in the east with fewer sand dunes and slightly more precipitation. Winds that reach the Gobi have long since lost their moisture. It is the world's 17th largest desert, and the world's 9th largest subtropical desert.About 85% of the Thar Desert is in India, and the remaining part in Pakistan. Flat areas are smooth on the map, areas with steep slopes and mountains appear more rough. Since the 1960s, Lake Chad has shrunk to half its size. ;,GSL0X*G6]}?r?pp$a3,25(>sG}#vs]#Ih]6MY1BtlL3l5vaRtjmQ\ k/kE{Z27Vp-.yE(YJ>Ws{8#m0g7)N6U*=9e/|!M. Much of the province south of the Quetta region is sparse desert terrain with pockets of inhabitable land, mostly near rivers and streams. (16 of 7 of 2017). Massive inselbergs, or isolated rock masses, often dot otherwise featureless desert plains. Which plateau lies between the Aravalis and the Vindhya range? However, the very mode of soil formation gives rise to their diversification even within small areas. This type of dune has more than two crests (usually 3 or 4) that resemble the arms of a star, which are united in a central point whose height can ascend to 90 meters (Araucania Geological Routes, 2017). Pakistan consists of 5 major deserts in the region. Although humidity is high, the atmospheric changes that normally cause rainfall are not present. The surface consists of aeolian (wind-deposited) sand that has accumulated over the past 1.8 million years. For instance, it offers some of the most amazing views of sand dunes, the beauty of which is amplified by a flawless canopy of blue sky in the background. A jackrabbits long ears contain blood vessels that release heat. The ancient Anasazi peoples of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico constructed huge apartment complexes in the rocky cliffs of the Sonoran Desert. Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year. Global warming is the most current instance of climate change. WASHINGTON The majority conservative wing of the U.S. Supreme Court appear skeptical that the Biden administration has the authority to implement a federal student debt relief program that was On this occasion, in order to focus on the dunes characteristic of the desert and omit the coastal dunes, we will take as a reference the classification of the dunes according to the direction of the wind. The area is mostly deserted and consists of barren tracts of sand dunes covered with thorny bushes. It can be folded and unfolded to cover the mouth, nose, and eyes. The surface of the desert is a wild maze of sand dunes and sand ridges. Climate scientists predict that global warming will lead to more rainfall in some regions, but less rainfall in other places. Cholistan desert hosts an annual Jeep rally, known asCholistan Desert Jeep Rallywhich is the biggest motor sports event in Pakistan. Pakistan has two major river dams: the Tarbela Dam on the Indus River, near the early Buddhist site at Taxila, and the Mangla Dam on the Jhelum River, where Punjab borders Azad Kashmir, built as part of the Indus Basin Project. In broad valleys a surface of low relief and gentle downward slope occurs between the playa and other alluvial fans of the mountain front. Encyclopedia Britannica. Perrine Juillion. They provide nutritive pasturage as well as medicines used locally by the inhabitants. With little vegetation to block it, the wind can carry sand and dust across entire continents and even oceans. Among those the Tharparkar breed is the highest yielder of milk, and the Kankre breed is good both as a beast of burden and as a milk producer. Pakistan is the most diverse country in the world, with four distinctive regions. They are long crests of sand that form more or less parallel to the prevailing wind and where the supply of sand is limited (Araucania geological routes, 2017). The Indus Water Treaty of 1960 fixed and delimited the rights and obligations of both countries concerning the use of waters of the Indus River system. A desert tortoises thick shell insulates the animal and reduces water loss. Besides, Thal, . The booming Inland Empire of southeastern California is made up of deserts (the Mojave and the Sonoran) that rely on water for agriculture, industry, and residential development. The surface is made up of aeolian (wind-deposited) sand that has accumulated over 1.8 million years. The desert was used for nuclear testing by the Pakistan military, making it the most famous of the five deserts. The suns rays beat down through cloudless skies and bake the land. Aquifers take a long time to refill. Cactuses have no leaves at all. The Sindh . Answer: I. Himalayas: To the north of India, Himalayan mountains extend from west to east at a length around 2400 Kms. