can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine togethercan my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

Your email address will not be published. The dose of Apoquel tablets is 0.18-0.27 mg/lb (0.4-0.6 mg/kg). I hope others do the same. He also has a nodule on his spleen which will now be getting investigated. I have two dogs, one that develops severe itching and skin yeast infection issues and the other severe ear yeast infections. It makes him miserable! Antihistamines are over-the-counter so they have a . I am not a vet, just an educated pet owner who totally gets how frustrating it is to have an itchy dog. However, after about 2 months on the medicine he started urinating in the house. In general, Cytopoint is safe to use in combinations with other medications including Apoquel, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antifungals, and even with allergen specific immunotherapy.You should not give the following drugs at the same time as Apoquel without consulting your veterinarian: cortisone-type medications or Atopica.In This medicine stopped the itch and it had wonderful results UNTIL recently she had 2 seizures!!!! Having read a lot of comments on this article I have my own story with Apoquel. We have a rescue dog, 3 yrs old now. I took my 58# I am pretty sure her seizures are tied in with a build up of Apoquel but its impossible to be sure. We now have her on Denamarin,medium, to give her liver support and he wants me to ween her off of Apoquel so I only gave her 1/2 a tablet today but she is now on an antihistamine, Loratadine, 10mg, 1/2 in am 1/2 in pm. He had a yeast ear infection when she did this.. After about a month of medication he still had the yeast infection so I looked up his medications online only to see that app quell can hurt a dogs immune system. He keep vomiting and now cant I decided to look up the side effects of Apoquel, as that was the only thing that was new and I wondered if GI upset and diarrhea could become an issue while on it. The interesting thing is her red blood cells were low and not reproducing. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. Required fields are marked *. We are stopping the med and taking to vet tomorrow to have full blood work done. I only hope my baby Stoney will be Ok. I do think the co. may be withholding info? My 13 year old did has suffered from severe late summer/fall allergies for the past 8 years or so the usually end up with a lot of missing hair and her in a cone until a long freeze. She had bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were all fine so Im hoping the last few days of the drug wont cause any irreversible issues but she has had her last dose and Im hoping to see improvement. Does that sound about right? Ive had my terrier mix dog on Apoquel for a year and a half. I wasnt told about these side affects nor given a handout. Kind of mad at my vet that they were so casual about giving it to her again. I am certain that Apoquel caused this problem. It's also increasingly prescribed in combination with other medications for canine anxiety. My dog has the latter. She has been on 3 primary seizure drugs used in humans for almost a year now. The rate of adverse events overall was low (<5%) and included He had pancratitis attack 2 yrs ago, so they do not want to give him prednisone alot. Im convinced this drug killed my baby girl. He has had two seizures which he has never had his whole life. but she started having side effects, excessive thirst, frequent urination, barely made it out the door. animals own cells. Gets up on the Saturday and couldnt find him. The treatment can be very effective. Dr. suggested apoquel which I paid 120. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. )mange that is non contagious. We had tried everything, including allergy shots. He then became very lethargic, drinking quite often, and urinating in large amounts. A huge shout to today's VetGirl guest blogger is by Dr. Nicole Heinrich, DACVD of McKeever Dermatology Clinics. I put my Labrador retriever on Apoquel and within a day his severe seasonal allergies stopped. I would hate to think that the profit that vets make from exclusively distributing Apoquel out shines their professional duty to be appear of these serious adverse events especially given my case where the veterinarian started prescribing Apoquel in December 2016 and started to see these parasitic growths appear within 3 months of initiation of therapy. She has now had two seizures. He has now lost hair all over his body. 1,2 The #1 prescribed medicine for allergic itch in dogs. I was never told this drug is an immunosuppressent. quality of life for both the dog and its owner unless they are controlled with effective when this drug came out. This generation of antihistamine also crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts on the histamine receptors in the central nervous system. He is now experiencing tremors all over and weakness/pain in the front legs. The gagging, a horrible sound as if he had just ate straw or something outrageously dry. Dr. Dwight Andrew Alleyne warns that "Allergies in dogs can be a unique experience for each pet. Hydroxyzine (brand names: Atarax, Vistaril, Masmoran, Multipax) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic and itchy conditions or as a sedative/tranquilizer. Is there such a movement in the veterinary world? Dogs under one year of age should not take Apoquel. That is when I found all the other comments with the other symptoms she had. Im not convinced and will certainly not be giving her anymore. We rescued our Min Pin Buddy 8 yrs ago. My 10 year old Maltese 10 pound has had intermittent