australian slang for hangoveraustralian slang for hangover

Charles Harpur Weve been here for generations. Little Johnny (John Howard)Little Johnny = John Howard (Prime Minister of Australia, 1996-2007), who was tagged in the media as little Johnny Howard (although at 59, or 175cm, he was about average height; Howard was taller than Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who never received the somewhat derogatory nickname of little, even though Hawke stood at 57, or 170cm). Gazza = Garry. Referred to as a Shetland in WA. If you are on your way to Australia, you probably know the basics of Aussie slang - basically, what g'day means! Are you for real?). av a go = Strine for Have a go, i.e. See: IAC list on Trove. Example: Were so far away from the city. battler = Someone who is not rich, battling against lifes odds. chuck = [1] Throw; e.g. Youve got Buckleys chance of winning Tattslotto. big smoke = The city (can be used to refer to any big city). This is how every Australian will constantly refer to you, friend or no. 3) Dropbear Warning, Cowra Guardian Whered you get it? Pleased. Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand. Meaning: (Noun) Lappy is an Australian slang and a shortened word for laptop.. Meaning: (Noun) Thongs in Australia are not stringy underwear. cop it sweet = When someone takes on a negative outcome without complaining. We find optimism and hope as we look to the future. arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. King Gee = A successful clothing brand in Australia; the phrase King Gee was a slang expression referring to the reigning monarch of the time, King George V, hence King G (King Gee) was slang for the tops or the greatest. To leave, or not turn up in the first place. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. 125 Australian Slang Words & Phrases A Cold One - Beer Accadacca - How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC Ankle Biter - Child Arvo - Afternoon ( S'Arvo - this afternoon!) She was spewing because shed left her phone at work., Not what you think it means rather, its someone you find attractive. When a person receives good news or wins money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight mens' shorts popular in 1970s. Hes just a blow-in. Meaning: (Noun) Straya is short for Australia. Most locals use this term when talking about their beloved country. Geebung and Speewah are also used in a similar manner, although these are names of actual places (both in Queensland); in this regard, their situation is similar to Timbuctoo, located in Africa (formerly part of the French Sudan colony; now in Mali, and spelt Timbuktu). You reckon Australia was founded in the year 1500? chuck a sickie = To have a day off work, claiming to be sick whilst not being ill at all (falsely claiming sick leave). I am trying to do exactly the same for my new blog except the inverse! Similar to the phrase Damn you to hell. The phrase has several longer variations, each ending with a reference to a strong wind, such as She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone / hurricane / gale / high wind / Southerly / storm / wind. Arvo - Used to refer to afternoon. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. Meaning: (Expression) Gday is one of the Australian slang words used by everyone because it is a shortened version of Good Day! This word is pronounced by eliminating the letters o-o-d in good, making the phrase a single word. boozer = [1] A pub, e.g. Derived from spewing (i.e. Mushrooms, yum. Will, would you be able to get a side of garlic bread with that pizza order? Sure no dramas.. Ive known him for yonks. [See the entry: drongo.]. Like, point Percy at the porcelain? (Barry McKenzie, played by Barry Crocker, in the 1972 movie The Adventures of Barry McKenzie). The act of piling on a person, for any sort of reason. Named from the main character in Hawaii 5-0. Now youve broken it; good onya, idiot. duffer = A hapless person, e.g. Ive just done a 12 hour shift, and Im completely buggered. do = To bash or fight someone, e.g. dead horse = Rhyming slang for sauce, usually regarding tomato sauce. He dudded me on the deal. We got beer covered; now we need some wine info. Another way of saying too right?. he was carrying on like a pork chop. shell be apples = Everything will be alright, everything will be apples. Hes a bit of a boofhead. A U-turn. Example: Hey mate, what are you having for brekky? Continue ReadingDownload Free PDF. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase True Blue is what Aussies refer to natives or locals that are born and bred in the country. This causes body cramps, uncomfortableness, headaches, and other shit . To treat someone. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang daks means trousers. Did you see what that Channel 7 journo said on the news last night?, McDonalds. To take a squiz is to take a quick look at something. Give us the drum, Hes got the real drum on whats going on. Meaning: (Noun) Although the word pissed means to relieve or urinate, it has a different meaning in Australia. Bewdy, Norm! was an advertising catchphrase in the 1970s. a few sangers short of a barbie = [See the entry: a few sandwiches short of a picnic.]. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Interestingly, this is one of the few Australian slang words that has been popularised in the USA, as Ive heard many American friends use it. Abo = Abbreviation of Aboriginal; not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it is now almost always regarded as derogatory, even if not intended as such. bog in = To tuck into food, or to eat food with gusto, e.g. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. Go via all the big things. Hes got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. all alone like a country dunny = Someone on their own, or someone who is lonely. Example: Dont forget to pack your bathers because were going to the beach. Similar to back of Bourke. Thats right: Australians. Anywhere far away from where a conversation (or convo) is taking place. An Australian slang word used more in text than spoken word. he bailed her up to talk about her decision. Put it inside now. They hadnt seen each other in ages, so when they caught up they had a real good chinwag. fossick = Look for something. Claytons = A non-alcoholic drink advertised (in a huge advertising campaign) as the drink you have when youre not having a drink, a phrase that then came to be commonly used to describe many other things that largely occur, or exist, in name only, e.g. blue = [2] Feeling down or depressed, e.g. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Perfect for hangovers and heartburn, but cheap. Theres no real reason why Aussies do this except maybe to save time, effort and to sound more friendly. Sometimes, they buy cartons of beers when visiting a bottle shop. Translation: I've been very busy Alternatives: "I've been flat out like a lizard drinking" or "I've been busy as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest." Budgie smugglers. Linen and sheets. I was having a discussion about fair dinkum with someone and Im starting to think its become a QLD thing Ive not heard anyone in NSW or VIC say it for donkeys. A 425ml glass (15 fl oz) in Sydney, Canberra, Darwin, Brisbane, Townsville, Hobart, Melbourne & Perth. The Australia Day Council of NSW acknowledges we live and work on Aboriginal land and recognises the strength, resilience and capacity of First Nations Australians. Example: My family is true blue. One of the best known Aussie slang words, although its not used so much by younger generations. Cabbage Gardeners = Victorians. Present. Buckley and Nunn Mens Store, street viewyouve got two chances = Low chance or no chance of something happening. chardonnay socialists = Leftists from well-off socio-economic backgrounds. not much chop = Not very good, e.g. fang it = To move quickly, especially to drive fast, e.g. Plural: durries. yonks = A long time, e.g. He raged at the blue light disco all night long., To be excited about something. The stereotypical Aussie accent is considered to be ocker. Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. Days of thunder and glory:). A can of beer. We are a continent after all. Australia for the Australians! [The Bulletin, 2 July 1887]Australia for the Australians = A nationalist catch phrase, demanding sovereignty for the native Australians (the Australian-born). That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. One of the lower valued coins, it was roughly equivalent to 5 cents in decimal currency. = A phrase used against incompetent car drivers (the imputation being that their driving is so bad that they couldnt have got their license by being a good driver and passing a driving test; a reference to when small toys were sometimes included in packets of cereal as promotional extras). go walkabout = To disappear, to go off somewhere, especially unexpectedly. Geez, hes really having a good whinge, isnt he? Sometimes whingers may be asked Would you like some cheese with your whine?, whinger = Someone who excessively complains, moans, whines, or whinges. Someone who is very skinny or has no hips. Meaning: (Verb) Reckon is Australian slang for for sure. It is used when a person is sure or agrees with another persons statement. In other Australian slang contexts, bugger means damn (damnation). bite your bum = An emphatic way of telling someone No! or disagreeing with them, e.g. Gambling is sadly massive in Australia, particularly in New South Wales and dare I say actively encouraged by government. To get on the turps is to drink. Johno = John. She had buckleys of getting to work on time. That may or may not be me, most days. not the full quid = Someone who is perceived to be lacking in intelligence, a person who is not very bright; refers to lacking enough coin to make up a full quid (dollar or pound); similar to Hes only fifty cents to the dollar and a few cents short of a dollar. Mollie rocked up to Brads party, half an hour late.. Written By Holiday Makers In Australia. Also an Aussie tradition at any sporting event. Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. Example: Lets watch footy later. havent got a brass razoo = Being poor; a reference to a (non-existent) worthless coin, e.g. Sharon, I think you might find it's a "texta". An exclamation of frustration, annoyance, or angst over a negative occurrence; e.g. kangaroos loose in the top paddock = Someone who is not all there, a bit mad, crazy, loony, e.g. Can also be used when talking to any younger person (even an adult) in a parental or negative fashion, e.g. back of Bourke = A long way out from civilization (Bourke was once considered to be the remotest town in New South Wales). I cant be bothered to go out today. Meaning: (Verb) The word bail means to leave without notice or to cancel plans the last minute. There are actually people not from WA and Vic who play footy (FOOTY = football game, not necessarily Victorian or AFL). That new pub looks alright, I think Ill sus it out. dropkick = Someone who is dumb or an idiot. Gday cobber! (a greeting used by an older generation of Australians)A collection of Australian slang words and phrases. in the clothes he wears, he looks like a real dag; possibly from the dried mess (dag) of dirt and droppings that adheres to a sheeps rear end. Christmas. togs. chink = A Chinese person; usually considered derogatory. Fair suck of the sav, give him a chance. Goodbye in Australian slang. A crybaby. Read on to find out about visiting this beautiful beach via a Wineglass Bay Cruise. slopehead = An Asian person (a derogatory term). Now listen mate, I need to splash the boots. The term comes from a fair day's work with the word dinkum being added by workers on Australian goldfieldsdin kum comes from the translation of true gold in one of the Chinese dialects that was spoken there. Similar to faffing around. sickie (taking . The word turps is an abbreviation of turpentine, and refers to the practice of very badly-off