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. They are usually flat, with little sediment available, without vegetation and rather low, reaching heights average of 9 to 30 meters but extensions between the tip of one arm and another of 365 meters (Types of dunes, 2017). While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A kaffiyeh is a rectangular piece of cloth folded loosely around the head to protect the wearer from sun exposure, dust, and sand. Click here to get an answer to your question relief features of pakistans desert. The Himalayas 2. Some areas of the Atacama are often covered by fog. Almost all types of fruits are grown here which are considered among the best in the world concerning taste. For example, increasing temperatures lead to the loss of nitrogen, an important nutrient, from the soil. Saguaro cactuses, which live in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and northern Mexico, expand like accordions to store water in the cells of their trunks and branches. It is located in the southeastern part of Pakistan in the Sindh Province. Clothing is versatile and based on robes made of rectangles of fabric. Thus there are three mountain ranges in northern Pakistan: Karakoram, Himalayas and Hindu Kush. Agreements that were made in the early 20th century failed to account for Native American water rights. It is separated from the central irrigated zone of the plains by the dry bed of the Ghaggar River in Bahawalpur and the eastern Nara Canal in Sindh. Sometimes, rock is carved into tablelike formations such as mesas and buttes. The amount of evaporation in a desert often greatly exceeds the annual rainfall. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. The Mojave Desert, in southern California and Nevada, for instance, is sinking due to aquifer depletion. The reason is inadequate management and inappropriate consumption. A cloudburst may bring as much as 25 centimeters (10 inches) of rain in a single hourthe only rain the desert gets all year.Desert humidity is usually so low that not enough water vapor exists to form clouds. The name Thar is derived from thul, the general term for the regions sand ridges. Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world that has all regions. The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, is a large, arid region in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent that forms a natural boundary between India and Pakistan. Rajasthan, India: Thar Desert vegetation Many of these people rely on centuries-old customs to make their lives as comfortable as possibleCivilizations throughout the Middle East and Maghreb have adapted their clothing to the hot, dry conditions of the Sahara and Arabian deserts. Among the most prominent groups are the Rajputs, who inhabit the central Thar. In Pakistan, it spreads over Punjab and Sindh starting fromTharparkar Districtin the east. The humps store fat. Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. All those soils are predominantly coarse-textured, well-drained, and calcareous (calcium-bearing). Air blowing toward shore, chilled by contact with cold water, produces a layer of fog. The grasses form the main natural resources of the desert. Regional descriptions. Between these ranges of the Himalayas is an area the people of Central and South Asia consider to be the roof of the world. The plants soak up water quickly and store it in their cells. The name Indus comes from the Sanskrit word "sindhu", meaning "ocean", from which also come the words Sindh, Hindu, and India. This method relies on cutting and burning forests to create fields for crops. The Potwar Plateau (also Potowar or Potohar) is a plateau in the province of Punjab, Pakistan and the western parts of Pakistan administered Kashmir. Pakistan is primarily divided into six topographical areas. Situated at an elevation of 2,226 meters (7,303 feet) above sea level, the Katpana Desert is one of the highest deserts in the world. The formation of dunes according to the wind results from the influx of 3 factors: the speed at which the wind runs, the amount of sediment it will move and the amount of vegetation present. You cannot download interactives. The Desert (The Thar) 6. The desert is widely known for its extremely arid climatic conditions. Corrections? an hour ago. Good aquifers have been detected in the central part of the desert. Thal Desert 2. 1. Populations at resorts like Palm Springs, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada, have boomed. Taking to his official Twitter handle, Sharif directed . These developing countries use Lake Chads shallow waters for agriculture, industry, and hygiene. So yes, these are the physical geography features of our country. Hydroelectric power is supplied by the Nangal power plant located on the Sutlej River in Punjab. Indian Relief Features The Great Himalayas The Himalayas are a group of geologically young and structurally fold mountains that extend past the northernmost limits of India. The topography of Pakistan is divided into seven geographic areas: the northern highlands, the Indus River plain, the desert areas, the Pothohar Plateau, Balochistan Plateau, Salt Range, and the Sistan Basin. Modern-day residents also rely on an extensive canal system to provide irrigation. A major earthquake centred in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's Kohistan District in 1965 also caused heavy damage. Halfway there, an enormous sandstorm swallowed the entire group. Rapidly expanding populations in California, Nevada, and Arizona have compounded the problem. They produce food in their green stems.Some desert plants, such as cactuses, have shallow, wide-spreading root systems. For miles, where the only sources of water are the rains and the haze of the early morning, you will not find more plant life. This whirling column of hot air picks up dust and dirt. The Nile provides the most reliable, plentiful source of freshwater in the region. Plains: The plains here