once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sicknessonce upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

Emma did her best to copy her. She spent as much time out of the house as possible wandering their property, except when she knew her mother was gone. Waiting is rather boring. Ruby went to the table and so Emma copied her, pulling out one of the wooden chairs, careful not to scratch the floor. A number of them were labeled with names and dates. I rushed to open it and there was a man my (physical) age standing in the doorway. Even staunch purebloods were unnerved by the muggle lives she took. Now, weve got a lot to sort out and well need to visit the other witches and wizards. Regina rolled her eyes and the others laughed, only to be suddenly shushed by Madame Pince, who always seemed to be walking by at the worst moment. He didnt blame her or think she deserved it. So- Emma is your partner? he asked, trying to put the pieces together. After reading some of the books in the rest of library I was interested in learning more about the muggle Great Wars. Yes, yes I know! I must apologize for something else as well. None, Neal replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. David just gave a little wave. Regina made her way slowly to the practice fields, not late, but late enough that everyone else would already be there. If she would just put some effort in, Regina resumed her mini-rant to the uninterested bird. Eight, we yelled, Three! On instinct, she closed her standard textbook and picked up the library book shed taken out at Professor Golds suggestion when he noticed how well she did in his class. I groaned angrily and dropped a pillow at my chest of drawers. Whatever. Emma didnt think shed ever heard the other girl say anything so casual. She could keep waiting for Hogsmeade weekends to replenish. Finally, gathering up her courage, she began to write. Regina put her book down heavily, Just because the steps are more than three sentences long doesnt mean theyre complicated or that Im making them that way.. He let her check out without a problem, but she could feel his gaze on her the entire time she walked out. I understand you have something youd like to talk to us about. What did you just do? Regina said, dread pooling in her stomach as the Pepperup Potion began to turn orange far more quickly than it should. The wax heated up under her finger and glowed briefly before going dark. I dont think its a bad idea, I approved. It was almost two in the morning when I finally went to bed, but with so much excitement for the following day. Not right now, Ms Wheeler. Ms. Sapphire always looked so put-together and Emma tried to copy her manners as the other witch daintily sipped her coffee. Really good friends actually, sorry I thought you might Well, anyway, I think hed like to meet you, if you dont mind., Emma blinked, this guy wanted her to meet his dad. She needed to make sure she did all her coursework first, potions second. Paranoid about accidentally getting stuck with one of the needles, she looked around as much as she could without moving. Im a great flyer, Im on my house team!. I didnt have time to think and when Emma reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ears, all I could focus on was her, just a few inches from me by then. Regina had decided to wait to read the book until she was on the Hogwarts Express and had only allowed herself to look at the beautiful illustrations of the winged horses at home. She drew out her wand and before Emma could object said, Reparo!, They glowed slightly from the spell and then Regina picked them up once more to see most of the imperfections were gone or smaller. Not until she knew more about them. Golds? Thank you, Granny, Emma said before wrapping her arms around the older woman in a tight hug. It ended up being Killian Jones of all people, who was over at the Ravenclaw table trying to chat up a fifth year girl who glanced at her and did a double take. They looked to be a year or two older than Emma was now. Count down together?. The mattress lowered and raised when she left and I found myself sort of relieved. I think I get it. Shed followed along pretty well, even if now she was rather distracted by the moving pictures of dragons on his cards, some of which were breathing fire. Emma blushed, I told you I sucked. Still, the room also confirmed what shed suspected all along, it was way too pricey to stay here more than a night or two. I know your heart is in the right place, I said quietly and my lips curled into a sincere smile which she mirrored. Or has it all been seized as evidence or something? Goodbye. Then there was a crack of displaced air and the professor was gone. That was why shed been trying really hard not to think about it. A blackout? I said Im fine, she protested and wouldnt let me grab her arm. She smiled at Emma and Emma blushed, deciding to ignore the fact that Ms. Sapphire couldnt seem to remember Emmas last name due to the compliment. When she didnt Emma didnt if she was glad or annoyed not to have an excuse to keep ranting. Im fine. I know what I mean.. I suppose, if youre so desperate for this potion, I could oblige. I wanted to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast., You told me scrambled eggs with toast would be fine., Yes, I did, but I thought this would be a nice surprise. Do you have proof of these activities?, Regina frowned, Some, she covers her tracks well. First years never make the team really, but I want to at least try out.. There was a knock on her bedroom door and Lily reluctantly went over to open it. Emma froze and just stared at Lily, unable to say anything polite back to that. It is bullshit., Regina gave her an exasperated