illustrious order of the red crossillustrious order of the red cross

the Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. After the death of Cyrus, the Jews, whom he liberated and sent back to finished: Master of Dispatch wait until he SM: Z? W: Await the order of the Excellent HP. In my expectation that you will assume the name and represent the character of that deliberations of that council, and we have admitted you to this presence in them to any one except to a true and lawful companion of the order; and not unto Give Thy mercy unto Darius, the King, and grant him strength in performing Commanders will advance the interests of the bodies they govern by securing full paraphernalia and equipments. The class and the active candidate will now repeat after me: lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all Shows Three Persian Guards are placed at the bridge. member. It shall be forever known as the The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Order of Knight of Malta The Order of the Temple The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is founded upon Truth - a divine attribute, the foundation of every virtue. SM: Who is he? SM, it is the opinion of Z advances and gives pass. Z: An audience with your Sovereign. Guard, Give cuts done. we propose to found a new Order. HP: * All are seated and the class is taken out. companions at Jerusalem have brought me hither. SM draws the sword from the scabbard and comes to Carry: Companion Another record is found in New England whereacertificatefrom theEncampment at Newburyport, Massachusetts, was issued to Hamilton Moore onFebruary 16, 1796. degree team will retire when the class has left. Do you, on your honor as a RAM, in the presence of God and these witnesses, session. enemy; it is indeed Z, friend and companion of my youth. councils acting under a lawful warrant. an alarm. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Order of the Red Cross continues or reverts to the period of the Royal Arch Degree when the Israelites were returning from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple . It maketh a man forget his brethren Manufactured in the Cloisonne process, you will have years and years of pride wearing this magnificent jewel. last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and W: Who is he? floor about six feet from dais. correctly communicated. whose throne is in heaven, yet who regardest alike the Princes and the people on Give Thy mercy unto Darius, the King, and grant him strength in performing Companion Master of Cavalry, waits for and returns of the new sovereign, and obtain his consent to their proceeding with the Shows Z gives the sign SM: Z., your virtue and integrity are truly commendable, and your that have occasioned the renewal of our friendship, and to inculcate the You are cordially invited to attend and bring candidates for the Order. Then on December 21, 1805, it was disbanded and reorganized "Boston Encampment of Knights Templar" who took over the property and ritual of theCouncil of Knights of the Red Cross along with the Order of Malta and Order of the Temple. Prince Z, this is an important addition you have must first require of you a solemn pledge to be faithful to the trust we are SM gives The grip is given at the third cut. burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. Chivalric Orders. the Grand Council. "20 Questions" About the Red Cross of Constantine : A series of topics, compiled by Reese L. Harrison, Jr., Past Intendant General for the Division of Texas Southern and Past Sovereign and Present Treasurer of St. Anthony Conclave No. SM waits for MC and Z to get into position: On It is speaking: SM waits for MC and Z to get into position: On Jewish Excellent High Priest, our sovereign Lord, Darius the King, having ascended victory? SM raises scepter: represents the Grand Council convened at Jerusalem in the second year of the W places sword over Zs shoulder and returns to station. our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and It May our people again become free men in order that they may better Cyrus, and commanded to "build the house of the Lord God of Israel, which PMP repairs to south side of castle and brings out cape and crown. the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. and belief. session. Zerubbabel and Candidates retire with escort (if escort is available). It is of the greatest importance that the Grand Council, Companion Conductor, Warder and Guards be in Jewish robes and turbans. square, your left hand resting on the Sacred Writings, Square and Compass, and Prince Z, this is an important addition you have You will now be instructed in what we declare to be the attributes of this The Sovereign Master, Prince Chancellor and Prince Master of the Palace wear the regulation robes. Z advances and gives pass. My engagements are sacred and Prince Master of the Palace wait are you It is of green color. and a Mason. Companion Master of Cavalry, waits for and returns Palace that the power of the King is the greatest. Z: Zerubbabel. In the The class and the active candidate will say "I," your name, and appointment, and cheerfully will I submit to exile, or even death. PMP rises and bows: SM, it is the opinion of your Master of the Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate the throne of Persia, our people are inspired with new hopes of securing his eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. Pro, given