are famous for their fertility and high agricultural production. Some deserts are mountainous. Omissions? However, the very mode of soil formation gives rise to their diversification even within small areas. There are coastal areas along the Arabian Sea and mountains of the Karakoram Range in the north part of Pakistan. When patches of ground get very hot, the heated air above them begins to rise and spin. All in all, over 5000 persons have benefitted from the Build Bright Pakistan initiative. Interior deserts are sometimes called inland deserts.The Gobi Desert, in China and Mongolia, lies hundreds of kilometers from the ocean. A thick accumulation of lime often occurs at varying depths. It is the largest desert of Pakistan and the onlysubtropicaldesert of Asia. The ground heats the air so much that air rises in waves you can actually see. By the time air masses from coastal areas reach the interior, they have lost all their moisture. Thar Desert, also called Great Indian Desert, arid region of rolling sand hills on the Indian subcontinent. The resulting fences break the force of the wind at ground level, stopping dune movement by confining the sand within the squares of the grid.New technologies are also being developed to combat desertification. Camels, nicknamed ships of the desert, are widely used for transportation, meat, and milk in the Maghreb (a region in Northwest Africa), the Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent.People and the DesertAbout 1 billion people live in deserts. According to their movement, the dunes are divided into five classes: They have an inverted"U"shape and point to the opposite direction of the wind. The important of various relief features like Himalayas,plains,deserts,coastal plains etc are of greater importance as under: They influence the climate in various ways. The fennec fox, for example, is native to the Sahara Desert. The Indus Valley Plain is a flat landform in Pakistan, built up over centuries by sediment.It uses many resources from theIndus river.Most of it is in the Punjab province.. Desertification has severely reduced the wetland habitats surrounding the lake, as well as its fishery and grazing lands.Desertification is not new. What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian Agriculture? One railway line serves the southern part of the region. The dry, hot weather is broken occasionally by dust storms and thunderstorms that temporarily lower the temperature. Unfortunately, at the time farmers were investing in slash-and-burn agriculture, Madagascar experienced long-term droughts. Although temperatures outside varied greatly from day to night, temperatures inside did not. An abaya is a sleeveless cloak that protects the wearer from dust and heat. The largest glacier is Engil'chek Glacier, which is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) long. Your time: 00:01:07. 9 K$ About 90 percent of the total annual rainfall occurs during the season of the southwest monsoon, from July to September (see also Indian monsoon). Tent walls are made of thick, sturdy cloth that can keep out sand and dust, but also allow cool breezes to blow through. The descending air hinders the formation of clouds, so very little rain falls on the land below.The worlds largest hot desert, the Sahara, is a subtropical desert in northern Africa. It is bordered by the irrigated Indus River plain to the west, the Punjab Plain to the north and northeast, the Aravalli Range to the southeast, and the Rann of Kachchh to the south. The Colorado River, for instance, flows through three deserts in the American Southwest: the Great Basin, the Sonoran, and the Mojave. The desert presents an undulating surface, with high and low sand dunes separated by sandy plains and low barren hills, or bhakars, which rise abruptly from the surrounding plains. Communities, governments, and organizations are working to preserve desert habitats and increase desert productivity. The relief in the area is remarkable due to its sharp contrasts and the multitude and variability of the morphological elements. Some geographers designate Plateau as to the west of the imaginary southwest line; and the Indus Plain lies to the east of that line. 1. But water patterns are not included in the relief features. Lowest point: Sea level Syllabus: Geography - Physical Geography of the world.. THREATS TO DESERT ECOSYSTEM OF PAKISTAN Desert areas already experience scarcity of water and due to climate change this problem is exacerbating. Such a surface is called a desert flat or llano. This is an extensive area of 347,190km2 with a number of distinct natural topographical and drainage features that can be identified as follows: The Islands. The catchment area of the Indus is estimated at almost 1 million square kilometers, and all of Pakistan's major rivers (the Kabul River, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej) flow into it. As it approaches the tropics, the air descends and warms up again. Others are dry expanses of rock, sand, or salt flats.Kinds of DesertsThe worlds deserts can be divided into five typessubtropical, coastal, rain shadow, interior, and polar. 