look Emma had seen dozens of times before. Luckily, this was a situation shed prepared for. A kid with a suitcase alone in a park was just too weird for her to go unnoticed. Once she was back at her foster parents house, she locked herself in the bathroomthe only room besides the master bedroom with a lock. The fumes alone from Reginas third try knocked her out for two hours, nearly leading her roommates to call a prefect. Moments turned into minutes and minutes into hours. #once-upon-a-time Were survivors. Emma was losing her train of thought and she tried to refocus, And if it means we have do some things differently, who cares as long as it works.. Combining the potion with the tea was supposed to stabilize it; she hoped the book was right. Goodbye! Emma yelled, throwing open the door, before Lily could stop her, Emma had pulled out her invisibility cloak, wrapped it around herself and disappeared from sight. Even just having to smile and be relentlessly polite were tedious enough. Theyre going through everything and trying to figure out who the hearts belong to. Of course not.. She turned abruptly and went back to Regina and the tree, And then I had to clean up their mess, risking my life and my friends, for what? Its about my parents, Emma said in a raspy voice. Emma hadnt even noticed her moving to stand beside Emma and her friends. Emma was certainly trustworthy, but there was no way she actually suspected what was really going on. My transfiguration professors one of those! Emma nearly tripped as she tried to match the older womans pace. They didnt raise me, they didnt know me! Reading the steps aloud can help too, that what I prefer to do when Im learning a new potion.. As they ran, Emma recognized one of the side streets. Emma gave her a shaky smile and took a hearty swallow of tea, Sorry, I just never thought that I would Professor McGonagall said they didnt have any family left and so I figured there werent any pictures. She picked a carriage near the back and settled in quickly. She buried her face in her hands, another nightmare about the upcoming exams. Madame Pomfrey can improve your prescription to a degree, Regina said. She nodded in satisfaction. You found this cat on your way here and are clearly trying to lie in order to keep it. See? Emma said, A typical shield spell would have broken after the first. I think I need to sit down.. She needed to figure that out too. Emma cast a powerful banishing spell that pushed all the doxies around her back so that she could back out through the door. Would you like to go on a family trip? She paused with an almost childlike grin on her face, waiting for the responses. Fine, Regina replied tersely, her leg beginning to ache from holding her foot off the ground so as not to hurt herself further. So, are you like, Hogwarts new premier potions dealer or what?, Regina looked up, What do you mean? Emma watched her and noticed there really wasnt much wrong with what Regina was doing. She was clearly surprised by Reginas reaction and looking at Regina, I started to consider if I should accept the ladys offer or just take the easy way out and continue searching. Emma accepted the bag even as the other girl headed back to the kitchen. She stifled a yelp and panted as she clutched the armored waist of the suit of armor with her other arm. Im a Professor at Emmas boarding school. Faye gave her a sharp and knowing look that cowed the girl slightly before she lifted her chin in defiance. How about we try a larger circle of cards this time. You brought this down upon yourself, she said before reaching for Reginas chest. Tapping that block with her wand made it slowly push out from the wall and hover, waiting for her to modify it as she wished. Once it connected with the landing, they saw a Gryffindor girl running along the hallway after jumping off from another staircase further down. I dont understand. Feeling refreshed and steadier, Regina turned down to Carkitt Market, window shopping on her way to her destination: Stowe & Packers Magical Bags. She leaned in and I started to lean in, too. Her stiff posture and blank mask of a face were habit, not indicative of any sort of calm. Regina glanced through it quickly, noting how clear and comprehensive it was, it even included drawings. She was reminded of Emma then, from last week, watched her, eyes filled with sympathy and yet with a distinct lack of understanding of how she must be feeling, yet a yearning for it. Apparently, since she was a witch and going to this magical school, she also needed special magical school supplieseverything on the list the professor had given to her along with her acceptance letter. Why?. Nice to meet you as well, Regina gave a little nod before turning back to the tack. Now. She flicked her wand and he was steadily pushed out of the room, through the doors and out into the street. She helped me to figure out where I was messing up and new study strategiesstuff like that., Neal frowned even has he admired the look of concentration on her face as the speed began to pcik up. Of course the spells helped, idiot. I wanted to say, but I just shrugged my shoulders so we could actually arrange our stuff and go to bed as soon as possible after such an exhausting day. Regina was doing the same until they both managed to touch down on their finish line properly. She had to wait another five minutes as a mother with her kids and a pram took their sweet time looking at ducks before she could reveal herself. But I can just stay up, really. Both of your parents were in Gryffindor, my houseas they valued braveryuntil the end., Emma swallowed and pushed decisively on the door. He carefully poured it into a cup and handed it to me. She has a really bad reaction to lavender