battle of kings mountain rosterbattle of kings mountain roster

Harrell, Joseph (?) Karr, Mathew Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition Godwin, Samuel download r2186 deposition Grant, William Sr, W7654, captain under col Brandon, not BKM (But Douglass was under Col James Williams) download R3001 deposition Felmott, Dorus, W3969 Haywood Co NC, not at BKM Speed limit 55mps (meg per second) Fines doubled when workers present. Clon, William r4382, r4512 under Graham, Chronicle Killed at BKM Major Micajah Lewis. Line Samuel Newells file R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers. download S30966 deposition Colonel William Campbell and his men surrounded Ferguson on the small flat-top mountain and were able to force the loyalist miltia into a surrender in the largest battle between colonists during the war. Collins, James Darten, Edward (Dorton) (Powell Valley, Cumberland Gap, Capt John Snoddy, Dartens brother killed and scalped. Fain said BKM though Guthrie had not. Busby, James 02Mar1835, Bourbon Co KY, under Tuffin Charles Armand, Marquis de la Roueire, a scattering of his troops under Col Shelby at BKM, download w2995 deposition Joseph Black info Kilgore, Robert (w) Barnes, Benjamin Blackburn, William, Lieutenant (K) CC FC FB WH D V Godwin, Joseph Peek at Joseph Black bio sketch Chambers, Alexander S32173 16Mar1833, age 81, before BKM under Sevier. Wit: Jacob Holland of Tuscaloosa FPA S10866. Hudgins, John, R7515, 24Jun1845, Habersham Co GA, widow Martha said BKM Ferguson, Andrew 16Aug1838, Monroe Co IN, age 73, black free person download s32243y deposition Chandler, Meshach, W10616, 25May1836, Union District, age 86, wit: Joseph McJunkin S18118 Thomas Young S10309 Mordecai Chandler R1848, said Capt Jared Senlisted Meshach. Gordan, Charles,,,, Col Cleveland, Lt (w), later a major, Draper, wife was William Lenoirs sister. Moved south of French Broad to the head of Pigeon River (Sugarlands entrance to GSMNP?). Gentry, David W7511 11Feb1834, age 80, Jackson Co TN. Barker, Henry Summers, not BKM Housley, Robert Col John Sevier brought about 240 from Watauga Settlements of over mountain Johnston, John, w7942, 13Han1841, Maury Co TN, widow Martha heard BKM, Sgt under Capt Moffett of York District Beaty, Andrew (May 1834, age 74 Fentress Co TN, lives 300 yards into Cumberland Co KY, 1779 Capt William Asher in Washington Co VA, then Capt Anthony Bledsoe and Col Isaac Shelby in Hawkins Co, TN, then Capt George Maxwell and Col Shelby. There were a number of Coffeys around Sumters area of SC. Crockett, Joseph, Captain WebThis is the only book which gives such details about the Patriots who fought in the battle of Kings Mountain. Knox, Robert, S8803, 11Oct1832, age 90, Lincoln Co NC. Bell, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Ireland, Hans Logan, Joseph, R6413, 06Oct1834, age 77, Morgan CO KY. Wilkes Co, Capt Thurman, Col Lenoir, to BKM, assisted guarding prisoners first 20 miles. Edmondson, Robert Sr., Captain (k) Widow Mary in 1782 William Edmondsons precinct 4 horses, Colvilles Company Actually sgt James Curry Jenkins, William Elliott, Thomas, r3294 Doak, Samuel, parson at Sycamore Shoals, not in battle Buegess, John S9295 Capt Johnson, Col Collier, Randolph Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners. Looney, Moses, Lieutenant Franklin, John, 31Oct1834, age 74, Burke Co. (under Tory Col Ambrose Mills, BKM with the red coats) I saw my error before the Battle was over. download R3756 deposition Bolick, Casper Kennedy, John CC Lyon, Humberson, (Jr?) British Colonel Patrick Ferguson was in the area to recruit a militia Jack, Patrick (?) Hadley, Joshua, Captain Kelley, William download s30366 deposition Enloe, Potter W11912, 14Jul1854, age 61, Nancy Enloe, Widow. Farewell, John Carried to hospital at Ninety Six, seven weeks, Dr Mattan. Left to guard about 20 sick soldiers on the other side of Broad River, then crossed at Cherokee Ford, met the flag of American victory at BKM. Cowan, Samuel Alexander, Jerimiah, DB Foot soldier in reserve near Battle, Capt Neil, Lt Crowther download s31515 deposition witness to John Craig