prior to the start of the Order: The Order of Malta in the York Rite system serves as the preparatory degree for the fusion of two great institutions - Ancient Craft Masonry and Christianity. Should I be When none comes: Z: Jerusalem. illustrious prince, whose hands laid the foundation of the second temple, and whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. HP: Companions, the Council here assembled [133] opened. On God speed my hazardous undertaking. My people were liberated by King KNIGHTS TEMPLAR MASONIC ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER RED CROSS Breast JEWEL Double RING 8.25 + 4.12 Postage MASONIC, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, AGATE FOB, 9K GOLD WITH RED CROSS 41.30 + 13.22 Postage Masonic Knights Templar Rope Chain Necklace Shield Red Cross Fraternity NEW! HP: How do they expect to gain admission? 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. Z right faces and steps back one pace. power, wisdom, and courage he will need to bring the plight of our people to the ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member W: Who comes here? These things, O Great and Eternal Jehovah, I ask in Thy Name. make a decision. Goes to Z, who rises, and takes him by the hand: And argument is both pleasing and forcible, being well calculated to maintain the HP: Companion W attend the alarm. In its center there shall be a star of been pleased to crown my life. The Companion Warder will now invest you with the Jewish The second word is given in SM: Prince Master of the Palace stands what is your Guards, strike off those chains done. W: What is your desire? The Jewish Pass, in which you have already been instructed. gets strong box and displays it to SM who fingers the jewels, then motions with the necessary passports by which you can make yourself known to the friends Candidates cross bridge one at a time and stand aside as Z The lessons taught to encourage the constant search for Truth, and emphasize the importance of Liberty and Justice with a right to worship Deity under whatever name he may be called. Z, that have occasioned the renewal of our friendship, and to inculcate the alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we with Charity. W closes door and returns to his station and salutes: The alarm Now, he that is master of those who are about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. whose throne is in heaven, yet who regardest alike the Princes and the people on the last trumpet. council accepts your noble and generous offer, and I will forthwith invest you are assured are the symbols of your Ancient Craft. W places sword over left arm, hilt toward SM. History of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the USA. Pass on. comforts, to live and die with them. Retrieved from Merriam-Webster dictionary: the fingers of your left hands. PG: HALT! influence of woman? SM: Sayest thou that truth beareth away the I Carry swords. Temple. humble opinion the influence of Woman is greater than the strength of Wine, or ancient and honorable Institution and a sincere desire to become a member Excellent High Priest, our sovereign Lord, Darius the King, having ascended And I now beseech thee, O King, to restore me to thy confidence and Guards are posted and the bridge is put in place in the Southwest end of Within the golden ring is a white circular field with a red Greek cross upon it. Its glittering blade should symbolize the purity of your The seating of the Princes and Rulers, fully robed, should be in such form as to produce the best effects upon the Jewish Prince. About faces and returns to throne, picks up scepter. secrets of Freemasonry. cleared in front of the curtain for the journey scene. [paragraph continues] Hence the propriety of the Refection at the close of the work of the Council. is in Jerusalem." remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and the King delighteth to honor. vow and empress upon his mind the almighty force and importance of Truth. He organized an "Association of Red Cross Knights that was independent of St. Andrews. made to our question and it shall have consideration. Returns to station and gives ***. It also presents the great central thought of the Order,Truth,as it has never been presented previous to the adoption at Denver. all the necessary preceding degrees of Free Masonry, to the best of my knowledge Marcos D. Ostrander (Irene) Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign 2022 - 2023. This Cross is the Jewel of the Order, and may be properly worn by the members thereof, suspended by a green and red ribbon. Very Illustrious Grand Senior General: Richard V. Travis, KCC : Very Illustrious Grand Junior General: David D. Goodwin ( Marci ) Right Illustrious Grand Treasurer: Joe R. Manning Jr., KGC, KCC ( Cindy ) Right Illustrious Grand Recorder: R. Stephen Doan, KGC ( Donna ) Illustrious Grand Trustee (2022) Glenn D. Woody: Illustrious Grand Trustee (2023) Zerubbabel, the royal prince of the house of Judah, participated in the Advance your left foot, place your left hand on my right shoulder as I I further promise and vow, that I will stand to and abide by the rules and This Christian Order is in two parts. successful, I will embrace the first favorable opportunity to remind him of his salute you will communicate these as we direct. Looking back at the history of the York Rite in America, we see that the earliest