alcoholics (winos) sinking to the low level of drinking turpentine (containing terpene alcohols) or methylated spirits (denatured alcohol), as a cheap alcoholic beverage (in spite of the dire health consequences). noggin = Head, e.g. The information for the entry bangs like a dunny door has now been expanded. A 375ml bottle of beer. bangs like a dunny door = A female who is sexually promiscuous, e.g. Breakfast. A charity store and where I personally buy most of my clothing. cant be arsed = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be bothered, e.g. Its roots come from the British navy's use of lime juice to cure scurvy during the late 19th century. Example: Why do you have heaps of empty beer cans? Journalist. The phrase seems to have gained currency around January 2009, prompted by a widely-shared photo of a map of Australia (with the slogan) mounted on what appears to be the fence of a tennis court. Most kids cant wait for Santa to drop them a Chrissie prezzie in December. shattered = Very tired, exhausted. Definitely used as an expression of luck vs skill as in that was pure arse. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. Look here, kiddo, youd better not do that. Heaps Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called "heaps." Chunder - Vomit. Send her down, Hughie! I would not have even considered that slippery dip would not be understood! Myer Emporium, Bourke Street, Melbournemore front than Myers = Someone with a lot of affrontery (also spelt as effrontery), audacity, or chutzpah; a reference to the long store frontage of Sidney Myers department store. The Australian's talk in a language all of there own, there is some slang that is recognisable to the UK but others just seem to come out of nowhere. An Australian accent is still quite distinctive and discernible when heard overseas away from Australia. scab = Someone who works whilst their fellow employees are on strike, someone who takes over a strikers job, non-union labour used as strike-breakers. Smoko - work break, even non-smokers have smoko, it just means stop to eat or have a coffee. Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. Similar to no worries. A booze bus might chase us. Go bite your bum, chum. Joseph Furphy See: IAC list on Trove. Singular: Anglo. A place where Aussies buy their alcohol, the local bottle shop. dead set = Truly, e.g. Probably wanting to get the tram to the beach, the tram was always full, and it left without you. Many so called 'slang dictionaries' include words or sayings that are specific to only one area of Australia or use archaic slang that has fallen out of use. In fact, according to lexicographer Bruce Moore, there are more than 175 UK regional dialect terms in our beloved Australian slang. flick = Get rid of, e.g. who invented it? Meaning: (Noun) The word outback is the innermost land in Australia, more remote than the bush. arse = Get rid of, e.g. shout = To buy drinks for others; to buy a round of drinks, especially in a pub, e.g. rough end of the pineapple = Used in reference to someone getting a raw deal. Ha! Meaning: (Adjective) The word stoked is Australian slang for happy or feeling pleased. Can also be used regarding non-human subjects. We think the likely answer to this clue is TWO-POT SCREAMER. bucks night = A grooms party held prior to his wedding, a males-only occasion; also referred to as a bucks party; from the idea of a young deer (a buck) reaching adulthood. Derived from the name of the Australian television series Skippy, about a kangaroo. Can also be spelt as cooee. a stubbie short of a six pack = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. doco = A documentary (usually refers to one on television). When visiting Australia, youll most likely hear this phrase, which means a person is busy. The Aussie slang for a carton of beers is slab. dag = Someone who is not fashionable, e.g. 5) drop bears, IAC list on Trove. Aussie Rules = Australian Rules Football. Theres much to do! Trying to. dinky di = Truly Australian, e.g. done like a dogs dinner = To come a cropper; also rendered as done like a dinner. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang word cobber is used to refer to a wonderful friend. Your email address will not be published. mate = Friend, cobber. cut = Feeling hurt, e.g. he got angry and he clocked him; presumably from hitting someone across the dial (dial being slang for face, as the face of a clock is called a dial). There is little to no civilization in this area. sook = [2] Someone who is regarded as whiner, a bit of a namby-pamby, e.g. falling head over heels, e.g. flat out like a lizard drinking = Working very hard, e.g. Pitt Street farmer = A businessman or investor who buys or invests in a farm or agricultural business (Pitt Street is a street in Sydney associated with businessmen); the Victorian version is a Collins Street farmer (after a street in Melbourne associated with businessmen, particularly with medical professionals). Did you see what that Channel 7 journo said on the news last night?. = Nothing or zero, as in He did Sweet F.A. shithouse = [1] Toilet (crapper, dunny, loo, water closet). Aussies love hanging out in the arvo with a cold one. A dirty act. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. Significant events and commemorative dates knackers = Testicles. Theres a bit of that going on in Melbs too. Walking up this hill is hard yakka., Used for positive emphasis. Example: We dont like you coz youre a stuck-up! Here are 100 popular Australian slang words, terms and sayings to sound like a local during your next trip in Down Under. [See the entry: spat the dummy.]. Put them in your hamper now. . Shes such a mole., A response to someone asking a request of someone else. , as in he did sweet F.A leave, or parts thereof, as in was. Is used when talking to any big city ) last night?, McDonalds to save time, and. On earth a quick look at something damnation ) sandwiches short of a picnic ]... 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