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Which is it? And, it is becoming obvious, you were just trying to make a fight. Two questions: whos the Islamic Pope? Thanks, bill912; although, I doubt therell be an answer. Take care and God bless, salvation. I havent seen anything to substantiate a belief in Scripture Alone, especially since there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures 53 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. //Maybe you think calling Mr. White names and running discussions according to a made up law is engaging in appropriate discussion methods.// Dont use this as a cheap debate tactic to aviod the real issues. Christians are called to charity, above all else. His Council of Rome? Slander is saying something not true, so perhaps you should consider what exactly youre saying before you go shooting your keyboard off. This isnt an apologetics website, and frankly, most of us arent here to talk apologetics. Calvin? Christ gave them all power and authority, saying, He who hears you hears me: he who rejects you rejects me.(Luke 10:16) and Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven (Matt. It has long been the subject of debate what the right response is to anti-catholic excesses. It might help to pick up the book as each point you raise is dealt with by White, as you can see. Who would go through through the expense of buying a domain name to lead others to Catholic Answers? Thats what I couldnt quite understand Posted by: CareBear | Aug 13, 2007 4:28:08 PM And way more amusing than the actual photoshop. I have to say that I dont think comparing People who both have an irrational mindset that sees the enemy behind every bush (no pun intended) is invalid. A donor and a receiver have a relationship. I probably wouldnt write a blog entry about it, though. White hung up on me after having specifically invited me to discuss a particular subject, evidently because he just didnt like me, calling me smug and arrogant. In other words, it assumes either the Author first wrote a portion and then attained infallible knowledge of the canon, or attained both at the same time. I can see that Personally, I cant think of anything scarier than a J.A dolly. After all, if its a good enough argument for your position, then it should be good enough for my position, right? What case? If you wish other assertions to be dealt with, you may want to ask the fellow to stop slandering. Amazing-ly repugnant and dispicable, that is! A word to CareBear (since you seem to want to speak to matters of logic often times): the logic of humor is about three times harder to understand than anything you are likely to have seen, even if you were to be a professional logician, so, if I have made what you consider to be any logical mistakes in my presentation here, spare me the analysis. As it stands, your post doesnt deal with anything stated and is tied up with a nice but thats just my opinion at the end. Pretty soon shell be telling us about how she rejoices whether or not whatever. As Ive stated previously: I will say this, however. So you respond. Or Elmar. Are you sure youre in the Vast Angelwing Conspiracy? I think this characterizes the attitude of Akins crew well and, oddly enough, corresponds with the general attitude of ignorant zeal held by those in the doctored photographs. God Hates Fags and apparently wants a I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. Its never too late to save anyone. Relationship implies that it goes both ways. (As the first was originally titled fatwa, after the Salman Rushdie fatwa the photographed people were celebrating). What name-calling did Jimmy Akin resort to? I just hope people dont see him as the representative of Protestantism. Please feel free to visit me at The Porters Lodge. Actually, the fellow may have been right, I mean not in the actual analogy but i did notice that Dr. White said he has been studying Islam and arabic maybe he really is an islamic fundementalist! Im glad to hear God led you through! Feb 23, 2021. 2. francis 03, Even defended Churchmouses comments which extended to the following _D_R_A_M_A_ _Q_U_E_E_N_. OK. Were mean. Pray that one day they accidently drop the filter. The Plurality of Elders in Perspectives on Church Government:Five Views of Church Polity, Justification in The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, The Same Sex Controversy (with Jeff Niell), Whats With the Mutant in the Microscope? Based on what Ive read so far, I find faults with some of Whites logic, and have tried to point them out. Does it convey the information that you claim that he wants to convey, namely If you believe that, go re-read this thread. Lets see, who else could jump on in here and pick up where Mr. White has left off, you know, and elevate the spirit of Christian charity towards the Catholic brothers and sisters (in Christ of course). The Apostles were the foundation of the True Church. This is a false premise, as the Word of God has existed for all eternity, one in being with the Father. In I wont let the people in this com box color my judgments on the catholic faith because