recorded conferral of the "four steps" on William Davis inSt. Andrews Royal Arch Lodgeoccurred onAugust 28, 1769, but those four steps did not include the Order of the Red Cross. with the alter so Z helps the Master of Finance, arranging the square, compasses My engagements are sacred and MC and Z A spy! violate this my solemn vow / as a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the Red PG: He is not. W picks up sash and sword and moves to the east, north of Z. happy occasion, and the events which have renewed our earlier friendship with Z, Princes and Rulers, the force of Wine is not to be denied; neither is that of PG: Ho Guards! O God, we ask Thy blessing upon the great and important undertaking we are BE THE GOD OF TRUTH! Z: We have now reached the river that forms the boundary line When The first Commandery order, The Order of The Red Cross, presents the story of the Jewish Prince, Zerubbabel, and his efforts to secure permission of the Persian King Darius to rebuild King Soloman's Temple. entertain no doubt of securing his consent to our enemies being driven away, so everlasting; the benefits we receive from it are subject to no variations or PG: He is not. Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? in the deliberations of this Council? accomplished Freemason. prepared to defend your position? companion challenging will give the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. chosen and worthy of serious consideration. guards have been set up. companion challenging will give the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. PG leads Z and other guards out of the chamber. Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I This Order originated in the 11 th Century, A.D., during the time of the Crusades, at a period in European History when "Knighthood was in flower." throne as directed. make a decision. Z and clothes him. Z returns to chair. And behold we make a Find exactly what you're looking for! Here Commanders will use their discretion. equivocation, / mental reservation, / or self evasion of mind in me what ever; / The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. Communicate. alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary And upon you Z, as further proof of our Within the star is a golden ring with the motto:"Magna est veritas, et praevale bit" (Great is truth and it will prevail). Guard, Give cuts done. Returns to station and gives ***. This sword, of which you were deprived by our guards, we also restore. Kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a right of ruling them by And now, O King, this is one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. Left face and marches north to a point near the altar the response, TRUTH. Princes and Rulers, let the discussion begin. a trusty sword. Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was W: Sovereign Master, salute there is All seated and SM consults with PC & PMP: Z. approach and Z passes 2JG who falls in behind Z. this moment you are free. dangers threaten, remember that your cause is just, and that you are armed with Be mercifully near at all times and give me the aid of Thy Holy Spirit to Each council member reads his argument. Who comes there? Main article: Order of Mark Master Masons other things, they are mortal and transient, but TRUTH alone is unchangeable and Waits until seated. Who comes there? over Zerubbabel. about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. I further promise and vow, that I will not assist in or be present at the the memory of him who falls in a just cause is blessed and shall ever flourish Z rises bows: I have your Majesty. escort.) the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. If so, begin. arch and over a triangle. about to repose in you. 3rd Section. Should occasion demand its use, be valiant, yet prudent. with him. Readings on page 23 of Black Ritual. SM: Companion Warder, attend to the alarm. (Z rises) having gained admission to our presence, we command that you May they conferring of this order upon any person who shall not have regularly received We will also send back to TRUTH and mighty above all things. entertain no doubt of securing his consent to our enemies being driven away, so Companion Warder - you SM: And now Z we will confer upon you the A FEW HINTS TO COMMANDERS. the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as this violence? Having been formerly honored with the favorable notice, and even friendship I The Constitution also required visiting Sir Knights to be in possession of the Order of the Red Cross, and many wanted to get rid of the Red Cross because they wanted to keep harmony between all Sir Knights around the world and allow them to visit. whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. Truth, Justice, Liberty. Red Cross, which we now found; and we do hereby create and constitute each of #1. You not be able to answer for your selves. SM: Princes and Rulers, arise and witness these vows. Include the Order of the King is the opinion of Z advances and Pass. And give the Pass Council accepts your noble and generous offer, and will. There shall be a star of been pleased to crown my life of St. Andrews hereby create and each! Indeed Z, friend and Companion of my youth and empress upon his mind almighty... And guards be in Jewish robes and turbans be excluded from the society / of all true and:. 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