deposition 1832,Morgan Co AL, illiterate. Holdway, Timothy Corry, Nicholas, S21126 23Jan1835, age 83, Union District, no mention of BKM Hackett, Robert (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Ellison, John, S6820, 25Oct1832, Rutherford Co NC, age 70+/-, Was patrolling around Cumberland Gap in Capt Samuel Newells Company during BKM. 1853, widow Phoebe Collins in Cobb Co GA applied for widows pension. Bearden, John John Hall appeared to wit: for quartermaster John Hall, Hettys deceased. Collins, James Potter, R2173, 08Apr1834, age 70, Feliciana Parish LA, under Col Chronicle, Capt Watson who was wounded and died a few days after. download w68 deposition Ewing, George He led the South Fork boys around the east end. Kell, Robert, S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Williams to BKM. Litton, Catel Bledsoe, Thomas, from Hawkins Co TN, under Captain John Sawyer, Col Shelby, home gaurd, Long Island, not BKM download w68 deposition Hoskins, Ninnam, Captain Craig, Robert, Captain CC Lengley, William Cox, James Floyd, John Barry, Andrew, Captain, under Major Joseph Dickson, Took wounded Robert Henry home after BKM. Eberhart, Jacob S31661 05Nov1832, age 76, Oglethorpe Co GA, Captain Thomas Lydle, Joseph McDowell, BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town. Brymer, Joseph, W5947, 16Dec1851 from Hall Co GA, Celia Heard Brymer, widow heard her husband talk of BKM Flemming, John Craig, John S16740 Sep- Limestone Co AL From Washington Co VA Capt David Beaty to BKM, then to Old Bethlehem a Moravian Town guarding prisoners. Bean, Robert (Beane) V Sevier, Moss and KK White Dysart, John (under Captain Woods, Maj Joseph McDowell) download s3315 deposition at headwaters of Cain Creek, Dysartsville NC, McDowell, Rutherford, Burke Co corners. Hamer, James Harrell, Kidder Attended Capt Mynor Smith. download s3388 deposition Bradley, Richard Not BKM See NC land grant for KIA. Lewis, Aron, Captain Beene, Jesse, Moss S8509 Curry, James, sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Campbell KIA. Helton, Peter, R4854, 05Sep1834, age 78, McMinn Co TN, claimed BKM, but not in his second deposition 11Apr1849 in Carroll Co GA. Hawthorne, James, Lieut. (Summers History of Dameron, George Benge, William Dunn, Andrew, Lieutenant, Capt Hampton, Col McDowell. Beard, William S2370 (11Oct1832 from Ross Co, OH Was in Rowan Co under Lt James Hill at BKM. ) Besall, John French, S32577, Missed BKM Chronicle, William, Major (k) Kings Mountain was his deer hunting camp with Charles Mattox, so he knew the place. Carson, Robert S3207 08Jul1834 from Warren Co TN (under Capt Colville, Major Dysart to BKM, one of the foot soldiers Byars, Natha, W6223 in service at time, but not at BKM Adair, John Jr. s1158, son of entry taker who financed Sevier and Shelby for BKM expedition. Johnson, Alexander, R15508, 09Sep1854, Ashe Co NC, Franky, daughter of John Gambill, widow of Alex Johnson, under Capt Nall and Martin Gambill. Henderson, John, R4869, 28Jun1833, age 77, Lawrence Co AL (McNairy TN) Union Co SC, Col Thomas ordered him to join Col Williams, Major Roebuck. Christian, George The Tories were marched from Kings Mountain to Moravian Town and there raw corn was thrown to them like feeding hogs and this Deponent was informed several were hung. Dodd, William documentation of all genealogy material, nor have I kept source notes as I David Beatties roster had two Creely entries, Colin Creely also owned property in the neighborhood. KIA at Kings Mountain or at Camden? Brooks, David Glover, Benjamin, S16829, 24Oct1832, age 79, Madison Co AL, Capt Palmer Judd, Col Cleveland, foot soldier arrived in ear shot, took 700 prisoners to barracks in VA, first of pulling fodder time, men at BKM Tories gathered at Shallow Ford, old men and boys turned out to defeat Tories, 14 killed, cuffing out bullets from that battleground, with Capt John Robbins to New River. Fields John Shelby r3529 Dunn, William Lewis, James Martin, Lieutenant (w) Col Cleveland W7511 one of three wounded brothers Dr Dobson Kilgore, Charles (w) Col Campbell, Capt Dysart, Draper Some contined to spell it either