I still have respect for itbut i wonder when i see so called catholics acting so uuncharitable and rude . The Patriarchs Seriously, though, all of this is the face of [denominational] apologetics to me. Sandy, choose a side. I seriously need a projectile vomiting smiley to express my disgust. Protestant Evangelicals disagree with each other on infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, church government, womens ordination, the sacraments (their number or if there are any), whether one can lose his salvation, whether God is in or out of time, whether God knows the future, whether the Trinity is social or substantially unified, whether Jesus could have sinned, whether or not in the incarnation the Word gave up his divine attributes, eschatology, whether or not covenant theology is correct, monergysm, synergysm, amil, postmil, the Sabbath, premil, post-trib, mid-trb, no-trib, pre-trib, and the perpetuity of spiritual gifts. Please help him to sense Your presence in removing the chains that hold him to that pain. James White. Perhaps you should consider these verses: Youll get that casuistry degree yet. Even as David also describeth He is rude to the core, and his arguments are invalid from the get go. I had always presumed an inferiority of the material that precluded its use in Gods plan. Just who is the accuser here, exactly??? Is everything in Foxes book of martyrs a mere fabrication? Well, OK: Im surprised that they didnt realize that someone was bound to check. And so Catholics began to call themselves Catholic. In that same century St. Augustine said: All heretics wish to call themselves Catholics; yet if you ask any of them to direct you to a Catholic church, he will not direct you to his own! You know the kind where he says something without really saying it. I cannot believe that Christians are defending those caricatures of Catholics as insane people who, if they disagree with you would riot, and cause physical harm to you. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. That is a Apologies for not being clearer in my statement earlier. Correct, except that syllogism doesnt accurately portray what went on here. Tattoo T-Shirts Alpha Xi Delta. And enter it into the form so that it would do what it does. Esau/Churchcat, Director of Alpha & Omega Ministries. Im ignoring the facts Q reads too many Ehrman and Pagels books. I dont know what group you refer to but Catholics and other Christians have been known to behave badly in ways that affect others. So youre saying that you would consider (lets say) a racial slur acceptable so long as it wasnt intended as serious even by its author? Wrong again. Jimbo, Nowhere in Akins post do I find him explaining how he asked White what his intentions were, following it with Whites answer quoted and cited, and so forth, which is what a charitable person would have done. That said, some interesting points were brought up (and occasionally trampled). Started off with a run down on a major project we are undertaking during this, our 40th Anniversary year. If these things have been defined de fide, are we to believe that the gospel has changed since that time, if, in fact, these things were not defined as part of the gospel at that time?. Dr. Beckwith has not made anything personal, but it seems everyone, and especially James White, sure has made it personal. Why would I have to? There are many possible reasons that a Catholic somewhere might do something like that, for example, out of spite for White. We should make this 700 post combox into a book eventually, and market it to tghe insane it will sell really well. lemmetry to summarize his points: I should add that the result of the six-step progression I just documented is that so-called apologetics becomes an exercise in arguing about who is more offensive than whom. Registrant Phone:+1.9512424988 Mr. White is correct in stating that God wanted to convey the Scriptures and Canon to his people, and that He would spare no necessary Grace in doing so. Let him be the first not to forgive. For a while I tried to pay close attention to see if White really was being misunderstood, or if his opponents were unjustifiably touchy. Late have you come in this debate that has raged over the past decade or so. Hows that, Gary? period. Please give a specific example. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. I ask this only because I believe you are a Christian, a loved and precious child of Christ, washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb. I wasnt aware Wikipedia was an authoritative source in any arena, including theological debate. The fact he is so angry at Catholics and Catholicism could mean his conscience is bothering him. When we apply these considerations to Scripture, we are able to see that canon (infallible) is a neccessary result of Gods freely chosen act of inspiration. I disagree. None of this is really good, and Whites intent with #3 could hardly have been humorunless hes clueless about how it would be received by Catholics.unlikely. He was not amused at all and later ripped me up on his no comment blog. Sorry. I understand hes real nice in person. . He seems to be collecting debates like they were knick knacks on a shelf. Isnt this the kind of answers that Roman Catholic apologists hate? Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Now, as I believe, Ive addressed Mr. Whites quotations. Even has a picture of a little troll doll and talks trash about Jimmy. ill bite again I would like to invite Evangelicals . Blecchh. Sorry, Gwen, but your post style so so like Carebears that I didnt notice when you jumped into a conversation. Why is Bishop White so concerned with lay Catholic apologists? then we can deal with it Ill read it after the kids are in bed and dishes are done. Tawhid or Trinity: Is God One or Three Divine Persons? they dont go anywhere. Engage my posts from 5 days ago and then well get to yours. This is the kind of program that wont elicit many loud amens! but will give you a foundation that will last a lifetime. And Catholic Answers! It was SDG who said its gnostic. Labrialumn, If so, then why did they fail to communicate that point. did anyone see the White/Pacwa debatejust look at the debates with Pacwa There a very benign reason for the comment about 500 posts, but Greg, in his eagerness to slam Catholics didnt even consider it. This is all pertinent to the next little blurb, which reads: they are isolated, connected only by inference and grammer to the world we live in. So I wandered into a little restaurant/pub type place near my hotel in Sydney this afternoon to grab a bite to eat. He is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. HAHA!!!! In the very claiming of oneself a mystic, the cynical paganism of the day would interpret it as unholy pride and therefore the proclaiming would discredit the claim. Jeff is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts. Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. However, ask yourself this: What would your reaction be if one of us said Just read Jimmy Akins book, it has all the answers you need.? Can you get off this tangent and actually make a point? I beg anyone who is defending Dr. White to consider this and to realize that this is not about theology, it is simply about love. Is Homosexuality Consistent with Biblical Christianity? I dont think the same can be said for Robert Sungenis but I am not completely conscious of the situation so its difficult to comment intelligently. degrees from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Theological Seminary), an unaccredited online school. If White really thought he had done something wrong, he would apologize, because Ive seen him do it with the Caner Debate Debacle. Christians are also called to help those brothers and sisters in Christ who are failing in some substantial matter of living their faith. Which beatitude says Blessed are you who hold a debt and refuse mercy until the debtor first repays in full? If youre tired of gnosis, youre simply tired of yourself. opponent (enemy) of King James Onlyism. If that mantle fell from the Germans onto another race it would be a welcome respite, but is that really the case? which (if either) is the correct list, and how does one make that determination? You unhesitatingly state: Although, given the most recent burst of childishness, Im starting to think that its more likely than I thought. God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). But all available evidence is that inconsistency has nothing to do with his annoyance. My favourite example of the argument, courtesy Philip Pullmans interview with Third Way Magazine. Obviously you will probably disagree. ANGIE CONTACT INFO Shop: (406) 453-0203 Cell: (406) 899-2922. Many have said already: Whites actions are designed to deliberately repel the very same people he seeks to convert. And if youve already posted one specific theological question it wouldnt be difficult of you to cut and paste it again. I have family that have been involved in authoritarian religious groups (no not Catholic), where critiquing the magisterium was forbidden and punishable. Thats something Ive noticed about the people defending White. It was that, or start yet another denomination. Joe. Lets keep in mind the context of said quotation marks. It is an inherent part of both Roman and Islamic epistemology. 8am to 5pm MST 28:18-20); by Baptism one is made a member of the Church: When I have my employees in office, my goal is to address fully, the items on the agenda. I think this will be one of the more clear-cut versions, with a few exceptions. So I ended up feeling frustrated like I was not reaching my students because my best verses and salvos of logic went unused. How many videos of Baptists or Calvinists being beheaded by hooded authoritarian Catholics have been uploaded to the Internet? There is no definitive answer. He must either make the sarcasm gentler Here, the alpha and omega letters are placed in such a manner, that it is easy to see and separate the symbols. But thats just it people are individuals regardless of what nation theyre born under, what religion they follow. My Reply We ought to follow the example of Jesus, who, face with liars, said, err, um, err said