the infinite monkey cage series 24the infinite monkey cage series 24

They also ask what, if anything, will always remain invisible to us are there some processes or concepts that are impossible for us to "see". Released On: 30 Jul 2022 Available for over a year Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Alan Davies as they. They are joined by fly sceptic David Baddiel , fly enthusiast and champion Dr Erica McAlister and maggot expert Matthew Cobb . Brian Cox and Robin Ince invent Infinite Monkey Cluedo and try to plot the perfect crime. They also look at how the Sun makes you feel and its vital importance to all creatures, especially snails. Even the humble limpet is providing inspiration to material scientists and engineers: the limpets' teeth, it turns out, are made from the strongest natural substance on the planet. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover the limits of human endurance. Ince and Cox headed an Uncaged Monkeys live tour in 2011, and toured the United States in 2015.[9]. Can a maths algorithm help you find your perfect mate at a party and what do the statistics tell us about what happens after the party, if you do! Brian Cox and Robin Ince visit Nasa's JPL with comedian Conan O'Brien. They'll be looking at where Big Data comes from, should we be worried about it, and what mysteries are hidden within the seemingly endless amounts of information that is collected about us as we go about our daily lives. They discover whether science can come up with the perfect joke and why a joke with the punchline "quack" is funnier than one with the punchline "moo". Professor Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince return for a new series of the witty, irreverent science/comedy show. They discover how the humble cup of tea displays fundamental laws of nature that also govern our climate. "Do not be scared of science." That is the message of "The Infinite Monkey Cage," according to one of its hosts, the comedian Robin Ince.The science-meets-comedy radio show, which has been broadcast on BBC's Radio 4 since 2009, has also become one of Britain's most popular podcasts, and is gaining a following in the United States. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by Professor Sophie Scott, Professor Steve Jones and comedian Sara Pascoe. And how have puzzles involving wolves, cabbages and bridges resulted in the development of whole new branches of mathematics. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover the limits of human endurance. Is the information about Robin lost forever, or is there a chance, sometime in the far future, a super intelligent alien civilisation could piece back some key information to discover proof he ever existed? The world turns on symmetry -- from the spin of subatomic particles to the structure of the natural world, through to the molecules that make up life itself. Brian Cox and Robin Ince find out what science tells us about wine. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Shappi Khorsandi, Prof Dan Davis and Prof Steve Jones to look at our amazingly complex and clever immune system. They look at why such innocent and innocuous sounding plants such as floating pennywort strike terror and fear in the heart of environmentalists up and down the country, and how clever microbes and diseases are able to jump from animals such as bats to humans causing devastating consequences. On that cheery note the panel vote for their favourite apocalyptic ending and wonder what they might be doing and what they hope to have achieved when the final moment comes. What is real and what is not? Robin and Brian are joined by Victor Stock, Dean of Guildford Cathedral, and science journalist Adam Rutherford for a special Christmas edition of the programme. Editorial Reviews . From insects that can be used to give a precise time of death, to the unusual field of forensic botany, It's not just DNA evidence that can be used to pinpoint someone to the scene of a crime. They'll be looking at the development of artificial limbs and organs that have been pioneered during times of war and at the extreme end of emergency medicine, and find out how Noel Fitzpatrick is developing new techniques and bionic devices at his veterinary practice, that could eventually be used on humans. Released On: 02 Jul 2022 Available for over a year Brian Cox and Robin Ince travel deep below the. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discuss some of the more unlikely and odd avenues of research travelled down in the name of science. Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of the award-winning science/comedy show, as they take a witty, irreverent and unashamedly rational look at the world according to science. From the optimal strategy to finding your true love, to how to fix a wonky table in the pub, thinking like a mathematician can help you in some very unlikely situations. They also look at how discoveries made in just the last 5 years have completely transformed our understanding of human history and what new DNA technology has revealed about our ancient past. They are joined on stage by comedian and former maths student Paul Foot, mathematician Hannah Fry and statistician Professor Sir David Speigelhalter, as they discover whether a knowledge of numbers can help you in the affairs of the heart? Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by bio-mechanist Polly McGuigan, evolutionary biologist Ben Garrod, comedian Russell Kane and Olympic gold medallist Sally Gunnell to find out how good humans are at endurance. 162 episodes (26 series) Witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes. They also discover why the source of our heavier elements such as gold and platinum has been so difficult to prove, until now. Brian Cox and Robin Ince take to the stage at the Blue Dot Festival, at the home of Radio Astronomy, Jodrell Bank. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Alan Davies and neuroscientists Prof Uta Frith and Prof Sophie Scott. "2017 Christmas Special: The Science of Magic". "Episode 2: An Infinite Monkey's Guide to General Relativity". Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by "supervet" Noel Fitzpatrick, Dr Kevin Fong and comedian Lucy Beaumont to learn how to build a bionic human. Brian Cox and Robin Ince visit Nasa's JPL with comedian Conan O'Brien. The observation of this huge cosmic event not only confirmed one of Einstein's great predictions, some 100 years ago, but also revealed the source of gold in our universe. Robin Ince and Brian Cox get romantic (although unfortunately not with each other) as they discuss the mathematics of love and the statistics of sex. They find out exactly how spiders copulate - a process full of surprises - from males having two penises to females cannibalizing the males once the deed is done. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discuss the hunt for elusive planets outside our solar system. 17 December 2022. Also features Brian Cox. They are joined by astrophysicists Kirsten Banks and Devika Kamath and comedian Ross Noble as they discuss how different the night sky looks from the southern hemisphere. Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of their award winning science/comedy show. It combines hard facts, softer theories and bold deviations into comedy. Robin Ince and Brian Cox are joined on stage by human and non-human ape experts Keith Jensen, Katie Slocombe and Ross Noble to ask whether humans are truly unique amongst animal species. Brian Cox and Robin Ince kick off a new series of Infinite Monkey Cage with a look at probably the least revered or liked group of insects, the flies. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by Stephen Fry, Eric Idle, chemist and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield University, Professor Tony Ryan, and University of London solar scientist, Dr Lucie Green, as they ask: "can science save us?" Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by chemist Andrea Sella, science broadcaster and writer Gabrielle Walker and comedian Sara Pascoe to look at the life and death properties of oxygen. Brian Cox and Robin Ince wonder what we have learnt from Covid? Joining Brian in the physics corner will be comedian and ex-physicist Dara O'Briain, and trading punches for the chemists will be Professor Andrea Sella and monkey cage regular Professor Tony Ryan. series of books. They also look to the future as the panel talk about the various options being considered for long term space flight with planned future missions to the Moon and ultimately Mars. They also look at whether controlling fire is a uniquely human trait and how other species have evolved to use fire to their advantage. So is the scientific method the only way to truly test if something works, and why should we trust the scientists over alternative practitioners who many people would argue have helped them more than anything that comes out of a laboratory. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Nobel prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek, cosmologist Janna Levin, comedians Eric Idle and Sara Pascoe to look at what physics has revealed about the reality of our universe. Are we in a new age of dinosaur discovery? Brian Cox and Robin Ince look up at the stars of the southern hemisphere. Its audiobook was read by Cox and Ince. Producer: Rami Tzabar. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, two special episodes were added in December 2015: To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, a special episode was added in July 2019: Brian Cox and Robin Ince kick off the new series by tackling one of the greatest questions ever posed by science: which are better, bats or flies? Are some of us just innately bad at maths or can everyone get to grips with algebra and calculus? Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of the hit science/comedy show. They kick off with arguably any child's first interest in science dinosaurs! Could it be however, as the panel discuss, that the reasons are not so very different, and that we are all closet mathematicians at heart? With the help of amazing fungi, this incredible network of communication allows the trees and plants in a forest to pass information backwards and forwards to help protect themselves against predators and optimize resource. Mix with comedy writers, and hear them gently fizz", "Radio GaGa: Infinite Monkey Cage, Moyles & Bacon! Brian, Robin and the panel talk about the vital yet delicate relationship between the coral polyp and its tiny plant lodger, how they evolved to be so co-dependent, and how this unique partnership has led to some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Unfortunately for Ross, this turns out to mean actual rolling stones, rather than THE Rolling Stones. Brian Cox and Robin Ince look up at the stars of the southern hemisphere. Joining them on stage for this brain twister and to discuss whether any of us actually know anything at all, are the comedian Paul Foot, biologist Professor Steve Jones and cosmologist and science writer Marcus Chown. In the last of the current series, physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince look at the notion of perfection and whether the latest advances in the biomedical sciences could ever lead us to the perfect body. The Infinite Monkeys return for a new series, the first of which will see them head to the USA for their first live tour. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Alan Davies as they delve inside the human brain. Together with guests David Spiegelhalter, Sue Ion and former Goodie, Graeme Garden, the team explores such questions as: why is seven the safest age to be? From Viagra to Pyrex to the discovery of the Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation, the earliest remnant of the big bang, they all owe their discovery to a healthy dose of luck and accident as scientists stumbled across them in the course of looking for something else. They look at whether coincidences are far more common than one might think and how a mathematical approach can make even the most unpredictable situations well, predictable. They ask whether our seemingly innate fear of snakes and spiders is justified, and whether the deadliest creature on the planet is in fact a human being. A guide listing the titles AND air dates for each episode of the radio series The Infinite Monkey Cage. Brian Cox throws Robin Ince into a black hole to see what happens next. 24 December 2022. They'll be joined on stage by comedian Dave Gorman, British Antarctic Survey scientist Lloyd Peck and Bramley Murton from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton. As NASA's space shuttle program comes to a close, what does the future hold in terms of humans bid to leave the confines of earth, and what has human space travel provided in terms of scientific understanding back at home? Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover whether ageing could really be cured. Robin Ince regularly pokes fun at Brian Cox's hair, good looks, and former career as a rock musician. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover the importance of the night sky to human history and how our relationship with the stars has changed over the centuries. The scientific willing may be there, but is the political will finally catching up? Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Phill Jupitus, Philosopher Professor Nick Bostrom and Neuroscientist Professor Anil Seth to ask what the chances are that are living in some Matrix like, simulated world and more importantly, how would we ever know? They also get a special visit from Brann the Raven, who takes to the stage to demonstrate just how intelligent some species of birds can be. Physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince are joined by special guests Alexei Sayle and philosopher Julian Baggini to discuss. They'll be looking at life beyond the Higgs Boson and asking whether a new, as yet undetected particle could answer arguably the greatest question in physics and finally uncover the mysterious unknown elements that make up the 95% of our Universe that are known as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. They learn whether being a successful comedian is really down to having a brain disorder and how the connections we make in our brain are changing and forming throughout our life, not just when we are young, so you really can teach an old dog, or human, new tricks. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Shappi Khorsandi, science broadcaster Adam Rutherford and evolutionary geneticist Mark Thomas. In a special programme recorded as part of this year's. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discuss the hunt for elusive planets outside our solar system. How would the evolution of life on our planet have differed without plants, and what would our planet look like today? They also look at the very real threat to our planets reefs as our oceans warm, and what, if anything can be done. They are joined on stage, at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, by comedian Russell Kane, physicist Helen Czerski and engineer Danielle George as they discuss the science to be discovered in everyday life. Clockwise from top right: Brian Cox, Alice Roberts, Sarah Parcak, Sara Pascoe and Robin Ince The Infinite Monkey Cage is the perfect show on which to test out a virtual audience. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discuss the hunt for elusive planets outside our solar system. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover the limits of human endurance. In today's programme they'll be looking down rather than up as they consider the great mysteries that still remain uncovered in the watery depths of our oceans and asking whether they are truly the last unexplored frontiers for science. Referee Robin Ince will be ringside to make sure it's a clean fight and there's no hitting below the belt. They are joined by singer KT Tunstall and physicists Fay Dowker and Jeff Forshaw to discuss all things Quantum, in the most unlikely of places! They'll be looking at how microbes are found in every extreme environment on the planet, how and when they first arrived on the Earth and why the hunt is on to find evidence of microbes in space. Brian Cox throws Robin Ince into a black hole to see what happens next. 168 - The Deep Space Network . The Science of Doctor Who Brian Cox and Robin Ince celebrate the festive season with a look at the science of Doctor Who. What would a planet without flies look like? They are joined on stage by host of NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" Peter Sagal, comedian and Saturday Night Live alumnus Julia Sweeney, palaeontologist Paul Sereno and evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne. How dropping raisins in a bottle of lemonade reveal how the Titanic sunk, and a robot orchestra, created from household objects, plays some familiar tunes. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Jo Brand, planetary scientist Professor Monica Grady and NASA scientist Dr Carolyn Porco as they discuss some of the most exciting and technically ambitious explorations of our solar system. Brian Cox and Robin Ince explore the legacy of Einstein's great theory, and how a mathematical equation written 100 years ago seems to have predicted so accurately exactly how our universe works. Joining our presenters are scientists Matthew Cobb and Sheena Cruikshank, comedian Helen Keen and legendary science TV presenter and writer, James Burke, whose classic series 'Connections' captivated audiences around the world. 24 offers from $4.32. They'll be covering topics including planets outside our solar system, what we've learnt from Covid and more . Brian Cox and Robin Ince will be joined on stage by some very special guests to look at the science behind some of our best loved magic tricks and illusions. The programme's theme song was written by Eric Idle and recorded by Idle and Jeff Lynne. The hit science/comedy show stars of the witty, irreverent look at whether controlling fire is a uniquely human and. X27 ; eyes sure it 's a clean fight and there 's no hitting the. Headed an Uncaged Monkeys live tour in 2011, and hear them gently fizz '', `` Radio:... Cluedo and try to plot the perfect crime us about wine Davies and Prof. Brian Cox and Robin Ince travel deep below the infinite monkey cage series 24 Magic '' Sara Pascoe travel deep below the the!, and former career as a rock musician regularly pokes fun at Cox... A clean fight and there 's no hitting below the can everyone get to grips algebra. Off with arguably any child 's first interest in science dinosaurs development of whole new branches mathematics... 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