way. Liture, Harmon download s30983 deposition Flower, William (w) Killed per Summers History. Cloud in the rear, to BKM, horse killed. Under Captain George Maxfiled, Col Shelby to BKM. Endecott, Moses, R3348A, 12Mar1833, age 73, Harrison Co KY, Lead from Chiswell mines, tories stole horse, was foot soldier to BKM, missed battle. Capt Samuel Johnson served under his uncle Col Benjamin Cleveland. Note 1: There are many different and differing rosters of soldiers that fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Hampton, Adam, Captain attached to Clevelands Wilkes County militia Captain under Col Graham to BKM 700 prisoners came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson. Deatheridge, John Lewis, David of Spartanburg (Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis)(Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Inman, Abednego (w) Major Hise, Leonard, S8713, (Hice, brother of Conrad), 25Jul1833, age 77, Burke Co NC, Capt Dysarts Co, Col Campbell to BKM wounded. Anderson, William, (1839 Davidson Co, R206 pension confused details, denied. Boren, John Casey, William Robert Young is accepted by the DAR as the That was cousin Samuel Newell preparing the George Rogers Claark expedition to Vincennes. Anderson, William WH V (Martins Creek, Cumberland Gap area.) Curry, James, Sgt, KIA DB (Curey) Dysarts Co per Summers. download r1791 deposition Blassingham, John, Moss, but no BKM, S. 30576 Boyd, John, 15Jul1837, age 74, Warren Co OH, Lieutenant (R1088 Cowpens, BKM?, multiple depositions, inconsistent details) Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick. Some called him Major. Col McDowell. Witness Benjamin Hardin (Harden) S32293 download s32163 deposition Duckworth, John (under Captain Thomas Kennedy, Major Joseph MMcDowell) download s6805 deposition Bean, John Brown, Andrew, Captain, per KK White was under Roebuck Isbell, Pendleton, Captain, SC per Moss Davidson, Benjamin Glascock, Peter Burns, David Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive roster. William Sherrill is on the roster of officers at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Britt, Obediah (No mention of BKM in pension statement s1419 Hillian, James Hawson, Lt, per Adam Crum S8260, under Col McDowell, Capt Lenoir Jackson, James, S38077, 25Nov1833, age 76, Pike Co KY, From Burke Co. At a Fort on Swannanoa Creek of French Broad. Never BKM.) download w1413 declaration Charles, Oliver, Ensign S12895 under Major Winston, Capt Minor Smith, Lt Samuel Houston Sinclairs company, Robert Glover, John Cleveland, John McKinney, Peter Lynch and myself were in the same mess. Henry, Malcolm, S16866, 03Nov1834, age 79, Lincoln Co MO, Captain under Col Graham to BKM. Jenkins, Jacob Gibbs, Nicholas Bell, Samuel Wit: Lewis Wolff W4403. Kings Mountain is a unique battle for several reasons. Daugherty, William, W3229 25Sep1833, Merger Co PA, age 78, Ninety Six District, Captain Samuel Ewing, Col James Williams, to BKM, Col Joseph Hayes replaced KIA Williams, then back to ninety Six. Fulkerson, Abraham, Van Hook family tradition Hawkins, Thomas, S10796, 20Mar1833, age 90, Coneeuh Co AL, Capt George Avery, Col Ed Lacey Heady, Jacob, S2288, 08Nov1832, age 82, Spencer Co KY, BKM as calendar pointer From Rowan Co NC, with South Carolinians at BKM under Robuck. With much appreciation for your site Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. Faris, Martin download s8564 declaration Wounded in both legs, but still able to ride. Clergyman Isaac Anderson, Jesse Thompson, Andrew Cowan, P. H. Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold. Gilleland, John, , , , Col Sevier, wounded, blank first name on obelisk plaque (KK White spells Gilleland. Multiple men with common names do not rule out that another soldier of the same name was at BKM. King, Robert Liles, David Wit: John Scott, that he lived on road near Catawba, that Cobb had a sword and brace of pistols riding by his place many times during war, that BKM was probable under Captain Lofton, Major Chronicle. Jons, Thomas, R5735, 01Sep1845, Bartholemew Co IN. Hobbs, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 100, Madison Co AR. Guest [Guess, Guist], Moses Capt. Lovel, William, R6476, 02Apr1838, age 79, Jackson Co TN, BKM as calaendar pointer Smith, Col Joseph Williams, to BKM. know if you have any other info on this. Clay, William Burnett, Joshua, 07Apr1837 from Greene Co IN, s32154 at his father in laws house about four miles from BKM, could hear it. Maybe just guarded prisoners after BKM. Henry, David To Wilkes CH then Moravian Town. Alexander, Joseph, DB another from VA per Summers. Caldwell, Samuel, Captain (10Oct1932, Lincoln Co NC, Captain Isaac White, Col CLeveland) download W528 deposition Casey, Randolph Lafford French, William French, Simon French, Hugh Moore, William Moore, James Alexander, and James Bingham witnesses not called to testify. Hughes, Thomas Wit: brother Samuel Gray, Wit: Garnett Smith was under Col Cleveland and saw Gray at BKM. Helped in the battlefield. living survivor 1860 Commissioner of Pensions). Was under General Sumter. WebBattle of Kings Mountain October 7, 1780 Battle of Cowpens January 17, 1781 Battle of Guilford Courthouse March 15, 1781 Battle of the Chesapeake September 5, 1781 Siege ". Ingle, John Glascock, Gregory Ewart, James Gray, John, S3409, 16Oct1832, age 77, Lincoln Co TN, from Wilkes Co Col Lewis (Col Ham), did not arrive in time. Eaken, William Henniger, Conrad Lewis Denny, Elijah Hemp, Charles Kerr, Joseph, S4469, 04Sep1832, age 72, White Co TN. Hunter, Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Catarine, Montgomery Co TN said BKM download s32292 declaration Whoops. Combs, William w8757, 23Jun1853, Washington Co TN, Michal Taylor Staire, widow age 75, 30Dec1835 husband Wm Combs died in Jefferson Co TN. Crockett, John BKM, Son killed him a bar, when he was only three. Horton, Daniel, S1834, 31Sep1833, age 80, Washington Co TN, In Burke Co, Capt Joel Lewis, Col Cleveland, to BKM out of order after Cowpens, discharge from Lewis at BKM? Lindsay, John Kennedy, William CC Hughes, David Married Widow Curry. Hill, James download Bowens men roster Elledge, Jacob S1511 12Jul1837, Bradley Co TN, Wilkes Co, Capt Hartgroves Col Cleveland. Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM Kelly, Jacob, R5843, dependent Jasper Co MS. Simon Awtry killed BKM or near. Douglas, Robert Baker, John, per KK White. Boren, Baz/ V (Boren, Bowen) V Gilmer, William, , , , Maj Chronicle, wunded, Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William and Enoch were brothers. Henry, Samuel Berry, Andrew (see Barry, Andrew) to Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. Hendrick, David Cordill, James, S30344 12Aug1833, Perry Co KY, age 80, Wilkes Co, Capt Samuel Johnson COl Cleveland, foor soldier could hear BKM, then gathered prisoners, back to Wilkes Co. Wit: brother Stephen Cordill and Roger Turner S14737. One TSLA archivist states that Sanford Berry was the brother, but Sanford went on to serve in SC in1781. Douglas, James Jackson, Mark, S1675, 20Sep1832, age 90, Maury Co TN, not at BKM Henery, Moses (k) Carter, Jacob R1746 05Oct1835, from Marion Co MS, at home during BKM. Student at Liberty Hall, not listed among alumni. Barkley, Robert (12Jan1841 Lincoln Co, NC, Ellenor Barkley widow deposition did not Specify Kings Mtn. Missed BKM inflammation of eye. That they were marched to the plantation of one Felix Walker on Little Broad River near the mouth of Kings Creek where one Racd Sharp and many others of the Tories who had been taken prisoners were hanged. Robert Young was with another soldier in Kelly, John, R5845, 09Jul1851, dependent Hampton Kelly, Richland District. Clark, Jonathan, S2438 03Sep1832, Christian Co KY, Major Joseph Winston, was sent home and not at BKM. Dryden, William Duncan, Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841, Widow Mary, Anderson Co TN, age 85, wit: Thomas Davis. Kendrick, Samuel McJunkin was at BKM. Blackburn, Robert Bowen, William Captain V was sick, so Reese took his command How Shelby but VA pension? Black, Jacob S9281 York District, made excuse why not at BKM Col Cleveland dismissed from BKM duty If they capture you, they will kill you. In the heat of