how to survive the death house curse of strahdhow to survive the death house curse of strahd

If the PCs decide to take a long rest in the house, allow them to roll an Intelligence check to recall the relative safety of the Servants Quarters. What should players and DMs expect and, most importantly, how does an optional starter dungeon nestled towards the very back of the adventure module book become so well known? Ghoulish Encounter.- Depending on the partys reaction to this, it can be a very lethal encounter. All things considered, though, that might not be terribly long This is Barovia after all! Ritual Chambers.- Illusory figments of cultists sing to the players to sacrifice a creature. Be very careful with this encounter, narrative description of the monster is really important. Did you do anything differently? I provided their flaws through PM, and both had a blast roleplaying it. Use. The Death House isnt a mandatory part of the Curse of Strahd adventure module, but I absolutely love including it in my own games. If you only have a limited amount of time to play Death House and are relying on descriptions rather than battle maps, focus on the bold regions highlighted here. Ravenloft's Barovia is one of the scariest settings in all of DnD, and here's why. It is a very fun encounter against an enemy who cannot be beaten. A simple Animal Handling check (DC 15, with advantage if offering food) allowed the party to persuade the dog to come along. The tension of sneaking up to her hut and witnessing what she does within it will really mess with your players. Death House Encounters The Themes of the Death House in Curse of Strahd Everything Will Be Corrupted The Innocent Also Suffer Abandon All Hope Making the Death House Better Plot Hook Encounter Difficulty Levels Connections to Curse of Strahd Lore Add Extra Creepiness A Personal Favorite Touch Conclusion What is the Death House? They havent opened it yet, but Im hoping that theyll use the letter as an excuse to take an interest in Ismark when they arrive at the tavern. All the PCs can do is try to reach the first story and escape through the front door. From there, its up to you if you want them to level up again before progressing the story or if you want them to wait a little bit and get at least a few more fights or milestones under their belt.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-2','ezslot_22',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-2-0'); Pay special attention to describing the various things that the party can find and interact with. The way this adventure works. Almost parallels Death house. Throughout, the PC received a sense of quiet pride from Rose. Death house should be run as written with the warning of maybe making some of the encounters easier. I was specifically using u/MandyMod 's guide to Streamlining Death House to set the adventure up (i.e. The fight with her is also a very tense encounter, especially when her creeping hut comes to life to surprise your party. She deserves more development, especially in a stripped-down Death House emphasizing the evil nature of the Dursts. Lingering within this daunting abode is the remains of the Order Of The Silver Dragon. That said, Death House can be a brutal experience. Mimic the personalities of the illusions, but emphasize that these are the real kids who met a tragic end due to the foul machinations of their parents. We premade characters based on Scooby-Doo for our friends to choose from and we even co-DM'd the game so we could split the party (like they always do in Scooby-Doo). When the Paladin looked at the model home, he realized that it was an exact model of the house that they were currently in. The nature of D&D 5e is that it is almost hilariously easier to die at lower levels than it is at higher levels even as tougher enemies appear. Here, the children seize full control over their hosts bodies. This subreddit serves as a helpful place for anyone running the Curse of Strahd module for D&D 5e. The land is grim and desolate. You want this to be fun, scary, and challenging. It's all important, because it also teaches the players to pay attention to the environment. The children that the party encounters on the road (Rose and Thorn) are asking for help dealing with whatever entity is inside the house. But the most terrifying part of this theme is that it also applies to the party themselves. Well look over those now. Well and Cultist Quarters.- In these rooms theres some treasure to be found. What font did you use for Strahd when you were making these? Id greatly recommend also checking out my article on running horror in your own D&D 5e games! Absolutely do not show the party the image of the children in the book. They become caught in the mists and can't travel to the afterlife. Or jump from a balcony. Depending on your group, and how roleplay heavy they are. Give little clues or observations that are simply meant to unnerve the players. Your players will likely be asked to go here by a Dusk Elf called Kasimir, who has heard stories of great knowledge and hidden items deep inside the temple. I almost just left it in but felt like it would have just confused my players. There are three encounters in the Death House (not including the Dungeon Level.) As a new DM don't worry about getting things wrong. As far as campaign openings go, the Death House does a lot to establish the themes that will be appearing throughout the Curse of Strahd adventure. 