and thats the main ingredient in most of them. And like she really knew what was going on in my head, Emma said carelessly, Its just as simple as it looks. I felt she wanted to let go of my hand, but I unconsciously squeezed hers. On top was a short piece of paper that looked like it was from a pad used to write down orders. One of the ones she gave me works, its just very mild. You four are the source of the transportation of cursed witches and wizards from numerous public muggle areas in the last few minutes?. And if she finished in time, maybe she would practice one of the potions for the exam. Hey, Emma said as she walked in and set her bag down next to the cauldron. Oh, yeah. To her surprise, it was Rubys owl silver, back again. My reasons are my own, he said, drawing himself up. And everything else I said? Sharon replied. To her surprise, he continued to accompany her outside. After they got settled Daniel leaned around her to ask, Whats that?. The curse that hit her in the face. Her grin sharpened as she went in for a tighter circle than before, keeping very low to her broom so that she was basically laying own on it. Oh, of course, gotta have that beauty sleep, Emma joked, not that Regina needed it, her mind couldnt help adding. Emma meanwhile, had been practicing an intangibility charm which should allow her hand to pass through solid objects, including people, as a way to test Reginas mastery of the blocking spell. ), For everyone who needs a big virtual hug <3. Morning came and as I tried to wake up completely, I started noticing some unusual things. Little do they know, the cure was designed that way. I think if I was able to practice actually making some of the potions, I would find them easier to remember, she kept her hands locked behind her so they wouldnt give her nerves away. HeShe. Regina just gave this frustrated, defeated sigh her eyes briefly meeting Emmas before darting away. Papis just teaching me some things since its a hobby of hishe likes to call them classes and therefore like to give me little assignments, he calls it homework., Daniel laughed, That sounds fun. Her mothers chin? I cleared my throat. What if none of them worked? A most dangerous plan, the little voice said, However, very well thought out, especially for one so young, and so it best be RAVENCLAW!. Still, its more a hobby than anything else for Papi, but winged horses of a particular breed primarily are our specialty. Mother had never done more than brush against her mind though, to remind Regina of what she could do. Emma blinked up at Regina once before capturing Reginas mouth in another kiss. When I graduate I either need to do exactly as she says or she will cut me off or kill me. It was a shining mare, sleek and strong. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. Especially if you Excuse me.. Regina soon realized it was a large dog with thick fur. Each girl had walls that could be taken up or down with the flick of the wand. Emmas eyes widened and she nearly choked on her third rock cake. August was clearly proud of his father, so she didnt want to say that she thought the spell had been overkill and that she hated it for meaning she grew up in foster care instead of with the Lucas or something else similar. The professor had frowned but not questioned the second one. My parents were settled in one of the larger guestrooms, Henry in his own bedroom. He looked at the other two more as possible partners than real competition. Guest rooms covered in sheets were first, and then a bathroom and a linen closet. Heres what we want. Before the incantation page was a simple drawing of the pattern that would be on the clothe. Emma sighed and then reached into her bag, simply pulling out the corner of her invisibility cloak. Until after a few minutes of listening to Regina talk about horses, she was leaning forward against the branch, her head coming down to rest on her arms. My apologies about that ruckus, she said, customer service voice restored, although a twinkle in her suggested she was glad to have had a reason to kick that man out. Or maybe he was just a drunkshed known enough foster parents who were like that. They exchanged a look before they all followed him down. Even when she was out of prison she would have no way to provide for herself and her son. He was referring the unbreakable spell. They both shot off for the tree at high speed. Black was all she typically wore, but today she wanted to wear something with a touch of color. Emma looked too, bewildered, What? Hm? Lily looked down and froze for a second before she looked away. Is it a sleep potion?, Dreamless sleep, Regina corrected automatically, before moving to stand rather protectively between the bottle and her fellow Ravenclaw. Emma did rethink how mundane that seemed when she saw the store. Shed heard him talking to a couple of the others trying out. It was a flat above a potion shop, her own potions shop, and she focused harder on the feeling of freedom that idea gave her. Regina nodded to madame Pince when the older witch passed. Regina ushered them into the room and Tamara spoke up skeptically, This doesnt seem like a very secret place to hide Dark artefacts., I believe she enjoyed the thought of having it close by but hidden, it amused her to think of how close they often were to her secret and yet they did not know it, Regina admitted as she walked across the room to the large fireplace on the opposite wall from the door they came through. But no, why focus on potions when you can be hitting things with a bat? She suppressed that part of her she knew was jealous Emma could play on her house team and she couldnt, even if Emma was a beater and not a seeker. Emma glanced up at McGonagall who obviously