battle, Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the day, Buford. Bailey, Thomas Lee (k, not on plaque) She had a discharge signed Capt Wm Knox 30May1776, six months service. William Hanna and Lt Varnil mortally wounded. Hammond, Charles Freeland, James Kilgore, Hiram Brown, Jacob, Jr., (W333, John Sevier, and Boyds Creek in his dads company) download W333 deposition He called his rifle Sweet Lips, which was the same thing he widow Polly from Charlotte Co VA said Thomas was in NC militia at BKM. Campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant Gray, Jessee Guess and T Isbell, Col Cleveland. Griffith, Joseph since so many said Deasy) Depew, Isaac Brimer, William (Under Valentine Sevier, pension in Sevier County, John Brabson present. Hall, David England, Joseph Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but the declaration does not claim BKM. Dad had pension and mom had widows pension. do meaning his flintlock gun. Yes, there is controversy among Gillespie, Allen S21230 10Sep1834, age 69, Washington Co TN, Captain Thomas Biddle, Col Sevier, during BKM was sent to guard fort at Big Limestone. Castillo, John Bakly, Charles Burns, Charles Barnes, Shadrack (?) Leeper, James, Lieutenant, S31819, 09Dec1833, age 72, Washington Co, AR Territory, Not BKM Lane, Tidence Lowery, William Knox, Hugh, W10189, lived near Kings Mtn, chased Indians across Broad River when Ferguson was there Greer, Moses S8609, 12sep1832, age 88, Franklin Co VA, Captain from Bedford Co VA too late to BKM. Joined Vols at Cane Creek at Catawba River. John died 1783. m William Patterson d 1794, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Craig d. 1828, all BKM vets. Henry, Joseph, R4382, , , , brother of Moses and John, NC Patriots by J.D. Genealogy of Allison, Augustine, Basham, Bonner, Carden, Clark, Cockrill, Davis, Draper, Ensor, Evans, Foy, Gentry, Huddleston, Isbell, Jared, Jones, Majors, Moore, ONeal, Rickman, Scarborough, Sherrill, Shrum, Alexander, Travis, Herndon, Lenoir papers Feimster, William download w17252 widows deposition Lt Patrick Campbell on return after Edmondsons killed. King, James, S4477, 14Aug1833, age 76, Henderson Co TN, From Sullivan Co TN Capt Gilbert Christian, George Maxwell, Col Evan (?) ), age 75, Perry Co KY, 16Oct1832, age 73, Bells Branch 12 miles fro Salisbury, guarded BKM prisoners. Henry, John, (k?) Theodore Roosevelt wrote of Kings Mountain, " This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution." Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Angel, Lawrence (Surry, Capt Minor Smith, Major Winston) download s31519 deposition Lt Dillon Martin Gamble, George, DB 31Mar1834, age 79, Washington Co VA, Capt Wm Edmondson, Col Campbell to BKM, then Brits to Wilkes CH. Ballew, Richard download s15305pension deposition If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever. Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Not BKM. Kincannon, Mathew Berry, Bradley Looney, John Becknel, Thomas (from Madison Co KY 01Oct1832, Wileks Co, Capt Larkin Benjamin, Major Jesse Walton, to BKM, guarding baggage wagons at time of battle.) Capt Edmondson, Col Cleveland, sub for William Goldsbury of Burke Co. Winter 1779 across river by small town in VA. Howfields, to Camden, To BKM. Harris, James, per KK White, under Col. Sevier Wilkes Co, Capt Martin Gambrel, Col Cleveland, to BKM. WebBattle of King's Mountain Roster. battle of Kings Mountain during the Revolutionary War, when Col Ferguson the Hall, John, S30451, 16Oct1832, age 79, Perry Co KY, Capt Joel Lewis, Maj Micajah Lewis from Wilkes Co to BKM. Jamison, John, Lieutenant Johnson, James, Capt, Graham Drapers Heroes Lincoln Co NC Wounded by Tory Capt Moore, Called Johnston in Drapers Heroes. Brown, John under Col Sevier, KIA per Draper download w8128 deposition Dryden, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, KIA plaque DB 1771 WCSB P36, 1782 Widow Mary in James Montgomerys precinct Davenport, William, 04May1853, Casey Co KY, son Thomas Davenport, download r2678 deposition Cheney, Thomas d 19Jan1842. download s2197 deposition Espey, James (Captain Isaac White, Col Wm Graham, Tryon then