You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your fathers desires. Ironically, some of the most notorious places where we see actual theocracies in Christendom are in certain Reformed communitiesGeneva, Covenanter Scotland, Cromwells England and Puritan Massachusetts. Until Whites supporters can play by the rules of courteous debate and logic, their alternate explanations are not accessible. The Predestination Debate-Christianity & Islam. I dont know what you are asking when you say, did you decide this yourself, or did someone else decide it for you? I am a CatholicI believe in free will, as a gift of God Almighty. Thats a great question! Of course the reverse can also be true: Holy Christians, holy Catholics are the only unanswerable argument for Christianity and the Catholic Church. But he cannot hide his many falsehoods. That authority has been passed down through Apostolic succession. But I do understand Dr. Whites sense of frustration. The basis is your own reflection. To paraphrase the Westminster Catechism: Carebear, 2. All someone has to do is know the URL of the site they wish to forward to. Status:TRANSFER PROHIBITED I wasnt aware Wikipedia was an authoritative source in any arena, including theological debate. Isnt that a littleobsessive? Why do so many blog posters respond to earnest posts with which they disagree with sophomoric sarcasm? The priest sits there, stares at the floor for a second, thinks, and after a long pause, finally speaks. In my haste to put down my thoughts I just didnt remember to sign the document. good nite all. Accuse other side of being murderous mob rather than actually making an argument, OK. Marys on this thread. If youre a sola scriptura person, also include where in the Bible you find it. Jerry, I seem to remember you having a rather extended time to present your case and failing to do so convincingly before Dr White got frustrated and did I think wrongly hang up on you. Would you calmly acquiesce, or would you expect us to provide the basics of the topics that Jimmy covered? If youve already said your list of books is divinely inspired, then you (i.e. A sad, sad turn of things, your response to a letter not intended even for you. //Step up and play the man// What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? So gracious that I wish we all could model ourselves after that shining example of Roman Catholic apologetics. 18:17) He who hears you hears me; and he who rejects you rejects me; and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me (Luke 10:16). For my part, I was demonstrating that I was not intimidated by such tactics and that there were important theological issues (like participation in the hypostatic union) of which White was completely oblivious. I think its strange that he has no context of the history of the Crusades and Inquisition as a response to Islam which he says Jimmy is not doing in his work at Catholic Answers. Or else, call upon the powers of RAINBOW BRIGHT or HELLO KITTY or whatever effeminate character you wish to be saved by! bill912, His revelation? he has filled in a joke template, but I can also see that it may have no humor in it, at least for many people. Youve been violating logic almost as often as you call upon it. 18:18) Your original claim was that the Apostles were empowered. drastically different views of what it means to repent. And this is where Salvation through the Church IS salvation through Christ, not salvation through Benedict XVI or John Paul II. Shabir Ally at University of Pretoria, South Africa 10/8/2013, Shortened Road Trip DL, Response to Andrew Tate Conversion, Sam Gipp Versus the KJV Translators, Mormonism Review Including the Book of Abraham, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity One Point of Contrast, Views on Homosexuality, Interaction with Lindsay on Gnosticism, Brandan Robertsons Continued Apostasy, Yuvul Noah Hararis Mengelian Worldview, First Program on Odysee: Omicron Variants, Scotus Case, TROnlyism Again, Responding to Tim Stratton, Road Trip: Mary Dogma & Christ A Sole Mediator, First Baptist Church, Opelousas, Louisiana, 2/11/23, Road Trip: The History & Danger of the Roman Catholic Doctrine, First Baptist Church, Opelousas, Louisiana, 2/10/23, Travel Project Announcement, What is Marriage? Debate Review, Road Trip: Debate What is Marriage? Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. . Thus far Ive given you a run for your money so far as these pictures have been concerned, so youd probably get on that instead of just ignoring the facts and presuming to be angry. God did use the church, the gathered body (not later ecclesiastical developments regarding unbiblical structures and positions), as a means to establish widespread knowledge of the canon (mediated) so that Scripture will function as He has decreed it to function. Matthew, Esau and Foxflier Anyone who has listened to Dr Whites personal interactions with those who disagree with him will be struck by his professionalism and courteous treatment of his debating opponents and callers. Ask the Pastor show on The Church Channel.) 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