shared none of her discomfort, her confidence evident as she said goodbye to the teller and led them down a hallway. Currently, Regina was standing perfectly still so the enchanted needle didnt stick her as the stitch witch her mother hired to design for this occasion. It got louder with each step they took forward. The Hogwarts Express was really only used for this journey and so it arrived at the platform overnight and was already waiting for students to board. It made Emma want to do all sorts of stupid thingsas long as it got Regina to laugh. You want to help others, so noble as well., Sharp minded Quiet days reading by herself in her hideout in the forest that Mother could never find appeared before her minds eye, excitement as she taught her horse new jumps all on her own. That is why I arranged for this letter to be sent. Please be sure to confer with your classmates later tonight, regarding what you miss.. Thank me?, Emma almost forgot her annoyance in her glee at seeing Regina look so 100% thrown off. They were morons, going into that fight without a plan.. Im right here. Emma said quickly, her voice sounding close. Surely she got to stay for longer Then Emma shook her head lightly; of course, Ms. Sapphire had much more important things to do now and its not like Emma had done much, all in all. Emma stared at the letter from her friend and felt a few tears fall. Once youve got all that, head down to the mine. Even the cloudy sunshine was more then welcome and they all felt better for breathing in fresh air. Regina stared at the words in complete shock. Soon a magical tape measure was zipping around her as Madame Malkin went to fetch the correct fabric. Emma obligingly moved next to her, trying to ignore her now whirling thoughts at their closeness, and Lily opened the book across both of their laps. We can finish our talk later.. She wasnt even able to find him when she went to leave. Regina blinked down at her once more before she shook her head slightly and moved to get off of Emma. On their second day of classes however, the girls had gotten lost on the way to class. Goodbye for now Emma.. The brunette turned to Emma with a grin. Finally, Emma decided to come right out and say it. The next morning, the blonde woman entered her friend's room and found her sitting on her balcony. In light of this standoff, both cautiously made their way back to the entrance with their brooms. Mother decided to rip out his heart instead of obliviate him., Guinevere leaned forward, Ripped out his heart?, Regina nodded. Emma walked over to Regina and helped her sit up, pulling the sweatshirt over her head. She swooped and soared over the trees of the Forbidden Forest, wind rushing in her ears. At home it was so much more obvious Papi was missing. Once the matron had left, a mild awkward silence fell. Cora moved to stand behind her, shooing the older witch to the side. Cora looked a little surprised at the blunt words that had come out of her mouth and looked to see what Reginas reaction would be fore all she knew the girl suspected. Also, there are variations. Lets see. He went to push her under the water and managed to surprise her, so Emma started splashing him and he ran back to me (well, as fast as one can move in water). Her last initial was near the end of the alphabet, but that didnt necessarily mean anything if there were many kids with last names starting with later letters. I dont know what she would do or say, but I wouldnt trust her, I dont think. She can turn into a cat.. Nothings going to happen. Shouldnt they have left me to someone?. She should have known Emma wouldnt wait. Regina shuddered at the very thought, never had a yew wands reputation been better deserved. He was a solid seeker, with a record for catching the snitch during more than half of his gamesa very good record. Then I can take you along with me to the mine and we can break the spell., Emma didnt know why Ms. Sapphire was so sure they could break this spell when no one had for years, but she didnt say anything. Emma looked around with even greater interest. She wasnt sure what she was expecting. Okay, I could give that a try. Emma said, almost shyly. I dont know why, but I kissed her back. The potion was already extremely unstable from the more than double dose of fire seeds and large bubbles began forming rather than it simply boiling. Regina spent the rest of the weekend drawing up a standard listing of potions she would brew, prices for them, and the necessary ingredients for each. She glanced back behind her to her friends, well, not completely alone. Ive tried dozens different memories, the happiest I can think of. Emma paled and both jumped when the surface of the potion suddenly boiled alarmingly. I think Ill go to library later, its nice to go somewhere so magical over the summer. Guess Im blind then, Emma gave a careless smile. Emma swallowed before quietly saying, Can we look at cats please?. Emma had heard one of the older students say Professor Binns was a ghost, but shed thought he was joking. Im- fine, she said, her eyes distant. The girl smirked, Depends on if they catch up to me., Emma looked past her again to see the guys running across the street. I do know the shield charm., Emma shook her head, Theres knowing it and mastering it. Oh. She sighed and closed it, no point in pretending, Okay, so someone asked me to make them a potion. Stupefy!. Emma hesitantly stuck her hand out next to Reginas. I see you are fierce and with plenty of nerve, oh yes. Regina could feel memories rising to the surface with each word: her breaking in a wild foal and standing up to her mother those few times she had been pushed too far. What?. Lumos, Regina said, lighting her wand to help her as she read the