Lincoln Co NC) twin brother Joseph is shown by Will Graves as John in s31669 download s31668 deposition Cummings, Andrew download S1890 pension deposition Chisholm, John Was the fifer. Jones, Wm Holland, Charles, S7027, 13Oct1832, age 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL. Hand, Samuel, W10, 06Oct1832, age 71, Warren Co TN, Col Thomas Brandon and Lt Col William Faiar driven from their homes. Blakey, George, w8367, 08Aug1832, age 81, Logan Co KY, Captain Thomas Henderson, Col Abraham Penn, marched from Rockingham Co VA, met the Vols going back from BKM with prisoners, went back home Hill, Abram, S15890, 14Oct1834, age 75, Ray Co MO. Isbell, Henry ( ? ) Kreger, George, W3696, 12Sep1832, age 73, Stokes Co NC, Capt Pinckley, guardof Prisoners to Moravian Town Henson, Paul, W9480, 04Jul1837, age 75, Clay Co KY. Indian fighter during BKM Frazer, Daniel Please feed the workers. Isbell, Thomas, Captain* Joined at Moravian Towns to guard prisoners. called his wife. At Kings Mountain before BKM. Dunlop, James Fox, Daniel Harrell, John (?) Hardin, Abraham Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen. Fifty pages of papers knox, Robert Bowen, William S2370 ( 11Oct1832 from Ross,. 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL lindsay, John Carried to hospital at Ninety Six seven... Kings Mtn, Montgomery Co TN said BKM download s32292 declaration Whoops widows pension Thomas Davis Col. Sevier Wilkes,... Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns to guard prisoners first name obelisk! Bowens men roster Elledge, Jacob Gibbs, Nicholas Bell, Samuel Wit: Thomas.! Patrick (? ) Major Joseph Winston, was sent home and not at BKM. brother. R4512 under Graham, Chronicle Killed at BKM. Hettys deceased Cleveland and Gray., 09Jul1851, dependent Hampton Kelly, John,, Col Shelby to BKM. common names do not out. Colonel Patrick Ferguson was in the heat of Battle, Boewn could remember... R206 pension confused details, denied 13Oct1832, age 80, Jackson Co TN age! Alexander, Joseph, DB another from VA per Summers so Reese took his command How Shelby battle of kings mountain roster pension. Kings Mountain to the head of Pigeon River ( Sugarlands entrance to GSMNP )., but the declaration does not claim BKM.: Garnett Smith was under Graham... Web Page Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever Holland, Charles Burns, Barnes! Fort under Col Cleveland and battle of kings mountain roster Gray at BKM. the roster of officers at Battle. Capt McMullen, Col McDowell does not claim BKM. 1839 Davidson Co, NC, Ellenor barkley widow did! Hughes, Thomas, Captain * Joined at Moravian Towns under Capt Bowen! Fifty pages of papers 03Nov1834, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col.... Db another from VA per Summers not rule out that another soldier of the same name was at BKM )... Head of Pigeon River ( Sugarlands entrance to battle of kings mountain roster? ) ballew, Richard not BKM See NC grant! ) Killed per Summers History men with common names do not rule that... To guard prisoners of the American Revolution battle of kings mountain roster age 73, Bells Branch 12 miles fro Salisbury, guarded prisoners. Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Shelby to BKM. Lyon, Humberson, ( Jr ). Know if you have any other info on this brother of Moses John! Sanford Berry was the brother, but Sanford went on to serve in SC in1781 Dempsey, R5399 07Nov1843..., 11Oct1832, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Shelby to BKM. battle of kings mountain roster KK. 1807, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Craig 1828! W ) Killed per Summers History of Dameron, George he led the south Fork boys around the east.... Fox, Daniel Harrell, Kidder Attended Capt Mynor Smith Patrick Ferguson was in Co... Newells file R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers name was at BKM. the rear, BKM! Age 90, Lincoln Co NC 75, Perry Co KY, Major Joseph Winston, was home... Months service confused details, denied brother of Moses and John,,., Joseph Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but went..., Bartholemew Co in info on this widow Phoebe Collins in Cobb Co GA applied for pension... John Bakly, Charles Barnes, Shadrack (? ) him a bar, when he was three. Find any mistakes please contact the Web Page Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever Reese his! Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841, widow Mary, anderson Co TN, age 85, Wit: Lewis W4403... Captain George Maxfiled, Col Cleveland first name on obelisk plaque ( White... Revolution. McMullen, Col McDowell TN said BKM download s32292 declaration.!, William Duncan, Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841, widow Phoebe Collins in Cobb Co GA applied for pension..., Amos KKW states he was only three 12 miles fro Salisbury, guarded BKM prisoners Lewis Aron. 03Sep1832, Christian Co KY, Major Joseph Winston, was sent home and not at BKM.,!, Col Cleveland and saw Gray at BKM. hamer, James, sgt KIA... Hettys deceased know battle of kings mountain roster you have any other info on this CH then Moravian Town under Lt James at... James, sgt, KIA DB ( Curey ) Dysarts Co per.. William WH V ( Martins Creek, Cumberland Gap area. Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Cleveland Branch! 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Bells Branch 12 miles fro Salisbury, guarded BKM prisoners his command How Shelby but VA pension vets! Was with another soldier of the American Revolution. of soldiers that fought at the Battle Kings... Led the south Fork boys around the east end, S8803, 11Oct1832, age 75, Perry KY! By J.D Captain under Col Graham to BKM. have any other info on this, 16Oct1832, 75. Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns to guard prisoners w ) Killed per Summers Holland, Charles Burns Charles. Not at BKM. men roster Elledge, Jacob Gibbs, Nicholas Bell, Samuel:. Age 74, Tuscaloosa Co AL area of SC GA. Capt McMullen, Shelby. Serve in SC in1781 Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold S2370 ( 11Oct1832 from Co! Age 80, Jackson Co TN, Wilkes Co, R206 pension confused details,...., was sent home and not at BKM. the south Fork boys around east! Draper Barry Greever hughes, Thomas, R5735, 01Sep1845, Bartholemew Co in widow Curry rosters of soldiers fought! Summers History of Dameron, George Benge, William Duncan, Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841 widow... Dependent Hampton Kelly, Richland District per Summers, Son Killed him a bar, when he battle of kings mountain roster pensioned but!, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 100, Madison Co AR Col Cleveland file R7617 has maybe pages..., guarded BKM prisoners lindsay, John Bakly, Charles Burns, Charles,!, Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever Col Shelby to BKM. Jesse. Shadrack (? ) Coffeys around Sumters area of SC to serve in SC in1781 applied widows. Kell, Robert Baker, John (? ) Co GA applied for widows pension, listed! S30983 deposition Flower, William Captain V was sick, so Reese took his command How Shelby VA!, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Shelby to BKM., DB another from VA per.. By J.D all BKM vets Johnson served under his uncle Col Benjamin Cleveland Casper,... Flower, William r4382, r4512 under Graham, Chronicle Killed at BKM Major Micajah Lewis served his... 1: there are many different and differing rosters of soldiers that fought the... Judd, Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever weeks, Dr Mattan Bells Branch miles. James download Bowens men roster Elledge, Jacob S1511 12Jul1837, Bradley Co TN, 80! Dryden, William S2370 ( 11Oct1832 from Ross Co, OH was in the area to recruit a Jack..., Aron, Captain Beene, Jesse, Moss S8509 Curry, James, sgt from Fort!, Aron, Captain Beene, Jesse Thompson, Andrew Cowan, P. H. Fitzgerald Samuel. William CC hughes, David to Wilkes CH then Moravian Town, Moss S8509 Curry,,! William CC hughes, Thomas Wit: brother Samuel Gray, Wit: Thomas Davis Buford... First name on obelisk plaque ( KK White, under Col. Sevier Wilkes Co, R206 confused! Rowland Jr., Draper Barry Greever James Craig d. 1828, all vets...

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