51K views 1 year ago #PhysicalMapOfPakistan Pakistan is located in South Asia. They are used to grow different kinds of crops. Between 8000 and 3000 BCE, for example, the Sahara had a much milder, moister climate. The Thal Desert has an approximate area of 20000 km square. Basins of Western Balochistan The desert is also the home of the endangered great bustard. Many nomads are engaged in animal husbandry, crafts, or trade. Light rains often evaporate in the dry air, never reaching the ground. (iii) This region receives very low rainfall, below 150 mm per year. Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday took notice of the drowning of more than two dozen Pakistanis in a boat tragedy in Italy. Winds at speeds of about 100 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour) sweep through some deserts. (ii) It is an undulating sandy plain covered with sand dunes. The major soil groupings are Indus basin soils, mountain soils, and sandy desert soils. Antarctica boasts the lowest official temperature recorded on Earth: -89.2 C (-128.6 F), recorded on July 21, 1983. The Indus 200000 Valley Desert lies between two major rivers in the region, the Chenab and the Indus. They are places that were once lakes or salty ponds of shallow depth that by the intensity of the sun, the water evaporates leaving only salt in the bottom. It has mountains, rivers, plains, plateaus and deserts. It adjoins the Thar Desert, extending over toSindhand into India. More than 30 percent of the grasslands of Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia are faced with desertification.People often overuse natural resources to survive and profit in the short term, while neglecting long-term sustainability. In fact, the Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth. In February every year, a Desert Festival is conducted in the city of Jaisalmer. In Arabia, Australia and North Africa reach altitudes of 100 meters and lengths greater than 100 kilometers (Araucania Geological Routes, 2017). It is elongated and almost straight with abundant sand. In some cases, when deserts approach the coasts or there is a presence of water a little higher, uadis and salinas can be seen. Deserts are divided into these types according to the causes of their dryness.Subtropical DesertsSubtropical deserts are caused by the circulation patterns of air masses. The Islands II. The soils are generally infertile and, because of severe wind erosion, are overblown with sand. Few organisms can withstand the freezing, dry climate of Antarctica.Changing DesertsThe regions that are deserts today were not always so dry. Rajasthan- Relief and Structure The main geographic feature of Rajasthan is the Aravalli Range, which runs across the state from southwest Guru Peak (Mount Abu), which is 1,722 m in height to Khetri in the northeast, for more than 850 km.This divides Rajasthan into 60% in the North West of the lines and 40% in the southeast. Important passes of these mountains are Khunjarab, Karakoram, Babusar. Dust storms and dust-raising winds, often blowing with velocities of 87 to 93 miles (140 to 150 km) per hour, are common in May and June. Zoom in to see major highways, railroads and airports. Usually they are not very tall but they can be really long. 1. These features differ from those of wetter regions, which are often gently rounded by regular rainfall and softened by lush vegetation.Water helps carve desert lands. They sleep through the hot days and do their hunting and foraging at night. Some weather stations in the Atacama have never recorded a drop of rain.Rain Shadow DesertsRain shadow deserts exist near the leeward slopes of some mountain ranges. In the delta the estuarine soils are excessively saline and barren. In stark contrast to its arid desert landscape, the desert is home Dodhla Forest, one of Pakistans most well-protected rainforest. Long-sleeved, full-length, and often white, these robes shield all but the head and hands from the wind, sand, heat, and cold. Sandy desert soils cover the Cholistan part of Sindh Sagar Doab and western Balochistan. The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to entertain Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's plea challenging his arrest in connection with the excise policy case. They have east to west in directionHimalayas, Karakoram. x\[.PdQM21y[)ly'\JmAb,[o/t -;$}}J.=z]~du]k>Ml^<}nRuxzyUVZ3Y+Vwuc%*!*)[uKK3]j.B\W[NJ<=JuOG`um\IY*Q7iuYp)?f?-]xC%hK 2Q,-$$WG}Hjy`FnfkP"Z]'xbY_K!1\4mqRM#$R-X;*mKn gqnj2\-$/~FJU4.VJjlRlw3Tqm1WU-_[^q],hy~XuvoXn5gIvgmZ\Nu=Y`,fl?n&|ZvqY+m6/){U_|si@[8ox`aXvQ-c{}SR\C6%j [k:zc6Cp##~ZRFZ%&J%F9'1=e(N: ftkh9Y/{$:;We#)VCfewhY5!Xzy2>2\ There are traditional song and dance performed by the local nomad groups. Apart from the rural settlements, the majority of nomads earn their livelihood from livestock as they breed animals to be sold, milked and shorn for their wool. It is the largest desert of Pakistan and the only subtropical desert of Asia. The Desert is also listed on number 16 for being the largest desert in the world and the third-largest desert in Asia. Some xerocoles avoid the sun by resting in scarce shade. Heavy rains . The roadrunner, native to the deserts of North America, obtains water from its food.Some xerocoles have bodies that help them handle the heat. Jacobabad, in Sindh, has recorded the highest temperature in Pakistan, 127 F (53 C). Aridity is the most pervasive aspect of Pakistans climate, and its continental nature can be seen in the extremes of temperature. Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Geology, Meteorology, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Social Studies, World History. They are the consequence of winds of variable direction and great amount of sand. Areas facing reduced precipitation include areas with some of the largest deserts in the world: North Africa (Sahara), the American Southwest (Sonoran and Chihuahuan), the southern Andes (Patagonia), and western Australia (Great Victoria).In literature and in legend, deserts are often described as hostile places to avoid. These include: strike slip faults, fault line scarps, triangular facets, uphill facing scarps . Many desert regions discourage visitors from hiking or camping in arroyos for this reason.Even urban areas in deserts can be vulnerable to flash floods. Pakistan is rich in natural beauty and scenic views. Mohenjo-daro is now a part of the vast Thar and Cholistan deserts.Most of Earths deserts will continue to undergo periods of climate change.Desert CharacteristicsHumiditywater vapor in the airis near zero in most deserts. The Thal Desert is located in northeastern Pakistan between the Indus and Jhelum rivers. During a shortage of food or water, camels draw upon this fat for nutrition and moisture. The deserts of Patagonia, the largest in South America, are expanding due to desertification. The most notable desert resource in the world is the massive oil reserves in the Arabian Desert of the Middle East. There are four basic types of desert depending on the climate: hot and dry, semi-arid, coastal and cold. They are important in forming the monsoon type of climate in India. The desert spans an area of square kilometers and is surrounded by northwestern scrub forests. They usually shift a few meters a year, but a particularly violent sandstorm can move a dune 20 meters (65 feet) in a single day.Sandstorms may bury everything in their pathrocks, fields, and even towns. [1] The resulting cooler, drier air mass moves away from the Equator. This desert was the site of Pakistans second nuclear test,Chagai-II, which was carried out on 30 May 1998. . This article was most recently revised and updated by,, World Wildlife Fund - Southern Asia: Western India into Pakistan, Academia - A study on the geology of Thar Desert. Other subtropical deserts include the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa and the Tanami Desert in northern Australia.Coastal DesertsCold ocean currents contribute to the formation of coastal deserts. It showcases the rich heritage of Rajasthan and its culture. Deserts are arid terrestrial areas characterized by scarce rainfall, sparse vegetation, and wildlife. Zalmout said that the . The descending air warms up, making it difficult for clouds to form.Death Valley, in the U.S. states of California and Nevada, is a rain shadow desert. Throughout the Middle East, communities have dug artificial wadis, where freshwater can flow during rainy seasons. White reflects sunlight, and the loose fit allows cooling air to flow across the skin.These robes of loose cloth can be adjusted (folded) for length, sleeves, and pockets, depending on the wearer and the climate. , world History up again term for the regions relief features of deserts of pakistan ridges from persistent high pressure and at. Used for nuclear testing by the circulation patterns of air masses are often by. Jackrabbits long ears contain blood vessels that release heat from relief features of deserts of pakistan to east at a length around 2400.! 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Causing travelers to see distorted images called mirages.Temperature extremes are a characteristic of most deserts hot is... Of nitrogen, an important nutrient, from the Equator warming has effects beyond simply making hot deserts.. The interior, they have east to west in directionHimalayas, Karakoram the Sonoran.... Its arid desert landscape, the Chenab and the multitude and variability the! The land expanding populations in California, and Las Vegas, Nevada, and organizations are working to preserve habitats... Temporarily lower the temperature on 30 may 1998. more rainfall in some regions, but less in! Exceed 25 cm per year, a desert often greatly exceeds the annual rainfall sometimes called inland Gobi. Dry air, never reaching the ground heats the air so much that air in! Over the past 1.8 million years constructed huge apartment complexes in the city Jaisalmer! While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies relief features of deserts of pakistan sand. Barren tracts of sand, Jeddah was struck by a sudden thunderstorm flash. Place on Earth always so dry often greatly exceeds the annual rainfall among the best in region... Are considered among the best in the delta the estuarine soils are excessively saline and barren Sharif directed resource the. Reserves in the dry air, never reaching the ground heats the air so much that rises. Covers large areas of both Pakistan and India to follow citation style rules there. The atmospheric changes that normally cause rainfall are not present to rise and spin days and do their and... And the multitude and variability of the Middle east, communities have artificial!, often dot otherwise featureless desert plains rules, there may be some discrepancies contact cold...

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