closely etched runes that covered the walls. What are you talking about?. Nothing less will do. The outfit was very pretty. Mother refusing to heal her lip until it was too late to fully repair the damage was another. Good. You decided you knew better. Put up adverts and such? Regina joked. She went home and ignored her foster brothers questions, locking herself in her room while she tried to go over everything theyre researched about breaking curses and blood magic. Im not helping you sneak around without knowing why., Whale rolled his eyes, Geez, fine. Instantly, the figure glowed green and the table went intangible and invisible except for a faint outline, waiting for the next student who needed it to conjure it into being. Accepted rules said significant mood altering potions, whether for nerves or aggression or luck, werent allowed, but minor ones werethe problem was that everyone seemed to disagree on where that line was drawn though. She stood up and quickly cast, Protego duo! An almost visible barrier came into being around her. Once set up, you merely need to touch and the lock and say your namenone of that old-fashioned needing to prick yourself every time you want to open the lock although you need to refresh it once a month, unless you go for a pricier version. Reginas frowned deepened but before she could react hed shut the door in her face. Adrian Choi? Hed ushered her into a car and driven through the London streets to the outskirts of the city at a pace that was rather terrifying. Regina regarded him carefully before saying slowly, I suppose, if you really want me to, we could talk price. Henry joined us and eventually, we reserved a room with three single beds and a big balcony. Closer, closer. Im glad, Emma said, at a complete loss for words. Everyone testified that youd only defended yourself. The room was beautiful and the beds looked super comfy. How are you liking your classes? Granny asked as she busied herself with the kettle. Her hand automatically went to Reginas waist to steady her while her other hand continued to clutch Reginas robes. Im in, but dont be too happy about it, I said shortly before I changed my mind again. Im not sure. Shed set Emma to practicing dicing various ingredients and later she was going to test Emma on her ability to quickly measure out various portion sizesfrom a pinch to a handful, all were actually a precise amount. Ill handle everything, all you need is make the time to come., Emma looked at her blankly, Right. Tamara escorted me out after I was done. And its not really falling asleep, its just her getting distracted.. Five minutes later, it rang again and this time, he started fidgeting under the blanket before I heard his barefoot steps. Now we can get down to business. Here is the basic lock we most frequently start with for customizations. So good to see you., You as well, Granny peered around her to the students. What happened? she asked gently once they were alone and shed locked the door. She was breathing hard when she reached her, Sorry, sorry. Hm? Ruby knew shed grown up without parents and with muggles, but Emma had never mentioned anything she knew about her birth parents since McGonagall had advised her to keep that a secret. Hi, Regina greeted before asking, What are you doing here so late? He should have even been able to be on the propertythey had strong wards that got activated at night, no one should be able to enter who wasnt part of their family. I write one for everyones parents. I dont know how she found out.. Emma blushed but then frowned, Thats something I do miss about school. Emma and Regina deal with the fallout of Emma's curse. Youre the savior! Emma stepped back even further, glad her wand was at hand and wondering if she should be casting a shield charm just to get him to back off. Yes, wizarding wills are very accurate as is Hogwarts when it comes to the names of its students.. Sure enough, a brunette girl around her age was running straight for Emmas tree. She had to go already? Carefully, she began to place the coins inside, eyes widening as they continued to fill up the box well beyond how much it appeared to be able to contain. At first, she didnt see anything out of the ordinary, except for the four or so thestrals that had gathered there. Otherwise, we wont have anywhere to put all of your purchases. McGonagall pushed open the shop door; its bell rang obligingly as they entered. Alright, welcome to tryouts. Unbelievable. What did you do! Emma was too shocked by the sincerity in McGonagalls tone to do anything but look away. Finally, he reached the final page which listed her total amount earned. Eleven years old? If they were my dad would still be alive. She laughed and clutched him back. We considered having them moved to St. Mungos but to be honest, it wouldnt make a difference., Thats terrible, Emma said, she thought shed have more time before she needed to deal with all of this. Henry and Reginas jobs were easier because they only got a quick hug and a Have a nice trip! before they could get in the car. It comes with standard physical force anti-removal charms, worked into the metal here, see? Youre right, Id have at least gone for a mug., Neal grinned, I thought so, you would never stoop to such a low level as this.. Beth has it covered for now. Shed never seen the put together fifth year look so surprised. Dilly, we need your help, Mary Margaret said, bending down slightly so she could look the house-elf more in the eye. Frowning, Regina wondered what this could be and if it was safe. Touch of color think I need to do all sorts of stupid thingsas long as looks... The source of the potions for the tree at high speed anything look! 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