12. I wanted to make it obvious that the encounter at the altar was the final step to fleeing Death House. The main Curse of Strahd module encompasses levels 3-10. Youll find little elements that serve to foreshadow events to come. To make the connection clear, I told the PCs that a blanket of mist was rolling off the top of the dais, and that it very much resembled the fog that they had seen blocking their way outside. At the very least, lower their hit points a bit. This didnt come up, but if the party had tried to force one of the possessed PCs off of the property, I would have described a scene in which both PC and ghost were screaming in agony, with the spirit being violently torn from the body with every inch that the PC was pulled across the border. The party did some little experiments to see if the dolls moved if they left the room, but nothing happened. I doubt that most non-murderhobo groups will actually sacrifice someone here. The adventure was unveiled in the February 2016 issue of Dragon+ as an example of the thrills that would come in the then-unreleased Curse of Strahd. This makes the encounter with a coven of hags all the more imposing. Its entirely optional but it does work to introduce the themes of Barovia and the Curse of Strahd adventure as a whole. The descriptions in the adventure are pretty vivid and you might be tempted to gloss over some of them (especially if you havent read ahead in the full Curse of Strahd adventure.). They hit level 2 before progressing into the Dungeon Level and hit level 3 upon escaping the mansion. Your players will not leave this location quite the same as when they arrived. We called it "The Curse of the Murderous Mansion.". Alternatively a severely hurt PC might choose to volunteer himself for the sacrifice. One benefit of having a non-PC creature with the party is that when the reach the altar, they have an option to sacrifice that isnt a player - but one that will make them feel deliciously worse. The PCs have the hallways width to their favor, as its a natural funnel. What is it? The knights are now consumed by rage and hatred for Strahd and will attack all that enter the manor. PCs can find a Cloak of Protection as treasure, plus a spellbook. The Best Books That EVERY DM NEEDS To Read! Results will vary depending on your groups disposition and alignment. You made Rose and Thorn like Bianca and Nico DiAngelo! I won't plagiarize it here, but I highly recommend checking their work out here. The party loved getting them, as it let them read the details of the letters and make connections with their content, versus having me read the content from the adventure. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Still, it damages the verisimilitude for the PCs to think, Lets follow these creepy children into their house because thats what the DM wants us to do. Instead, I recommend giving an additional hook to sweeten the deal: The illusions of Rose and Thorn know about the fog, but refuse to stray into it. When Death House is rejected, it gets mad. A way to warn the party is the smell. Once again, adjust the challenge of these encounters as you see fit for your party. Im a sucker for giving parties cute animals to play off of, and in a bleak and empty setting like Death House, that can only be a bonus. Death House rebuilds itself if burned down. Death House isn't the first free adventure for 5th edition that has been shared . They will close up on them leading them to the Village of Barovia. When the PCs escape Death House, many DMs agree that a congratulations from Strahd is in order. Full Guide to Warlock Pact Boons in D&D 5e, The Legend of the Peasant Railgun in D&D 5e, Attack of Opportunity in D&D 5e Explained, Best Druid Spells By Level: A Top 10 List, I Had an AI Make a D&D Character (and it got really weird! Finally, the specter of the Nursemaid can be encountered on the third floor. I'm always a little disappointed that one of the family members isn't named Frederick. Vampire spawn lay in waiting, ready to cause chaos amongst the town, turning it into a bloodbath. You can let them know something is coming with smell and sounds. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. I advice to treat these children like a simulacrum-like spell. I'd recommendat the leastencouraging your players to long rest. But something must be killed, smart players might try to find a rat and kill it. As written, she only appears as an uncommunicative specter who attacks the party in either the Nursemaids Suite where a crib containing an empty baby-sized bundle can be found or the Storage Room, where her skeletal remains are stuffed in a trunk. Each and every doll in the chest had a face painted on it, though. This can inject some much-needed comedy into an otherwise bleak adventure, since Death House suggests that possessed characters still retain their faculties but gaina flaw from their possessor. Anyone watching the ghosts notices the spirits of the Durst parents staring at the music player. Upon escaping to the outside, the house appears as if nothing ever happened. The party is expected to take them at face value and enter the house as soon as possible. Related: The Best Books That EVERY DM NEEDS To Read! She was then stabbed by the cultists for unexplained reasons and cast aside. This probably explains why he loves story-driven games so much. Ending the Cycle. ), The Themes of the Death House in Curse of Strahd. Death House is a really fun module, but it suffers from a lack of content upfront. But, the ultimate horror comes from the complete lack of hope that this location implies. I cant recommend their use highly enough; do everything you can to get the party to take an interest in these kids. . You can tweak this finale to make the encounter more interesting and satisfying: Death House, despite certain quirks, is a rock-solid descent into darkness, as well as excellent fodder for a Halloween one-shot. introduction to the bleak and despair-filled land of Barovia. Instead, when the party exited, they found a small gift basket in the street in front of Death House. The walls and rats made for a great way to use lateral thinking to evade the blades. This will give them a chance to have a tense meal with Strahd, as well as perhaps slip away to explore its spooky halls if they can survive them. Death House is that deadly. Curse Of Strahd is one of the best campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons. There is lots of foreshadowing for the story to come. Unfortunately, if your players are like mine, theyll be reluctant to explore what is clearly a haunted house, and the creepy artwork of Rose and Thorn inCurse of Strahdwill tip them off that these kids arent what they appear to be. I will definitely incorporate these ideas next time! 32. The link to MandyMods guide is above or right here: Set in the realm of Barovia, a Domain Of Dread within Ravenloft, your players find themselves transported here and trapped. Death House is a house situated in the Village Of Barovia, so before everything else you need to figure out if you want to run it or not. In it, they found a note bearing the words Welcome to Barovia (signed with a cursive letter S), a bottle of Purple Dragon Crush, and a taunting letter addressed to Ismark Kolyanovich. Posted by Joab | Sep 11, 2021 | For Dungeon Masters | 9. Im really loving the halloween content this year! I am actually in the process of setting this up as a one-shot for some of my experienced gamer friends. Strahd is aware of these events. Curse Of Strahd is one of the best campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons. However, there is enough information provided to add your own spins to the Death House. Locals give the building a wide berth for fear of antagonizing the evil spirits believed to haunt it. People either absolutely love it or hate it! Exploring the house is fun, but its basically an empty house for the first two and a half floors. What this means is that anyone can use them, share them or modify them. We also replace the shambling mound with a Blood Hulk! The final confrontation in Death House is an odd one. So theres a certain level of are we going to play D&D? here. I'm hosting my second ever session tonight and my party will be heading into the dungeonhave I missed something? Once theyve explored the first, second, and third floors (plus the attic if they find how to get there! Players destroyed the statue of Strahd at Death House. Your party will slowly explore the creepy house, gradually delving deeper and deeper inside until they must make a difficult choice deep down in the ritual chamber hidden underground. The Companion dives through every chapter of Curse of Strahd and incorporates Wyatt Trull's mithral-bestselling module, The Wedding at Ravenloft as the campaign's climax. Death House is a meat grinder meant to kill low-level players. Copyright My players tend to really get into the roleplaying and exploration aspects, so we usually finish in two game sessions. Jeremy Blum (@PixelGrotto) is a journalist, gaming blogger, comic book aficionado, and fan of all forms of storytelling who rolled his first polyhedral dice while living in Hong Kong in 2017. There might be some who have managed to mostly keep out of trouble, but they are very few in these lands. The party will not stand even a slight chance until much, MUCH later in the campaign!). It is intentionally incredibly tough to survive visiting the Death House (the clue was in its name, after all), as it is full of ghosts, ghouls, and other dangers within. 2023 Elven Tower Cartography. However, what about those who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_20',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Unfortunately, the actions of the truly wicked mean that the innocents around them are also left to suffer. ! 2023 Wizards. Most likely there will be no sacrifice, which will anger the illusory cultists. Considering how well this sets up for the rest of the adventure, I greatly recommend getting the module! Help me get funding and enjoy hi resolution version of all my work. In other words, try to elevate the nursemaid into a character beyond that of a nameless victim. He's a postgraduate from Bournemouth University, having studied Scriptwriting. The house itself will turn against the party, making for a terrifying escape attempt. Thorn thought the game was amusing and wanted to give his new Paladin friend one of his toys. Den of Wolves (contains a cabinet full of various crossbows, plus bolts), Kitchen and Pantry (contains a dumbwaiter that a Small character can squeeze into and use to move to different areas of the house), Servants Room (connects to the dumbwaiter), Library (contains books on the houses history), Master Suite (connects to the dumbwaiter and contains a treasure chest), Storage Room (features another potential encounter with the Durst nursemaid), Well and Cultist Quarters (has some lootable cultist belongings worth a few gold pieces), Hidden Spiked Pit (a trap that will potentially kill the PCs), Ghoulish Encounter (a fight with four former cultists-turned-, Darklords Shrine (a shrine to Strahd and a potential battle with five, Hidden Trapdoor (leads up to the Den of Wolves on the first floor), Cult Leaders Den (contains a battle with a. Because shes reducing their maximum HP to zero, they wont be making death saves. As I was prepping DH, I decided to make player handouts for the three letters that the party would eventually find within the haunted house: 1) Strahd's letter to Mr. Durst, 2) Elisabeth Durst's letter about the 'ceremony', and then 3) Gustav's suicide letter. This instantly made them think: Stop the altar -> get rid of the fog, and got them to climb to the top. You get the feeling that youre being watched., In the corner of your eye, you see a ghoulish figure that disappears as you turn to face it.. Its the Durst Mansion or, if the kids are talking, our home. Nobodys going to eagerly go rushing into something called the Death House. 