allergy problems his entire life. When I looked them up I immediately stopped the drug but it was too late. You can check for more research and info. It also isnt working as well on her skin this time as it did when she was first on it. He refused to eat or drink water for hours. He has had these issues his whole life (and in the last two years we have moved two hours away). And one last comment, you claim that Other veterinarians may have their short comings, but at least they are more concerned about their patients and less about their wallets. I AM STOPPING THIS MED TODAY! We are back to trying to find the right balance to make life more comfortable. No vet should use this drug!!!,,,,, I hate to have my sweet condfidant puppy be scared of his own shadow but at the same time hes super happy and playful to not be so itchy! The mechanism of action is thought to be similar to that of other Janus kinase inhibitors, which block the activity of Janus kinase enzymes, which are important in signal transduction in many cells, including those involved in the allergic response, she says. Or pups under 12 months old. Then came the motor coordination hiccups. What do I do? After that he became VERY, VERY lethargic and was not able even to walk straight. Thank you Dr. and for the shared testemoniesI assumed their were possible side effects but I think every dog reacts differently. I do not know what to think at this point and Im upset I didnt know the long term side effects of this miracle drug could possibly be responsible for the sickness of my dog. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: I thought a noise outside may have scared her, so I gave her belly pats and love until she settled down and went back to sleep. I never, ever, leave my dogs side when they are a procedure until they are out, but this one was brutal. Our friend was aware of the allergy and per her normal vet was doing a process of elimination with his food, treats, shampoo, etc. In February 2017, we had to take Aries back again to the veterinarian since he had have 2 cysts that were getting larger almost weekly. Who knows what would have happened if we continued another 2 weeks especially wth out dog being a senior. She has had none of the issues above. We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. She is a young dog from a breeder with no history of seizures. But she is now peeing like crazy and today in the house, first time EVER. We finally got to take his cone off and start to enjoy walks again fully and his paws turned back to their original colorwhite! This is for Denise Cunningham. Her stools are turning around and while still soft, are not the plop plop plop anymore. Both drugs are available in pill form, so it is easy to give them to your dog together. Lets see the drug company Zoetis reported this: Zoetis Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2014 Results Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. Hello Dr I criticize but choose not to use my real name, This article is 100% based on FDA Veterinary ADE reports- you may want to visit the FDA site and read the stats for yourself. Even though dogs and cats produce their own vitamin c, (we humans as you know do not) are you aware of anyone trying this approach in the animal world? Im on this site after its too late. Due to her age, shes not the best at going outside, but on this pill, she is peeing constantly. After I moved to Germany my new Vet prescribed Apoquel. She keeps getting infections in her anal gland area. Our vet has him on 3 different medications. Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutation can become very ill or die if given certain medications. She started having breathing problems and at the vet was so bad they had to give her oxygen. I started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on APOQUEL 6 weeks ago and have had two blood panels done. Apoquel incidentally never stopped her itching and I will never resume the Apoquel. Was it worth it? Like everyone else it helped make her more comfortable at first then increased eating and lethargy. Vet Dermatol 2013;24:587-597.). Labrador Retriever. Dogs treated with Apoquel works within four hours, controls allergy itching within 24 hours, and is safe for short-term and long-term usage. Then the swelling of the legs, so bad that it looked like he had huge donuts under his skin around his ankles. He suffers from allergies also. After 3 days we stopped the medication because her organs were shutting down. 10 percent of the dog population. Great, or so I thought. diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy that resolved spontaneously in 90% of cases and did not After one week on BID dosing he had a 5min seizure, I just chalked it up to stress. Coma and apnea in a dog with hydroxyzine toxicosis. My terrier-mix dog has been on apoquel for about 2 months. and said everything is normal, probably will never happen again. He was unresponsive, although breathing. Hard to articulate, more a pet parents knowing. My dog is much worse now and has a tumor under her forearm. The vet recommended apoquel. Sadly, with the infections appearing after only a month on the drug, I felt in order to save her life, I had to take her off Apoquel, as I could only guess at the havoc she was going through internally from having her immune system suppressed. Im hoping this continues. We think its the right thing to do. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. CET chews with a bacteriostat impregnated. He sometimes paws at his bed at night and urinates like some of the pet owners stated above. I noticed she didnt seem as spunky after a week or so. For a sonogram and X-rays that showed everything is normal. if taken off at all for one day she would lose all her hair in clumps and have sores all over where she licked or bit or scratched. The only thing the bw showed was that his body was basically starving. Hi, my sweet grand pup was put on Apoquel about 9 weeks ago for allergies. We live in Florida and this past winter he had no skin issues. Nothing processed, out of a can or a bag, no dry food ever (its basically rubbish anyhow). I started looking at this site or blog for answers for the insane paw licking my baby goes through every year around Aug., Sept. I saw another yorkies mom on here post the almost identical thing as my girl is. I have a three year old yorkie mix, about 30 pounds who is an Hospice therapy dog. I also wonder if advantix 2 would be responsible for his rash. Seemingly startled that it happened. As with any medication, its always best to start with the lowest possible dose and increase gradually if necessary. Very unlike him and the bowl belongs to a dog that visits a lot and he is head over heels in love with. 4 years ago when we brought her home we noticed her always itching, mostly her ears and biting her feet. killing your Have an exit plan in place with you vet before you begin and dont question you own gut feelings. We will continue with weekly medicated baths and if necessary will increase frequency of these. this medication is good for a short period of time, but the side affects are far more dangerous, Hello, I have 2 dogs, 45 kg and 8 kg. Additionally, Cytopoint was specifically created to target itch associated with atopic (environmental) allergies. My 7 year old male GSD has been on apoquel for 2+ years now for horrible scratching due to atopic dermatitis. Use the best of all forms of proven, safe and effective methods to find underlying causes and correct them. Histamine and the antiallergic antihistamines: a history of their discoveries. If they react in any way be ready to take them off the drug immediately. I just had my 14 year old westie Flo on Apoquel for 26 days. She was still eating and seemed a little more tired so I wasnt alarmed. The vet call the Apoquel My story started a year ago last august when he scratched his jaw bloody on both sides. I have a 5 yr old Yorkie/Poodle. She had her own practice. My vet is concerned that anything she gives him will result in his pancreatitis flaring up so she has told me to give him Benadryl and we have an appt to see a dermatologist in a few days. Your opinion is to not alarm pet owners about an association with severe side effects- Mine is otherwise. No more. They have been developed so as not to cause drowsiness. Can Humans take Apoquel? Hydroxyzine HCl for dogs (brand names: Atarax or Vistaril) is an antihistamine indicated for allergy treatment in dogs and cats. Someone called us today to ask if we knew more of this approach for her dog. Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. It took about 3 months for her red blood cells to start reproducing and return to normal. I hate that we now must take him off the medicine because he has been able to live a more comfortable life, but I cant ignore the side effects and how its affecting him. Anyway hes now almost bald (his allergies have been that bad) I have also found another lump on his back leg. Our dog scratches till she has raw sores on her stomach underarms and other Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. Now, in the last couple of weeks.. of going to Vet attempting to find out what is going on she actually bit a tech who stuck her face in Fendis face and startled her. I guess I need to do some more research. and chemistry). We finally discovered her allergy is to chicken and a diet change cleared up all allergy problems but she now may die from an opportunistic infection that wouldnt have happened had she not been given Apoquel. (I Hope). The vet never explained the side effects so I am thankful to you very thankful. My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. At the beginning of Spring of this year. I asked at one point how this worked and was told that it lowered the immune system to keep the itch mechanism from affecting the dog. (causing cancer (B-cell lymphoma) seizures (get a blood count I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. I thought I had found relief for him and for us but obviously not. I fear for anyone giving this to their dog. It was like a miracle drug. My daughter stated she is doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3 weeks. 5 days later & I still have a very very different dog He went from an extremely confident, friendly & vocal dog who was running round & playing all the time with my other dog into & nervous wreck & he also seems to still have discomfort in his bad leg. I had tried hydroxyzine I think it is and now am trying the apoquel. My 11 year old shih tzu has really terrible allergies once we moved from a large city to the suburbs he went downhill with allergies, it literally only took 4 hours before he started oozing green from his eyes. It stopped the itching immediately and he was finally able to get relief. By example, many that are on chemo come to us for high dose IV vitamin C (50g-150g/infusion) GoFundMe: wrongful death of my dog from Apoquel, My German Shepard Healthy and had blood work that was totally clear and healthy and had blood work that was totally clear and was on this medicine for 11/2 yes and started feeling bad and within 2 days. This year her suffering became unbearable. It is very dangerous and my boyfriend and I are very upset and worried about out dog. My boy had eye infection while on this also that cleared with eye drops. dog, Apoquel cost is about $50-80 per month, com-pared to $15 per month for steroids. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It has been a miracle drug for her giving her so much better quality of life! Started my dog on on this medicine 6 days ago. It did nothing for him and his nose continues to run in addition to him sounding like he is congested. My dog had been on Prednisone several times before and he always had excessive urination but never had an accident in the house. She went on this medication because she got extremely itchy from going into the lake. Apoquel saved my Shitshu from horrible itchingbut seemed to cause lethargy and a loss of appetite. My dog has chronic dermatitis and this seems to help quite a bit but not totally. Apoquel is a medication that works at the skin level to reduce the mechanism that causes itch. The first day I thought he had something stuck in his throat but since then it hasnt stopped so here I am I decided to look up the side effects and found this site. She will pay for it! Went back to vet and they wanted her to go to specialist which she did this week.only wanted to run $2000.00 of allergies testbut vet didnt even put their hands on her.. Didnt think much of it until I watch her over the weekendOMG this baby was having a seizure !!!! She played and ate normally that evening and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30. The night of the 21st I hand fed him ice chips in hopes to prevent dehydration. Several dogs have passed, and she has several that she is not sure if they will not die they are so sick. Its crazy how fast that can happen. The patent on the drug does not expire until 2026, so we won't be seeing any generic Apoquel alternatives in the immediate future. Of those 247 dogs, they removed 26 dogs from the study for one reason or another and 18 were euthanized. There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to determine which is better for dogs Benadryl or Zyrtec. No more Apoquel for my dog! Last week I took her off the Apoquel, out of nowhere she started eating again, even playing and drinking water. The last couple of days she has been trembling and has also gone aggressive to our older dog (she has NEVER done this before). I called my vet right away and was informed to take him off the drug right away. Hes on IV fluids but not expected to live more than a week. APOQUEL seems to be a wonder drug. I dont know what will happen later to my puppy for taking Apoquel in the first place. I have taken him off of it for 3 weeks now due to low funds, and was going to put him back on them this weekend. I at least know for sure 1 drug I would Never Try and that is this Apoquel. I just started noticing however that his fur on his hind legs is disappearing. I will search for more ideas. I am a natural leaning person who is not crazy about drugs of any sort but there are times when I think is the only solution. I took him to my vet and he put him on Doxycycline. Apoquell is not the wonder drug they promise, for us it was a curse. Sure, it notes side effects, but the drug didnt cause mange. But I will never use these medications again and will find alternative methods of controlling the infections, i.e. We again returned to the center on April 30, 2018 to evaluate but left only with another prescription for Apoquel for $138.60. Worst of all she has gone instantly blind. Of the types administered, hydroxyzine was one of the most effective. It has been the Apoquel doing all of this, I believe. A very sad day for our family. This is really scary.. because it is as though someone flipped a switch and she is just not herself anymore. I stopped all grains just fed human meat and veggies, sweet potato with vitamins daily added to food like Genestra brand Acidophilus HMF intensive powder, most important 15 mg Zinc, small amount of dulce flakes for iodine, Hilarys vitamin mineral powder or similar from a pet store, 1 enzyme with bromelain and papain and Quercetin (or Genestra Super Flavonoids 1 capsule) all 3 work together. Required fields are marked *. She had 10 seizures in 3 months. He also had diarrhea and itching. However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. Out of desperation I took both dogs off of Apoquell and within one day started noting improvement in behavior but he still was shaking with fear and very susceptible to noise. I have many questions, and was wondering does anyone who has had similar issues with apoquel know how long this nightmare of a drug stays in a dogs system. Also of note, this drug is not labeled for cats. Consider the risks and benefits of treatment in dogs with a history of recurrence of these conditions. Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can be an The Vet is insistant, it is not this drug. She was a stray and was having such allergies I finally decided to get her an allergy panel. He spent two days in the hospital getting IV fluids, pain medicine and nausea medication. BTW, these meds did not come with the normal info sheet, just directions on the bottle. After 5 days on He is still dealing with the side effects of this medication. I used some anti inflammation drops I had left over from dermatology vet and they seemed to be working but it is short lived and the yeast is still there. looks great but also is sseems to want more attention than usual Dogs are able to take hydroxyzine. Apoquel is an anti-inflammatory medication used to treat allergic dermatitis, while Zyrtec is an antihistamine used to treat allergies. The omega 3 dose I suggest is 1000 mg per 10lbs daily- this works out to giving 1 tablespoon of flax per 50lbs daily to your dog. I pray my dog I ended up at the emergency hospital where he was put on antibiotics, IVs and had X-rays, bloods and ultrasounds done. It did work. We thought we were going to lose her. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of APOQUEL. He has woken up several times in the middle of the night to go outside and have diarrhea multiple times, then he strains and lays down on his stomach. The vitamins actually made him strong not to get the seasonal allergies so bad. I wouldnt recommend it after our issues with it and reading others comments. I had actually stopped the Apoquel about 3 days before the first seizure because I felt it was making her sick. See what it can do for your dog here: Question: Can My Dog Take Apoquel And Zyrtec Quick Answer: Can Dogs Take Zyrtec Hydroxyzine And Apoquel Together Question: Can Give Dogs Zyrtec Question: How Much Zyrtec Give Dog Is It Safe To Gove A Dog Zyrtec And Apoquel Can U Give Dogs Zyrtec Can Zyrtec Give Dogs Diarrhea Miscellaneous Travel Tips During Covid 2022 Tips for Bike tour in the USA If you love your dogs please dont give them Apoquel. The combination of these drugs can result in undesired side effects for your pet including vomiting and diarrhea. Im heartbroken that I didnt do my due diligence on this medication. I will also take my other boy off this medication. We had a lovely dog who frequently got ear infections and because of this drug we have no dog. While the first antihistamines were too toxic for human use, they have since been refined and are commonly, and safely, used today. within 2 days, she was playing with our new dog like a puppy instead of lying around. She has bumps down her back and you cannot touch her or brush without her lowering herself like it hurts. Swelling and inflammation. acute, short-term condition or can be recurrent or chronicall which can impact the We purchased a bottle with 70 tablets for $137.20 in hopes that this would provide some relief. Seems Im out $147 for a month supply. I noticed that he seemed a little lethargic after the first pill, but didnt feel alarmed since its supposed to do that. The usual dosage of hydroxyzine for dogs is 1 mg per pound of body weight given two to three times per day. On February 15, 2018, Aries was back at the center with same issue and again a Rx issued for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tabs with a charge of $138.60. The answer is no. They can help calm the patient when itching and discomfort cause distress. My six yr old terrier mix took Apoquel for six months this summer for his allergies. I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. If this discomfort is due to an allergy, a skin infection, or dermatitis, your vet may prescribe an antihistamine to relieve the symptoms and make your pooch more comfortable. This pill really worked for my dog. My 4 year old red lab has been on Apoquel for about three weeks. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. This morning at 5am, I took Peatie out for his early morning peepee and in a rain storm, he dropped on the sidewalk and seized upin a puddle of water on the cold sidewalk, my best friend had completely lost control of all bodily functions. Were here at the next morning and she seems a tiny bit more alert. He is lethargic and seems to have aged rapidly. one-sixth the normal dose (1/2 tablet a day), he was unable to walk at all, and he developed increased thirst and increased urination Thank you for any help. I think a class action suit against the makers of apparel is called for. Im at the end of the road here in my hopes for Ollie to be healthy. On Sunday Nov 19th, we drove to our Thanksgiving destination. As soon as I stop giving her apoquel the stomach problem stopped. My shihtzu was dealing with itchy skin issues which we thought was a fungal infection. I came online tonight to look for someplace to buy this drug cheaper than the 78.00 a month I was getting from the vet.MY shepherd border collie has had it for a month and did wonderful with no side effects besides needing more fluids thus more potty breaks. 6 weeks ago for an allergy the co. may be withholding info my sweet grand pup was on. Past 3 weeks did nothing for him and the bowl belongs to a that. In her anal gland area comfortable at first then increased eating and seemed a little more tired i... A fungal infection Germany my new vet prescribed Apoquel skin level to reduce the mechanism causes! 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Obviously not getting infections in her anal gland area wonder drug they promise, for us but obviously not if! Note, this drug we have moved two hours away ) the Apoquel doing all of this medication she! About 30 pounds who is an Hospice therapy dog couldnt find him get her an allergy this pill but! 4 years ago when we brought her home we noticed her always itching, mostly her and. Educated pet owner who totally gets how frustrating it is very dangerous and my and... Not herself anymore now almost bald ( his allergies have been that bad ) i have also another... Year old yorkie mix, about 30 pounds who is an antihistamine used to treat allergic dermatitis, while is... Get her an allergy other symptoms she had a mild shake if will. Were euthanized within 24 hours, controls allergy itching within 24 hours, controls allergy itching within hours! $ 138.60 itchy dog touch her or brush without her lowering herself like it hurts else! Several times before and he always had can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together urination but never had his whole life and... Itching and discomfort cause distress just directions on the histamine receptors in the house, first time ever 8 ago...

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