20. As adventurers reach the top of the attic, they will find themselves in an aggressive place, they house is trying to kill them (page 220). Perhaps she legitimately loved Gustav and hoped to free him from the cults influence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dress Up This October With This Month's Free Subscription Perks! The adventure was unveiled in the February 2016 issue of Dragon+ as an example of the thrills that would come in the then-unreleased Curse of Strahd. In my party of murder hobos we do Death House as a level 5 adventure filled with Lycanthropes, Strahd Zombies, and Vampire Spawn. But, this is Strahd's home, and the battle will not be easy. By default, characters are supposed to enter the house at 1st level, level up to 2 after they find a set of secret stairs, and hit 3rd level when they make it out of the Death House alive. Oh, Death House. Childrens Room .- The remains of Rose and Thorn are here. (If youre feeling generous, or really want your players to see the entirety of the house in a quick Halloween night of gaming, you could even run it at 3rd level.). They were wearing the exact same gear but seemed to not have their faces painted on. THANK YOU SO MUCH. When running horror and suspense, this kind of foreshadowing is your best friend. The mists will dictate the places the party can visit. The PCs might be in possession of some treasure, money and the deeds for two properties. Well cover some of the changes that I make when Im running this dungeon for my groups later in this article. Even at a high level, this location and the final fight will be scary, but to really terrify your players, invite them over for dinner at the castle earlier on into the campaign. She and her daughters are, in fact, a coven of Night Hags. After exiting the house, the mists of Ravenloft recede and will let them explore the Village of Barovia. The party will attack them. Tabletop Joab is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. All the maps in this website are registered under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC. Once this is noted, or the ghosts are interacted with, all of the dancers stop and stare at the PCs before vanishing. For Strahd's signature, I used the font DeiGratia for the capital letters (i.e. 4. Death House beginsas the partyencounterstwo illusions of the Durst familys dead children, Rose and Thorn. Let me clarify the party all died trying to flee the house in the end, but everyone still had a blast! joining the sa forums will remove this big ad, the annoying underlined ads, and stupid interstitial ads!! This is a railroad, but an acceptable one if your players care enough about the children to want to help them. It's a horrific truth that will send a shiver down your party's spines. To make her feel more real, I had her only attack those that approached the crib or threatened her baby; if disturbed, she slowly turned toward those that entered the nursery, revealing the face of a terrified, skeletal young woman whose flesh slowly fell off in chunks to reveal the specter beneath. And they wont find something quite like that anytime soon. Upon finding it, one player promptly cut off its head, and the other threw the crystal ball on the ground and shattered it. I moved her from her bedroom to the nursery, and removed the possibility of an encounter in the storage room altogether. Honestly, the story behind the adventure is incredibly grim and might be off-putting to some groups. Be careful. Balcony.- The animated armor can be challenging if PCs dont react properly. You will be sure to terrify your party with this location, especially when they hear that horrible shriek of that feathered fiend and have nowhere to run. I never thought of that. They include: Allow the PCs to hear the sounds of conversation and clinking silverware from the dining room, and then having those sounds vanish when the door opens. They will be tempted by corrupting, evil, dark gifts that twist and mess with the characters. We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Nothing will prepare your players for what lurks inside. This is a difficult fight too. For starters, that kind of monster is completely out of place here. Alternative to Death House Pt 2. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. A good way to ease up the difficulty is to have the shadows come in waves, 2 by 2. In fact, the more good something is, the more it must be corrupted. Now that we are done with the adventure, I'm posting the handouts in case anyone wants to use them - feel free to utilize them anyway that helps you! If they kill any creature on the altar, the cult is appeased and the characters can leave the house freely. However if you wish to start from level 1, the attached dungeon crawl Death House is a great tool to level the party up, set the tone of the campaign and introduce a few clues and facts about the realm. 29. The nature of Barovia is that those things which were once good are destined to become corrupted. Dunno.the Death House is pretty much the perfect setup for CoS. It's well described, escalates quickly, and lays some groundwork that would be challenging to put into another setting easily. As written, its a fun and challenging (almost too challenging!) Thank you for this. The Death House is actually a very challenging dungeon. Give the party a chance to rest and level up (if they started at level 1) before they work their way to the Dungeon Level.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-1-0'); In the Dungeon Level, the party will encounter a Grick and several undead. They wont go into the house because of the monster, but they wont go into the fog because theyre scared of getting lost. Kitchen and Pantry.- There is a small elevator that a small PC can use to access area 12, the master bedroom. However, this is more a set of skill challenges than combat. With Death House, you'll need to take time in each room, describing the blazing hearths, the strange wolf-helm armor, everything. When asked about the passage to the attic, she stepped aside, leaving the mirror blank save for his own reflection. If you started at level 1, this is a good point to have everyone level up. 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